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Created June 21, 2017 08:45
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# A very basic implementation of the standing ovation problem
# Miller, John H., and Scott E. Page. “The Standing Ovation Problem.” Complexity 9, no. 5 (2004): 8–16.
# Professor Bear Braumoeller, Department of Political Science, Ohio State
# The model implements two rules. In the 0th round, people stand if their estimate
# of the quality of the performance is greater than their threshold for standing.
# Both are measured on a 0-1 interval, so if estimate = 0.9 and threshold = 0.8, for
# example, the person stands. Ranges of estimates and thresholds can be manipulated.
# In the first and subsequent rounds, people stand up if the fraction of people they
# see standing in their own row and the rows ahead of them exceeds their "social
# threshold" for standing.
cols <- c("grey90", "black")
# Handy matrix plot routine from
do.plot <- function(state, plot.title) {
side <- dim(state)[1]
x <- rep(1:side, side)
y <- rep(1:side, each = side)
par(fin=c(4,4), fig=c(0,1,0,1))
plot(x , y, axes = F, xlab="", ylab="", main=plot.title, col = cols[state+1], pch = 19, cex = (40/side))
matdim <- 20 # Set size of matrix
# Draw quality, quality threshold and social threshold at random from runif(min, max)
quality <- matrix(data=runif(matdim^2, min=0.5, max=0.8), nrow=matdim, ncol=matdim)
quality.threshold <- matrix(data=runif(matdim^2, min=0.7, max=1), nrow=matdim, ncol=matdim)
social.threshold <- matrix(data=runif(matdim^2, min=0.05, max=0.8), nrow=matdim, ncol=matdim)
# Stand if quality exceeds threshold
stand <- quality > quality.threshold
# Create plot. Standing people are black, sitting are grey.
do.plot(stand, 0)
# Iterative process: create matrix of percentage of standers that each person
# can see, make that person stand if that percentage exceeds social threshold,
# and repeat.
for(i in 1:30){
see.frac <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=matdim, ncol=matdim)
for(j in 1:matdim){
see.frac[,j] <- sum(stand[,1:j])/(matdim*j)
sheeple <- see.frac > social.threshold # People guilted into standing
stand <- pmax(stand,sheeple) # New matrix of people standing
do.plot(stand, i)
Sys.sleep(0.15) # So that we can see the situation evolve
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