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Last active March 28, 2023 19:09
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  • Save betterthanever2/dd1cf1f7e54ec43dd2f4dc852d981e06 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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name = "wapatools"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = []
readme = ""
packages = [
{include = "wapaganda/core", from = "bases"},
{include = "wapaganda/database", from = "bases"},
{include = "wapaganda/i18n", from = "bases"},
{include = "wapaganda/photo", from = "bases"},
{include = "wapaganda/printed", from = "bases"},
{include = "wapaganda/rest", from = "bases"},
{include = "wapaganda/snapshot", from = "bases"},
{include = "wapaganda/telegram", from = "bases"},
{include = "wapaganda/youtube", from = "bases"},
{include = "wapaganda/media", from = "bases"},
{include = "wapaganda/backup_flow", from = "components"},
{include = "wapaganda/entities_relationships", from = "components"},
{include = "wapaganda/export_git_repo", from = "components"},
{include = "wapaganda/supabase", from = "components"},
{include = "wapaganda/transfactory", from = "components"},
{include = "wapaganda/umedia", from = "components"},
{include = "wapaganda/umisc", from = "components"},
{include = "wapaganda/upload", from = "components"},
{include = "development"}
python = ">=3.9.12,<3.11"
python-youtube = "^0.9.0"
vk = "^3.0"
pytumblr = "^0.1.0"
pyrogram = "^2.0.59"
youtube-dl = "^2021.12.17"
tgcrypto = "^1.2.4" # a pyrogram dependency
psycopg = "^3.0.14"
psycopg-binary = "^3.0.14"
supabase = "^1.0.2"
docx = "^0.2.4" # DOC & DOCX
EbookLib = "^0.17.1" # EPUB
moviepy = "^1.0.3" # Video files
haralyzer = "^2.1.0" # HAR files
pysrt = "^1.1.2" # SRT files
jsonlines = "^3.1.0"
requests-html = "^0.10.0"
requests = "^2.28.1"
CacheControl = "^0.12.11"
frozendict = "^2.3.2"
pandas = "^1.4.2"
opencv-contrib-python = "^4.5.5"
opencv-python = ">=,<"
arrow = "^1.2.2" # Date and time
pyloaders = "^0.0.5"
pvpn = "^0.2.5"
tqdm = "^4.64.1"
#face-recognition = "^1.3.0"
#transformers = "^4.26.0"
borb = "^2.1.10"
boto3 = "^1.26.100"
doppler-env = "^0.3.1"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
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