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Last active January 7, 2021 18:33
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  • Save bfintal/63527d3f9dd85e0b15d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bfintal/63527d3f9dd85e0b15d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Since it's hard to find an example of how to create a readily usable modal popup using Backbone & WordPress, here's one that you can drop in your code and use right away.
<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-my-frame">
<div class="media-frame-title">
<h1>My Frame</h1>
<div class="media-frame-content"></div>
<div class="media-frame-toolbar">
<div class="media-toolbar">
<div class="media-toolbar-secondary"></div>
<div class="media-toolbar-primary search-form">
<button type="button" class="button button-primary media-button button-large">My Button</button>
BaseFrame ={
className: 'my-class', // A class identify your frame.
template: wp.template( 'my-frame' ), // This is the template name tmpl-{template-name}. See base-frame-template.php.
events: {
'click .media-toolbar-primary button': '_primaryClicked'
initialize: function() { this, arguments );
_.defaults( this.options, {
title: 'My Modal', // Default title of the modal.
button: 'My Button', // Default submit button of the modal.
modal: true
// Initialize modal container view.
if ( this.options.modal ) {
this.modal = new{
controller: this
this.modal.content( this );
this.modal.on( 'open', _.bind( function () {
}, this ) );
this.modal.on( 'close', _.bind( function() {
}, this ) );
open: function( args ) {
if ( ! args ) {
args = {};
if ( args.content ) {
this.modal.content( args.content( this ) );
this.successCallback = args.successCallback ? args.successCallback : null;
this.openCallback = args.openCallback ? args.openCallback : null;
this.closeCallback = args.closeCallback ? args.closeCallback : null;;
this.modal.el.children[0].classList.add( 'pbs-modal-frame' );
if ( this.className ) {
this.modal.el.children[0].classList.add( this.className );
this.modal.el.querySelector( '.media-frame-title h1' ).textContent = args.title ? args.title : this.options.title;
this.modal.el.querySelector( '.media-toolbar-primary button' ).textContent = args.button ? args.button : this.options.button;
close: function() {
_primaryClicked: function() {
if ( this.successCallback ) {
this.successCallback( this );
// Do stuff when the submit button is clicked.
_onOpen: function() {
if ( this.openCallback ) {
this.openCallback( this );
// Do stuff when modal opens.
_onClose: function() {
if ( this.closeCallback ) {
this.closeCallback( this );
// Do stuff when modal closes.
1. Enqueue backbone, wp-util and media-editor
2. Enqueue base-frame.js
3. Include base-frame-template.php in footer
4. Extend BaseFrame, or use it right away via JS:
var frame = BaseFrame();
// All arguments are optional.{
title: 'My Frame Title',
button: 'My Button Label',
successCallback: function( view ) {
console.log( 'submit was clicked' );
openCallback: function( view ) {
console.log( 'modal opened' );
closeCallback: function( view ) {
console.log( 'modal closed' );
content: function() {
return 'My content';
.pbs-modal-frame {
right: auto;
width: 1000px;
left: 50%;
-webkit-transform: translateX(-50%);
transform: translateX(-50%);
max-width: 90%;
.media-frame-title, .media-frame-content, .media-frame-toolbar {
left: 0;
.media-frame-content {
top: 50px;
padding: 16px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.media-toolbar-secondary {
width: 66%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: row;
p {
line-height: 1.4em;
margin: 0 !important;
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