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Created May 14, 2022 20:35
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Simple caching in workers and the browser
* @module
* Window and worker friendly fetch caching
import { CACHE_NAME } from "./constants";
* Always sends the fetch request and the response is always cached. The cache is never read.
* This is useful if a non-cached response is required, but the cache should still be updated
* Usage is identical to fetch.
* @param {Request} request
* @returns {Promise<Response>}
export function fetchAround(request) {
return Promise.all([, fetch(request)]).then(
([cache, response]) =>
cache.put(request, response.clone()).then(() => response)
* Attempts to retrieve request from cache. If cache miss, fetch and update cache.
* Behavior is identical to fetch.
* @param {Request} request
* @returns {Promise<Response>}
export function fetchThrough(request) {
return => {
return cache.match(request).then((cacheMatch) => {
if (typeof cacheMatch !== "undefined") {
return cacheMatch;
return fetch(request).then((response) =>
cache.put(request, response.clone()).then(() => response)
export const CACHE_ID = "my-http-cache";
export const CACHE_VERSION = 1;
export const CACHE_NAME = `${CACHE_ID}-${CACHE_VERSION}`;
* @module
* Provides wrappers around common XHR behavior to create Requests and cache Responses.
* Requests and Responses are (mostly) immutable. Fetch is never used, but cache hits
* will only resolve Responses, no xhr.
import { CACHE_NAME } from "./constants";
* Opens the input XMLHttpRequest and returns a new Request
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @param {string} method
* @param {string} url
* @returns {Request} Request
* @example
* ```js
* const xhrRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
* const fetchRequest = open(xhrRequest, 'get', '');
* ```
export function open(xhr, method, url) {, url, true);
return new Request(url, { method });
* Always sends the xhr. The cache is never read nor updated.
* Useful to promisify xhr and create corresponding Request and Response.
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @param {Request} request
* @param {Blob|BufferSource|FormData|URLSearchParams} [body = null]
* @returns {Promise<Response>}
* @example
* ```js
* const xhrRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
* let fetchRequest = open(xhrRequest, 'get', '');
* // xhr wrappers always clone fetch Request and Response objects
* fetchRequest = send(xhrRequest, fetchRequest);
* fetchRequest.then((response) => {
* console.log("Response: ", response);
* console.log("XHR Response: ", xhrRequest.response);
* });
* ```
export function send(xhr, request, body) {
return promisifySend(xhr, mergeInit(request, { body: body ?? null }));
* Always sends the xhr and the response is always cached. The cache is never read.
* This is useful if a non-cached response is required, but the cache should still be updated
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @param {Request} request
* @param {Blob|BufferSource|FormData|URLSearchParams} [body = null]
* @returns {Promise<Response>}
* @example
* ```js
* const xhrRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
* sendAround(xhrRequest, open(xhrRequest, 'get', ''))
* .then((response) => {
* console.log("Response: ", response);
* console.log("XHR Response: ", xhrRequest.response);
* });
* ```
export function sendAround(xhr, request, body) {
const sentRequest = mergeInit(request, { body: body ?? null });
return Promise.all([,
promisifySend(xhr, sentRequest),
]).then(([cache, response]) =>
cache.put(sentRequest, response.clone()).then(() => response)
* Attempts to retrieve request from cache.
* Cache hit:
* - resolve cached Response
* - xhr `send` is NEVER called so xhr response properties are inaccessible
* Cache miss:
* - xhr is sent
* - resolve and cache response
* - Response and xhr response properties are available
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @param {Request} request
* @param {Blob|BufferSource|FormData|URLSearchParams} [body = null]
* @returns {Promise<Response>}
* @example
* ```js
* const xhrRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
* sendThrough(xhrRequest, open(xhrRequest, 'get', ''))
* .then((response) => {
* console.log("Response: ", response);
* console.log("XHR Response: ", xhrRequest.response);
* });
* ```
export function sendThrough(xhr, request, body) {
const sentRequest = mergeInit(request, { body: body ?? null });
return => {
return cache.match(sentRequest).then((cacheMatch) => {
if (cacheMatch) {
return Promise.resolve(cacheMatch);
return promisifySend(xhr, request).then((response) =>
cache.put(sentRequest, response.clone()).then(() => response)
* Sets XMLHttpRequest header and returns a cloned request with updated headers
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @param {Request} request
* @param {string} header
* @param {string} value
* @returns {Request}
export function setRequestHeader(xhr, request, header, value) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(header, value);
const newHeaders = new Headers(request.headers);
newHeaders.set(header, value);
return mergeInit(request, { headers: newHeaders });
* Utilities
* Immutably clones input RequestInit over Request.
* `body` property immutability not guaranteed.
* @param {Request} request
* @param {RequestInit} init
* @returns {Request}
function mergeInit(request, init) {
return new Request(
body: request.bodyUsed ? null : request.body,
cache: request.cache,
credentials: request.credentials,
headers: new Headers(request.headers),
method: request.method,
mode: request.mode,
redirect: request.redirect,
referrer: request.referrer,
* @type {Record<XMLHttpRequestResponseType, (xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => BodyInit>}
const xhrToFetchBodyInits = {
arraybuffer: (xhr) => new ArrayBuffer(xhr.response),
blob: (xhr) => new Blob(xhr.response),
json: (xhr) => ({ ...xhr.response }),
[""]: (xhr) => xhr.responseText,
text: (xhr) => xhr.responseText,
document: (xhr) => xhr.responseXML?.documentElement.outerHTML ?? "",
* Promisifies XHR. All events will reject.
* Handler for onload MUST be provided and it MUST resolve a Response.
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @param {Request} request
* @returns {Promise<Response>}
function promisifySend(xhr, request) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const cleanup = function cleanup() {
xhr.removeEventListener("load", onXhrLoad);
xhr.removeEventListener("loadend", cleanupAndReject);
xhr.removeEventListener("timeout", cleanupAndReject);
const onXhrLoad = function onXhrLoad() {
new Response(xhrToFetchBodyInits[xhr.responseType]?.(xhr) ?? null, {
headers: new Headers(request.headers),
status: xhr.status,
statusText: xhr.statusText,
/** @param {Event} event */
const cleanupAndReject = function cleanupAndReject(event) {
xhr.addEventListener("load", onXhrLoad);
xhr.addEventListener("loadend", cleanupAndReject); // loadend propagates after load, abort, error
xhr.addEventListener("timeout", cleanupAndReject);
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