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Last active June 21, 2017 07:36
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Axelrod's Dissemination of Culture model in R
# Axelrod's Dissemination of Culture model in R
# From Axelrod, Robert. “The Dissemination of Culture: A Model with Local Convergence
# and Global Polarization.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 41, no. 2 (1997): 203–226.
# Professor Bear Braumoeller, Department of Political Science, Ohio State
# This code creates a 16x16x3 array of 0s and 1s, which represent values of
# 3 traits held by agents in those cells. It then chooses two adjacent cells,
# the first at random and the second at random from among the first cell's
# neighbors, compares the overall similarity of the two, attempts to communicate
# with p(success) based on degree of similarity, and if successful changes one
# of the initial agent's traits. It iterates 10,000 times and tracks the
# prevalence of each of the eight possible agent "types" over time.
# The code is absurdly slow. In part, that's because the grid that displays
# the artificial world is re-drawn every iteration, but a lot of it has to
# do with the inefficiency of the loops and functions.
dimension <- 16 #Size of world
characteristics <- 3 #More manageable than the original 6
world <- array(0, dim=c(dimension, dimension, characteristics))
for (i in 1:dimension){
for (j in 1:dimension){
for (k in 1:characteristics){
world[i,j,k] <- sample(c(0,1), 1)
#Flatten the world for plotting purposes
debinarize <- function(x){
sum(x * 2^seq(length(x)-1, 0, -1))
# Set up colors for map
rgb.palette <- brewer.pal(8, "Pastel1")
layout.mat <- rbind(c(1,1,1,NA,NA),
for(i in 0:7){
name <- paste("num",i,sep="")
assign(name, NULL)
getOption("device")(width=10, height=5)
pars <- c('plt','usr')
for(iteration in 1:10000){
# Select two cells to interact. Random number between 1 and dimension
first.cell.row <- round(runif(1)*(dimension)+0.5)
first.cell.column <- round(runif(1)*(dimension)+0.5)
second.cell.row <- first.cell.row
second.cell.column <- first.cell.column
while((second.cell.row == first.cell.row) & (second.cell.column == first.cell.column)){
second.cell.row <- first.cell.row + sample(c(-1, 0, 1), 1)
second.cell.column <- first.cell.column + sample(c(-1, 0, 1), 1)
# Make the world wrap around
second.cell.row[second.cell.row==0] <- dimension
second.cell.row[second.cell.row==dimension+1] <- 1
second.cell.column[second.cell.column==0] <- dimension
second.cell.column[second.cell.column==dimension+1] <- 1
#Calculate probability of successful interaction
probability.of.interaction <- sum(world[first.cell.row, first.cell.column,] == world[second.cell.row, second.cell.column,])/characteristics
#Change second cell by 1 unit in direction of difference, with given probability <- min(which(world[first.cell.row, first.cell.column,]!=world[second.cell.row, second.cell.column,]))
if(!=Inf & probability.of.interaction > runif(1)){
world[second.cell.row, second.cell.column,] <- world[first.cell.row, first.cell.column,]
flatworld <- apply(world, 1:2, debinarize). # Create a 16x16 matrix of types
uniques <- debinarize(rep(1,characteristics))+1
num0 <- c(num0, sum(flatworld==0)) # Track the prevalence of each type
num1 <- c(num1, sum(flatworld==1))
num2 <- c(num2, sum(flatworld==2))
num3 <- c(num3, sum(flatworld==3))
num4 <- c(num4, sum(flatworld==4))
num5 <- c(num5, sum(flatworld==5))
num6 <- c(num6, sum(flatworld==6))
num7 <- c(num7, sum(flatworld==7))
# Plot the result so that we can observe in real time.
image(flatworld, col=rgb.palette, axes=FALSE)
par1 <- c(list(mfg=c(1,1,1,2)), par(pars))
plot(-100, -100, xlim=c(1,10000), ylim=c(0,256), ylab="Prevalence", xlab="Iteration", type="n", cex.axis=0.8)
rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col="#E6E6E6")
abline(h=c(0,50,100,150,200,250), col="white", lwd=0.5)
abline(v=c(0,2000,4000,6000,8000,10000), col="white", lwd=0.5)
par2 <- c(list(mfg=c(1,2,1,2)), par(pars))
} else {
image(flatworld, col=rgb.palette, axes=FALSE)
segments(iteration-1, num0[iteration-1], iteration, num0[iteration], col=rgb.palette[1], lwd=2)
segments(iteration-1, num1[iteration-1], iteration, num1[iteration], col=rgb.palette[2], lwd=2)
segments(iteration-1, num2[iteration-1], iteration, num2[iteration], col=rgb.palette[3], lwd=2)
segments(iteration-1, num3[iteration-1], iteration, num3[iteration], col=rgb.palette[4], lwd=2)
segments(iteration-1, num4[iteration-1], iteration, num4[iteration], col=rgb.palette[5], lwd=2)
segments(iteration-1, num5[iteration-1], iteration, num5[iteration], col=rgb.palette[6], lwd=2)
segments(iteration-1, num6[iteration-1], iteration, num6[iteration], col=rgb.palette[7], lwd=2)
segments(iteration-1, num7[iteration-1], iteration, num7[iteration], col=rgb.palette[8], lwd=2)
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