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Created April 20, 2018 13:14
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Marginal histogram scatterplot
## fancyaxis: Draw axis which shows minimum, maximum, quartiles
## and mean
## Copyright (C) 2005 Steven J. Murdoch <>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
## This is very much a work in progress and still of alpha
## quality. See the example file for usage. It currently does not
## deal with logarithmic scales properly and needs manual tweaking
## of several values to suit different data and output device
## resolution. Comments and suggestions are appreciated. My
## contact details can be found here:
## The design of the graph is based on a scatterplot presented in
## "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information", Edward Tufte.
## Thanks to Paul Murrell for assistance with handling the log axes
## $Id$
# Add a small amount of noise to a numeric vector, preserving minimum
# and minimum
clippedjitter <- function(x, ...) {
# x: numeric to which jitter should be added.
# ...: parameters passed to jitter()
mi <- min(x)
ma <- max(x)
# Find a position for the min and max
mipos <- ((1:len)[x==mi])[1]
mapos <- ((1:len)[x==ma])[1]
# The standard jittered data
xj <- jitter(x, ...)
# Find the elements which are outside the limits
under <- xj<mi
over <- xj>ma
# Find the distance away from the limit
dunder <- mi-xj[under]
dover <- xj[over]-ma
# Reflect over the limit
repunder <- dunder+mi
repover <- ma-dover
# Replace out of limit values with the reflected ones
xj[under] <- repunder
xj[over] <- repover
# Replace a jittered min/max with the original min/max
xj[mipos] <- mi
xj[mapos] <- ma
# Return updated array
# Draw a rug plot, but ommit the baseline (actually, draw over it
minimalrug <- function(x, lwd=0.7, tcl=0.3, ...) {
# x: a numeric vector
# ...: parameters passed to rug()
# Rounded ends don't work well with erasing one end
oldlend <- par(lend = "butt")
# Used for overwriting the axis line to leave tickmarks
bg <- par("bg")
if (bg == "transparent")
bg <- "white"
# Draw the rug
rug(x, ticksize=NA, lwd=lwd, ...)
# Acrobat shows "shadows" around a line erased with a line
# of similar width, so use a thicker line
# Remove the baseline (... is put first to allow other the other
# parameters to override it)
axis(..., at=x, col=bg, tcl=0, label=FALSE, lwd=overlwd)
fancyaxis <- function(side, summ, at=NULL, mingap=0.5, digits=2,
shiftfac=0.003, gapfac=0.003) {
# side: like axis()
# summ: a summary object, for example returned by summary()
# mingap: the smallest gap permitted between two tickmarks,
# expressed as a fraction of the default tickmark gap
# digits: the number of digits to round minimum and maximum to
# shiftfac: proportion of plot width used to offset the broken axis
# gapfac: proportion of plot width used to leave for median gap
# Deal with case where length(axTicks)<2
# Deal with logarithmic axis case properly, as axTicks difference
# is not uniform.
# Get summary information
amin <- summ[1]
aq1 <- summ[2]
amed <- summ[3]
amean <- summ[4]
aq3 <- summ[5]
amax <- summ[6]
# Find out the properties of the side we are doing
parside <-
if (side==1){
# Does the outside of the plot have larger or smaller vales
flip <- 1
# Are we on the xaxis
xaxis <- TRUE
# Is this axis logarithmic
islog <- par("xlog")
# Is the other axis logarithmic
otherlog <- par("ylog")
# Relevant index of par("usr")
else if (side==2) {
flip <- 1
xaxis <- FALSE
islog <- par("ylog")
otherlog <- par("xlog")
else if (side==3) {
flip <- -1
xaxis <- TRUE
islog <- par("xlog")
otherlog <- par("ylog")
else if (side==4) {
flip <- -1
xaxis <- FALSE
islog <- par("ylog")
otherlog <- par("xlog")
# Calculate default positions of ticks
if (is.null(at))
ticks <- axTicks(side)
ticks <- at
# Remove any ticks outside the range
ticks <- ticks[(ticks>=amin) & (ticks<=amax)]
# Calculate the minimum desired gap between ticks
numticks <- length(ticks)
if (islog)
axgap <- (log10(ticks[numticks])-log10(ticks[numticks-1]))*mingap
axgap <- (ticks[numticks]-ticks[numticks-1])*mingap
# Get new range of tickmarks
numticks <- length(ticks)
firsttick <- ticks[1]
lasttick <- ticks[numticks]
# If max tick will be too close to the last tick, replace it,
# otherwise append it
if (islog && (log10(amax) - log10(lasttick) < axgap)) {
} else if (amax - lasttick < axgap) {
} else {
# Similarly for first tick
if (islog && (abs(log10(amin)-log10(firsttick)) < axgap)) {
} else if (firsttick - amin < axgap) {
} else {
ticks<-c(amin, ticks)
# Format the labels. min and max should have as many
# trailing zeros they were rounded to, the others
# should have the minimum needed to represent the tick marks
numticks <- length(ticks)
# Min and max
lmin <- format(round(ticks[1], digits), nsmall=digits, trim=TRUE)
lmax <- format(round(ticks[numticks], digits), nsmall=digits, trim=TRUE)
# The others
middle <- format(ticks[2:(numticks-1)], trim=TRUE)
# Combine them
labels <- c(lmin,middle,lmax)
# Draw the axis
oldlend <- par(lend = "butt")
# Used for overwriting the axis line to leave tickmarks
bg <- par("bg")
if (bg == "transparent")
bg <- "white"
# Draw the axis and tickmarks
axis(side, ticks, labels=FALSE, col="gray50", lwd=lwd)
# Erase the axis
axis(side, ticks, labels=FALSE, col=bg, tcl = 0, lwd=overlwd)
# Draw the labels
axis(side, ticks, labels=labels, tick=FALSE)
# Axis position
# Width and height in user units
plotwidth <- diff(par("usr")[1:2])
plotheight <- diff(par("usr")[3:4])
# Shift for the q2 and q3 axis from the base (in inches)
shift <- par("pin")[1]*shiftfac*flip
# Gap for the median
gap <- par("pin")[1]*gapfac
# Shift for the mean pointer away from the axis
meanshift <- par("cin")[1]*0.5*flip
# Scale lengths so both axes are equal on output device
if (!xaxis) {
# Y axis
# Convert inches into user units
shift <- shift/par("pin")[1]*plotwidth
meanshift <- meanshift/par("pin")[1]*plotwidth
gap <- gap/par("pin")[2]*plotheight
} else {
# X axis
# Convert inches into user units
shift <- shift/par("pin")[2]*plotheight
meanshift <- meanshift/par("pin")[2]*plotheight
gap <- gap/par("pin")[1]*plotwidth
if (islog) {
# Log case on this axis (affects gap)
lmed <- log10(amed)
gapt <- 10^(lmed + gap)
gapb <- 10^(lmed - gap)
} else {
# Linear case on this axis
gapt <- amed + gap
gapb <- amed - gap
# Position of q2 and q3 axis segments
offset <- base + shift
# Which segment is the mean in?
if((amean>aq3) || (amean<aq1)) {
# Mean is in q1/q4, so move relative to base
meanbase <- base - meanshift
} else {
# Mean is in q2/q3, so move relative to shifted base
meanbase <- offset - meanshift
if (otherlog) {
# Log case on the other axis (affects shift, base, meanshift)
meanbase <- 10^meanbase
offset <- 10^offset
base <- 10^base
# Stops the lines overrunning
par(lend = "butt")
# Line width for axis lines
# Draw q1 and q4 axis segments
if (!xaxis) {
# xs, ys, Don't clip, Line width, Don't overlap
lines(rep(base,2),c(amin,aq1), xpd=TRUE, lwd=lwd)
lines(rep(base,2),c(aq3,amax), xpd=TRUE, lwd=lwd)
} else {
lines(c(amin,aq1),rep(base,2), xpd=TRUE, lwd=lwd)
lines(c(aq3,amax),rep(base,2), xpd=TRUE, lwd=lwd)
# Draw q2 and q3 axis segments
if (!xaxis) {
lines(rep(offset,2),c(aq1,gapb), xpd=TRUE, lwd=lwd)
lines(rep(offset,2),c(gapt,aq3), xpd=TRUE, lwd=lwd)
} else {
lines(c(aq1,gapb),rep(offset,2), xpd=TRUE, lwd=lwd)
lines(c(gapt,aq3),rep(offset,2), xpd=TRUE, lwd=lwd)
# Draw the mean
if (!xaxis) {
points(meanbase, amean, pch=18, cex=0.7, col="red", xpd=TRUE)
} else {
points(amean, meanbase, pch=18, cex=0.7, col="red", xpd=TRUE)
# Draw a stripchart on an axis, showing marginal frequency
# TODO: Does not handle log axes well
axisstripchart <- function(x, side, sshift=0.3) {
# x: the data from which the plots are to be produced.
# side: as in axis()
# Find out the properties of the side we are doing
parside <-
if (side==1){
# Does the outside of the plot have larger or smaller vales
flip <- 1
# Are we on the yaxis
yaxis <- FALSE
# Relevant index of par("usr")
else if (side==2) {
flip <- 1
yaxis <- TRUE
else if (side==3) {
flip <- -1
yaxis <- FALSE
else if (side==4) {
flip <- -1
yaxis <- TRUE
# Axis position
# Width and height in user units
plotwidth <- diff(par("usr")[1:2])
plotheight <- diff(par("usr")[3:4])
# Shift for the q2 and q3 axis from the base (in inches)
shift <- par("pin")[1]*0.003*flip
# Gap for the median
gap <- par("pin")[1]*0.003
# Shift for the mean pointer away from the axis
meanshift <- par("cin")[1]*0.5*flip
# Shift away from the q2 and q3 axis for the stripchart
stripshift <- par("cin")[1]*sshift*flip
# Scale lengths so both axes are equal on output device
if (yaxis) {
shift <- shift/par("pin")[1]*plotwidth
meanshift <- meanshift/par("pin")[1]*plotwidth
stripshift <- stripshift/par("pin")[1]*plotwidth
gap <- gap/par("pin")[2]*plotheight
} else {
shift <- shift/par("pin")[2]*plotheight
meanshift <- meanshift/par("pin")[2]*plotheight
stripshift <- stripshift/par("pin")[2]*plotheight
gap <- gap/par("pin")[1]*plotwidth
# If vertical, stripchart assumes offset is a factor of character
# width, if horizontal, character height (bug?). So correct for this
if (yaxis)
# Don't clip the chart
oldxpd <- par(xpd = TRUE)
stripchart(x, method="stack", vertical=yaxis, offset=offset, pch=15,
cex=0.2, add=TRUE, at=base+shift+stripshift, col="red")
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