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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Multiple Demos, Single Installation

With WordPress multisite you can create multiple "sites" within the same WordPress instance. Each can have a different look, feel, theme, and plugins activated. Each works as it's own "site" in a network.

WordPress Demo uses the power of multisite to allow your visitors to create unique sandboxes for each "site" within your network. This also allows you to demonstrate different themes and plugins, all with the same WordPress install.

What is a sandbox?

A sandbox is a carbon copy of your demonstration site where your users can try out every aspect of your product without affecting your main demo site. Sandboxes get deleted 24 hours after the user has stopped being active or has logged out.

Preview Bar

WordPress Demo comes with a preview bar built in. When enabled, a horizontal bar will appear on the top of your demonstration site. With this preview bar, your visitors would be able to:

  • Switch between your different demonstration sites,
  • Launch a sandbox,
  • View the site in desktop, tablet and mobile screen sizes, and
  • Visit the purchase link for your product.

Preview Bar Customizations

You can modify the color scheme of the color bar to your heart's content.

Welcome Message

A welcome message can be set that will show on every admin page of the sandbox site. In this way you can notify your demo users of anything extra you would like them to know.

Automatic Expiration & Clean Up

Each sandbox will be deleted after 24 hours of inactivity. We use the heartbeat API to verify the user is logged in as well. If at any time they log out, the sandbox will be deleted from the system (they can still create new sandboxes). You can also manually delete the sandboxes of a specific demonstration site, and even all sandboxes in the whole system.

Email Activation & Follow Ups

You can force your users to provide an email to receive and activation link for their sandbox. In this way you can grow your mailing list. Once you've captured their email, upon deletion of their sandbox, they can be send a follow-up email. These emails are unique to every site in your network. Now you can truly market to your users.

User Roles

WordPress Demo ships with a custom user role called Demo User. This is the editor role with the addition of manage_options (so they can see theme/plugin options). If that's not enough for you, you can change the default user role in the plugin options. You can also get the plugin User Role Editor (free) from the repository and create a custom role and use that instead.. Meaning, one of your network sites can log in as one user role, and the other can log in as another. It's all up to you.

User Friendly

We've worked hard to ensure WordPress Demo is extremely easy. All you need to do is network activate the plugin on a multisite instance and every site will be automatically setup. Visit a site and the preview bar will appear. Preview images will also be generated for each site after the first few loads. Pretty much install the plugin, and you're ready to roll.

reCAPTCHA Anti-Spam

To prevent spam and robots from creating sandboxes, you can enable reCAPTCHA in the plugin options. When enabled, Your users would need to fill out a reCAPTCHA form correctly first before they create sandboxes.

Automatic Updates

Supply the panel your purchase key and you will be served automatic updates. If you need assistance, feel free to submit an issue. We will be glad to help.

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