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Created January 19, 2019 13:51
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const WebSocket = require('ws');
// Turns out you don't need to dump packets at all - you don't even need a valid API key or device ID when it's in LAN mode.
// All you need to know is the IP address of the device, as it happily accepts WebSocket messages with any string as the "apikey".
const IPADDRESS = '';
const seq = () => String(;
const ws = new WebSocket('ws://' + IPADDRESS + ':8081', [ 'chat' ]);
const nonce = 'nonce';
// Log all messages received from the device
ws.on('message', function incoming(json) {
const messageData = JSON.parse(json);
console.log('Received Message: %j', messageData);
// Define method to send update message to change switch state
function updateState(newState) {
const updateMessageJSON = JSON.stringify({
"action": "update",
"deviceid": nonce,
"apikey": nonce,
"selfApikey": nonce,
"params": {
"switches": [
"switch": newState,
"outlet": 0
"switch": newState,
"outlet": 1
"switch": newState,
"outlet": 2
"switch": newState,
"outlet": 3
"sequence": seq(),
"userAgent": "app"
console.log('Sending Update Message: %s', updateMessageJSON);
// Initiate session with device in LAN mode by sending "userOnline" action message
ws.on('open', function initiateSession(ev) {
const initiateSessionMessageJSON = JSON.stringify({
"action": "userOnline",
"ts": String(0 | / 1000),
"version": 6,
"apikey": nonce,
"sequence": seq(),
"userAgent": "app"
console.log('Sending User Online Message: %s', initiateSessionMessageJSON);
function switchOn() {
console.log('Switching On');
function switchOff() {
console.log('Switching Off');
function switchOnFor5Seconds() {
setTimeout(switchOff, 5000);
setInterval(switchOnFor5Seconds, 10000);
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