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Last active January 4, 2016 01:38
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Efficient Iterator sample
public class EfficientIterator<TOne, TTwo>
private Action<TOne, TTwo> always = (one, two) => { };
private Action<TOne, TTwo> match = (one, two) => { };
private Action<TOne> oneOnly = (one) => { };
private Action<TTwo> twoOnly = (two) => { };
private readonly Func<TOne, TTwo, int> compare;
public Action<TOne, TTwo> Always { set { this.always = value; } }
public Action<TOne, TTwo> Match { set { this.match = value; } }
public Action<TOne> OneOnly { set { this.oneOnly = value; } }
public Action<TTwo> TwoOnly { set { this.twoOnly = value; } }
public EfficientIterator(Func<TOne, TTwo, int> compare)
{ = compare;
public void RunToEnd(IEnumerable<TOne> listOne, IEnumerable<TTwo> listTwo)
using (var listOneEnumerator = listOne.GetEnumerator())
using (var listTwoEnumerator = listTwo.GetEnumerator())
var listOneIterating = listOneEnumerator.MoveNext();
var listTwoIterating = listTwoEnumerator.MoveNext();
while (listOneIterating || listTwoIterating)
int result = 0;
if (listOneIterating && listTwoIterating)
result =, listTwoEnumerator.Current);
// a and b are equal
if (result == 0)
this.always(listOneEnumerator.Current, listTwoEnumerator.Current);
this.match(listOneEnumerator.Current, listTwoEnumerator.Current);
listOneIterating = listOneEnumerator.MoveNext();
listTwoIterating = listTwoEnumerator.MoveNext();
// list one has run out, or it's current item is greater than list two
if (!listOneIterating || result > 0)
this.always(default(TOne), listTwoEnumerator.Current);
listTwoIterating = listTwoEnumerator.MoveNext();
// list two has run out, or it's current item is greater than list one
if (!listTwoIterating || result < 0)
this.always(listOneEnumerator.Current, default(TTwo));
listOneIterating = listOneEnumerator.MoveNext();
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Hi Roy, I forked your sample and did some modifications:

  • I removed the type constraints (where TOne : class, where TTwo : class) so value types can also be used (this required replacing null with default(TOne) and default(TTwo) when invoking the always-action with a missing value).
  • I changed the types of the arguments of RunToEnd from List<T> to IEnumerable<T>. This enables you to pass in collections of any type that implements IEnumerable<T>, not just List<T>.
  • I used the using-construct to properly dispose the enumerators after using them.

See (or the above 3 changes as separate revisions).

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Awesome thanks! I'd just come on to make the change in the second point and seen that you've beaten me to it. Good job :)

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