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Forked from dhrrgn/.gitattributes
Created July 9, 2013 02:37
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# Ensures all line endings are committed as LF, but will checkout with native line endings
* text=auto
# -- Override Section, just in-case Git tries to be sneaky
# Ensure that these files are recognized as text
*.asp text
*.aspx text
*.asx text
*.css text
*.erb text
*.erl text
*.go text
*.hs text
*.html text
*.js text
*.jsp text
*.less text
*.md text
*.markdown text
*.php text
*.pl text
*.py text
*.rb text
*.rhtml text
*.rjs text
*.sass text
*.scss text
*.svg text
*.textile text
*.txt text
*.xml text
Procfile text
# Ensure that these binarys are, well, binary
*.bmp binary
*.gif binary
*.jpeg binary
*.jpg binary
*.png binary
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