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Last active March 22, 2019 22:59
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Bucket Storage. Fast util for persisting and retrieving from local or session storage it's also bucket oriented
const DEFAULT_BUCKET_NAME = "general";
const DEFAULT_TYPE = "local";
* Storage class should be used as follow:
* @param string "session" || "local" //default local
* @param string Bucket Name, where following objects will be stored, it's like a namespace.
* const storage = Storage("local", "tables");
* storage.update("reports-table-p2", {
* columns: {
* updatedAt: { filterString: "2018/03/21", isHidden: true }
* }
* });
* You can chain methods like
* storage.update("new-table", {
* someData: "Alberto"
* }).update("new-table", {
* someNewData: "Juan"
* });
* storage.get("new-table")) // { someData: "Alberto", newData: "Juan" }
* To completely replace use set.
* storage.set("new-table", { }); // {}
* storage.remove("new-table").get("new-table"); // false
* You can merge objects like
* const obj1 = {
* name: "Alberto",
* age: 35
* };
* const obj2 = {
* favoriteMeal: "hamburger",
* age: 18
* };
* storage.set("new-table", obj1).update("new-table", obj2); // { name: "Alberto", age: 18, favoriteMeal: "hamburger" }
* To remove a bucket just use
* storage.deleteBucket();
* */
export class Storage {
constructor(type = DEFAULT_TYPE, bucket = DEFAULT_BUCKET_NAME){
if(type === "local") {
this.retrieve = this.localStorageRetrieve.bind(this, bucket);
this.persist = this.localStoragePersist.bind(this, bucket);
this.deleteBucket = this.localStorageDeleteBucket.bind(this, bucket);
} else {
this.retrieve = this.sessionStorageRetrieve.bind(this, bucket);
this.persist = this.sessionStoragePersist.bind(this, bucket);
this.deleteBucket = this.sessionStorageDeleteBucket.bind(this, bucket);
this.canUseStorage = this.canUseStorage.bind(this, type);
* Retrieve key from localStorage or sessionStorage
* */
Storage.prototype.get = function(key) {
if(this.canUseStorage()) {
return this._getElement(key);
//Push to elements array if the key doesn't exists
Storage.prototype.create = function(key = null, data = {}){
if(!key) {
return this;
let element = this._getElement(key);
if(!element) {
let elements = this.retrieve();
if(elements) {
elements[key] = data;
} else {
elements = {
[key]: data
return this;
Update key with the data provided
Storage.prototype.update = function(key = null, data = {}, merge = true) {
if(key) {
let element = this._getElement(key);
if (merge) {
Object.assign(element, mergeDeep(element, data));
} else {
Object.assign(element, data)
let elements = this.retrieve();
elements[key] = element;
} else {
return this.create(key, data);
return this;
Set the key with the data provided
Storage.prototype.set = function(key = null, data = {}) {
if(key) {
//if null is sent, place an empty object.
data = data || {};
let element = this._getElement(key);
let elements = this.retrieve();
elements[key] = data;
} else {
return this.create(key, data);
return this;
* Remove the element by key inside a bucket
* */
Storage.prototype.remove = function(key){
let elements = this.retrieve();
delete elements[key];
return this;
* Delete bucket in localStorage
* */
Storage.prototype.localStorageDeleteBucket = function(bucket = DEFAULT_BUCKET_NAME ){
if(this.canUseStorage()) {
* Persist bucket data in localStorage
* */
Storage.prototype.localStoragePersist = function(bucket = DEFAULT_BUCKET_NAME, dataToPersist){
if(this.canUseStorage()) {
window.localStorage.setItem(bucket, JSON.stringify(dataToPersist));
* Load bucket data from localStorage
* */
Storage.prototype.localStorageRetrieve = function(bucket = DEFAULT_BUCKET_NAME){
if(this.canUseStorage()) {
let elements = window.localStorage.getItem(bucket);
return JSON.parse(elements);
* Persist bucket data to sessionStorage
* */
Storage.prototype.sessionStoragePersist = function(bucket = DEFAULT_BUCKET_NAME, dataToPersist){
if(this.canUseStorage()) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem(bucket, JSON.stringify(dataToPersist));
* Load bucket data from sessionStorage
* */
Storage.prototype.sessionStorageRetrieve = function(bucket = DEFAULT_BUCKET_NAME){
if(this.canUseStorage()) {
let elements = window.sessionStorage.getItem(bucket);
return JSON.parse(elements);
* Delete bucket in localStorage
* */
Storage.prototype.sessionStorageDeleteBucket = function(bucket = DEFAULT_BUCKET_NAME ){
if(this.canUseStorage()) {
* Check if we can use local or session storage
* */
Storage.prototype.canUseStorage = function(type = DEFAULT_TYPE){
return (
type === "local" && typeof window.localStorage !== "undefined"
type === "session" && typeof window.sessionStorage !== "undefined"
* Get the element with a key from the bucket
* */
Storage.prototype._getElement = function(key) {
let elements = this.retrieve();
return elements && elements.hasOwnProperty(key) ? elements[key] : false;
function isObject(item) {
return (item && typeof item === 'object' && !Array.isArray(item));
export function mergeDeep(target, source) {
let output = Object.assign({}, target);
if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) {
Object.keys(source).forEach(key => {
if (isObject(source[key])) {
if (!(key in target))
Object.assign(output, { [key]: source[key] });
output[key] = mergeDeep(target[key], source[key]);
} else {
Object.assign(output, { [key]: source[key] });
return output;
* Convenience function to initialize Storage object.
* */
export default function(type = DEFAULT_TYPE, bucket = DEFAULT_BUCKET_NAME) {
type = (
typeof type !== "string" || (type !== "local" && type !== "session")
) ? DEFAULT_TYPE : type;
bucket = typeof type !== "string" ? DEFAULT_BUCKET_NAME : bucket;
return new Storage(type, bucket);
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