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Last active August 15, 2016 10:58
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Save bewest/4965993 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
how do we encode glucose records?

How do we encode glucose results?

We'd like to communicate using this type of thing:

We have some example records here:


2011-03-07T19:04:12	90
2011-03-07T17:21:34	143
2011-03-07T16:44:14	121
2011-03-07T14:45:46	144

So we have the time and the value, but what is the LOINC code?

bewest@paragon:~/Downloads/loinc$ grep glucose ./* | wc -l
bewest@paragon:~/Downloads/loinc$ grep glucose ./* | grep -v -i -E "tolerance|enzyme|amniotic|peri" | wc -l
bewest@paragon:~/Downloads/loinc$ grep glucose ./* | grep -v -i -E "tolerance|enzyme|amniotic|peri" 
grep -i glucose ./* | grep -v -i -E "tolerance|enzyme|amniotic|peri"  | grep -i meter 
./LOINCDB.TXT:"14743-9"	"Glucose"	"SCnc"	"Pt"	"BldC"	"Qn"	"Glucometer"	"CHEM"	"OMH"	"19980116"	"ADD"		"ACTIVE"			1				"CORN SUGAR, D GLUCOPYRANOSE, D GLUCOSE, D GLUCOSE, DEXTROSE, GLU, GRAPE SUGAR,"						"Y"		"Glu; Gluc; Glucoseur; Substance concentration; Level; Point in time; Random; Cap blood; Cap bld; Capillary bld; Capillary blood; Finger stick; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Glucomtr; Chemistry"	"Glucose BldC Glucomtr-sCnc"	"Both"				"mmol/L"	"Glucose [Moles/volume] in Capillary blood by Glucometer"	"NM/ST"	"PQ"			"mmol/L"					0	0	0	
./LOINCDB.TXT:"43151-0"	"Glucose meter device panel"	"-"	"Pt"	"^Patient"	"-"		"PANEL.DEVICES"	"SH"	"20051117"	"ADD"		"ACTIVE"			2										"N"		"; Glucose Meter Device Pnl; Glu; Gluc; Glucoseur; Point in time; Random; Pan; Panl"	"Glucose Meter Device Pnl"	"Order"					"Glucose meter device panel"										0	0	0	
./LOINCDB.TXT:"41653-7"	"Glucose"	"MCnc"	"Pt"	"BldC"	"Qn"	"Glucometer"	"CHEM"	"VA"	"20050705"	"ADD"		"ACTIVE"	"Glucose finger stick"		1										"N"	"mg/dL"	"Glu; Gluc; Glucoseur; Mass concentration; Level; Point in time; Random; Cap blood; Cap bld; Capillary bld; Capillary blood; Finger stick; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Glucomtr; Chemistry"	"Glucose BldC Glucomtr-mCnc"	"Both"				"mg/dL"	"Glucose [Mass/volume] in Capillary blood by Glucometer"	"NM/ST"	"PQ"	"74-106;mg/dL"		"mg/dL"					0	41	0	
./LOINCDB.TXT:"41896-2"	"Class"	"Type"	"Pt"	"Glucose meter device"	"Nom"		"DEVICES"	"SH"	"20050727"	"ADD"		"ACTIVE"			2										"N"		"Typ; Point in time; Random; Glucose Mtr Dev; Nominal"	"Glucose Mtr Dev Class"	"Observation"					"Type of Glucose meter device"										0	0	0	
./LOINCDB.TXT:"41897-0"	"Vendor device name"	"ID"	"Pt"	"Glucose meter device"	"Nom"		"DEVICES"	"SH"	"20050727"	"ADD"		"ACTIVE"			2			"ONETOUCH® II, ONETOUCH® PROFILE®, ONETOUCH® SURESTEP®, ONETOUCH® FASTTAKE®, ONETOUCH® BASIC®, ONETOUCH® ULTRA®, ONETOUCH® ULTRASMART®, INDUO®, GLUCOMETER ELITE XL DIABETES CARE SYSTEM, ASCENSIA® CONTOURTM, ASCENSIA� BREEZE�, ACCU-CHEK® ACTIVE METER, ACCU-CHEK® ADVANTAGE SYSTEM, ACCU-CHEK® COMPACT METER, ACCU-CHEK® COMPLETE METER, ACCU-CHEK® VOICEMATE SYSTEM, PMP SELFCHECK� GLUCO"							"N"		"; Vendor name; Identifier; Ident; Point in time; Random; Glucose Mtr Dev; Nominal"	"Glucose Mtr Dev Vendor name"	"Observation"					"Glucose meter device Vendor name"										0	0	0	
./LOINCDB.TXT:"41898-8"	"Vendor device model code"	"ID"	"Pt"	"Glucose meter device"	"Nom"		"CHEM"	"SH"	"20050727"	"ADD"		"ACTIVE"			1										"N"		"; Model Cd; Identifier; Ident; Point in time; Random; Glucose Mtr Dev; Nominal; Chemistry"	"Model Cd Glucose Mtr Dev"	"Observation"					"Vendor device model code of Glucose meter"										0	0	0	
./LOINCDB.TXT:"41899-6"	"Vendor serial number"	"ID"	"Pt"	"Glucose meter device"	"Nom"		"DEVICES"	"SH"	"20050727"	"ADD"		"ACTIVE"			2										"N"		"; Serial #; Num; No; Identifier; Ident; Point in time; Random; Glucose Mtr Dev; Nominal"	"Glucose Mtr Dev Serial #"	"Observation"					"Glucose meter device Vendor serial number"										0	0	0	
./LOINCDB.TXT:"41900-2"	"Vendor software version"	"ID"	"Pt"	"Glucose meter device"	"Nom"		"DEVICES"	"SH"	"20050727"	"ADD"		"ACTIVE"			2										"N"		"; Software vers; Identifier; Ident; Point in time; Random; Glucose Mtr Dev; Nominal"	"Glucose Mtr Dev Software vers"	"Observation"					"Glucose meter device Vendor software version"										0	0	0	
./LOINCDB.TXT:"62852-9"	"PhenX - fasting plasma glucose for diabetes screening - glucometer protocol"	"-"	"Pt"	"^Patient"	"-"	"PhenX"	"PANEL.PHENX"	"PhenX"	"20110105"	"ADD"	"This protocol provides basic information for measuring blood glucose concentrations using a glucose meter or glucometer. Participants are asked to fast for at least 9 hours (generally overnight) prior to the test. If the 9-hour fast is not met, the Diabetes Working Group recommends that the test can still be completed as a ""casual"" glucose concentration (see protocol for casual glucose reference ranges for screening plus/minus Diabetes)."	"TRIAL"			2									"PhenX.140802"	"N"		"; Fast plasma gluc glucometer proto; Glu; Gluc; Glucoseur; Point in time; Random; SCN; Asymptomatic; Asympt"	"Fast plasma gluc glucometer proto"						"PhenX - fasting plasma glucose for diabetes screening - glucometer protocol"										0	0	0	

We have a few different types:


Usually in mg/dL in US?

  1. For finger sticks (measured by glucometer; units = mg/dL?), you should probably be looking at LOINC code 41653-7 .!topic/smart-app-developers/0fXhUp7rHDw

Aha! Thanks, ~@joshmandell!

CGM Display, vs sensor

how do we encode medical records?

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jmandel commented May 21, 2013

(Just added missing sp:belongsTo predicates to the 1st examples.)

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