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Created October 17, 2019 20:32
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reads multi-line and delimited text from the clipboard and inserts as values of a vector assignment, at the cursors position.
clip2Vec <- function(toPosition = TRUE, sep = " "){
cb <- clipr::read_clip()
txt <- str_c(
"vec <- c('",
string = str_squish(str_flatten(str_subset(cb, ".+"), sep)),
pattern = sep,
replacement = str_c("\',\n", str_dup(' ', 9), "'")
ctx <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
row <- ctx$selection[[1]]$range[[c("start")]][1]
pos <- rstudioapi::as.document_position(c(row-1, 0))
rstudioapi::insertText(pos, txt, ctx$id)
rstudioapi::setCursorPosition(pos, ctx$id)
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