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Last active December 29, 2015 08:09
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Save between40and2/7641022 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
UIStory needs a Procedure to guide it, and story listens to Procedure's events of proceed and complete .
It is UIStory to expose proceedNext method for client to call. While UI will have "next" button to proceed the procedure, too.
UIStory has a JXUIVCFactory_ProcedureStep .
VCFactory will createVC, setObject:intoVC, and getObject:fromVC, according to step.
Since the kinds of steps are currently limited, the VC types to be used are limited too, therefore manually manageable.
JXModel_ProcedureStep_ObjectPart_Attribute --- JXUITVDSD_NSArray_Selection (or JXUITVDSD_NSArray_Selection__allowsAddSimpleTextOptions)
* --- JXUIVC_NSString__UITextView
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