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Created November 28, 2017 08:26
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function updateNoun() {
//do not allow user to input white space or empty string into the word array
if (trim(nounInput.value()) != "") {
//push input to word array
//display submitted words below input field
for (let i = 0; i < nounPara.length; i++) {
nounPara[i].position(nounInpX, inpY + 20 * (i - 1));
//get photos from flickr
flickrQuery = nounInput.value();
flickrURL = '' + apiKey + '&safe_search=1&sort=interestingness-desc&text=' + flickrQuery + '&format=json&nojsoncallback=1';
loadJSON(flickrURL, getPhotos);
//clear input field
nounInput = createInput('');
nounInput.position(nounInpX, inpY + nounArray.length * 20);
return false;
//flickr loadJSON callback
function getPhotos(photoData) {
flickrData = photoData;
//once data loads
if (flickrData) {
for (let i = 0; i < numImgPerQuery; i++) {
let farmid =[i].farm;
let serverid =[i].server;
let id =[i].id;
let secret =[i].secret;
//create photo url
photoURL = 'https://farm' + farmid + '' + serverid + '/' + id + '_' + secret + '_s.jpg';
//and create an array of img elements
let r = random(faceH / 2 + 20, vidWidth / 2 + 50);
let theta = 0;
let theta_vel = random(-.05, .05);
photoArray.push(new Imgcloud(loadImage(photoURL), r, theta, theta_vel));
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