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Setting Expectations

Setting Group Expectations

Group Member Names: Hector Huertas, Beth Sebian-lead

1. When are group members available to work together? What hours can each group member work individually? Are there any personal time commitments that need to be discussed? Our work calendar is posted here:

2. How will group members communicate? How often will communication happen, and how will open lines of communication be maintained? We will have a 15-min check-in during lunch every day to review progress from the night before, set new goals for the evening ahead, and confirm our afternoon work time. We will use this time to update Waffle and revise deadlines.

3. Which feature(s) does each group member want to work on? Which feature(s) does each group member not want to work on? Hector: I want to work on everything, less strong with style, want to balance improving style skills with not getting frustrated with them. Beth: I care most about knowing how everything fits together, I want a functional and well-tested app, would love it to look pretty but don't need it to, if we have time at the end I'd like to focus on improving the design.

4. What does each group member hope to get out of the project? Hector: I want to pass the project, feel successful Beth: I want to learn about how the components fit together, I want to be able to contribute in every area but don't need to master every area.

5. What is the agreed upon Git workflow? Who will review pull requests, and when? What project management tool will be used? Hector will review Beth's merges, vice versa. We'll use Waffle to manage the project. We will divide tasks with the goal that we complete many of the component pieces independently; we agreed to set aside time in the first couple days to make a plan for merge conflicts and avoiding unnecessary complications.

6. What is expected of group members when they run into problems implementing a feature? We agree to reach out to our partner within a half-hour if we run into an issue that stalls progress.

7. How does each group member want feedback (both positive and constructive) to be delivered? Hector: I want feedback as soon as possible. Beth: When you give feedback, I'd like Hector to illustrate what behavior he'd like instead. I also like doing a quick PLUS/DELTA conversation at the end of every work session to review what worked well, what we want to change for our next time.

8. Is there anything else the group should know about personal work/communication styles? Hector: when I'm intensely working, I can be very direct/blunt. Also, I like to give a lot of opinions...if it's too much please let me know. I want Beth to let me know if I'm being too opinionated. Structure is important to me. Beth: It's important to me that we are completely aligned about the structure of our program and our priorities at any given moment

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