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zudsniper /
Created September 28, 2023 22:59
📋 Propositional Logic symbols & their LaTeX formulas specifically for Obsidian flavor Markdown

Certainly! Obsidian is a popular note-taking application that supports Markdown with LaTeX integration for mathematical notation. When using LaTeX in Obsidian's Markdown flavor, you typically enclose the LaTeX code within double dollar signs $$...$$ for block math and single dollar signs $...$ for inline math.

Here's an exhaustive list of the symbols for propositional logic and their formulas specifically formatted for Obsidian flavor Markdown:

  1. Conjunction (AND)

    • Symbol: ∧
    • Obsidian Markdown: $\land$ or $\wedge$
  2. Disjunction (OR)

  • Symbol: ∨