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Created April 14, 2020 20:17
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from google.protobuf.any_pb2 import Any
from google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2 import Timestamp
import datetime
import grpc
import os
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
import pytest
import time
import uuid
import tyr
from import events_pb2 as tyr_garmr_events
from import events_pb2_grpc as tyr_garmr_grpc
from import events_pb2 as tyr_odin_events
class EventEmitter:
'pick': tyr_odin_events.PickEvent,
'place': tyr_odin_events.PlaceEvent
def __init__(self, server_ip, server_port): = grpc.insecure_channel(f'{server_ip}:{server_port}')
self.stub = tyr_garmr_grpc.EventWriterStub(
def send_event(self, event_type, request_id, mission_id, robot, success, message=""):
event_class = self.EVENT_TYPES[event_type]
timestamp = Timestamp()
event = event_class(
event_to_send = Any()
resp = self.stub.WriteEvent(
if not resp.status.message == "ok":
raise Exception(f"Failed to send event: {resp}")
return timestamp
class DatabaseAdapter:
def __init__(self, host, port, database, user, password):
self. connection = psycopg2.connect(user = user,
password = password,
host = host,
port = port,
database = database)
self.cursor = self.connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
def get_results(self, expected_count, max_wait_time=1.0, wait_time_interval = 0.005):
wait_time_remaining = max_wait_time
records = []
while wait_time_remaining > 0:
# POSSIBLE BUG. Events are not persisted in a deterministic order
self.cursor.execute("SELECT * from pick_place ORDER BY timestamp")
records = [dict(row) for row in self.cursor.fetchall()]
record_count = len(records)
if record_count > expected_count:
raise Exception(f"Too many events returned from the database. Expected {expected_count} but found {record_count}")
elif len(records) == expected_count:
return records
wait_time_remaining -= wait_time_interval
raise Exception(f"Too few events returned from the database. Expected {expected_count} but found {record_count} after {max_wait_time} seconds.")
def clear_records(self):
self.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM pick_place")
def database():
db = DatabaseAdapter(
return db
def event_emitter():
return EventEmitter('localhost', 50057)
def get_dt_microseconds(dt):
epoch = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
return (dt - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000000
def test_stuff():
def test_successful_pick_place(database, event_emitter):
pick_request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
pick_timestamp = event_emitter.send_event('pick', pick_request_id, "pick", "successful_pick", True)
place_request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
place_timestamp = event_emitter.send_event('place', place_request_id, "place", "successful_place", True)
records = database.get_results(2)
assert records[0]['mission_id'] == "pick"
assert not records[0]['pick_failure']
assert not records[0]['pick_failure_reason']
assert records[0]['pick_success'] == 1
assert not records[0]['place_failure']
assert not records[0]['place_failure_reason']
assert records[0]['request_id'] == pick_request_id
assert records[0]['robot'] == "successful_pick"
assert get_dt_microseconds(records[0]['timestamp']) == pick_timestamp.ToMicroseconds()
assert records[1]['mission_id'] == "place"
assert not records[1]['pick_failure']
assert not records[1]['pick_failure_reason']
assert not records[1]['pick_success']
assert not records[1]['place_failure']
assert not records[1]['place_failure_reason']
assert records[1]['request_id'] == place_request_id
assert records[1]['robot'] == "successful_place"
assert get_dt_microseconds(records[1]['timestamp']) == place_timestamp.ToMicroseconds()
def test_place_failed(database, event_emitter):
pick_request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
pick_timestamp = event_emitter.send_event('pick', pick_request_id, "pick", "successful_pick", True)
place_request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
place_timestamp = event_emitter.send_event('place', place_request_id, "place", "failed_place", False, "The placement has failed")
records = database.get_results(2)
assert records[0]['mission_id'] == "pick"
assert not records[0]['pick_failure']
assert not records[0]['pick_failure_reason']
assert records[0]['pick_success'] == 1
assert not records[0]['place_failure']
assert not records[0]['place_failure_reason']
assert records[0]['request_id'] == pick_request_id
assert records[0]['robot'] == "successful_pick"
assert get_dt_microseconds(records[0]['timestamp']) == pick_timestamp.ToMicroseconds()
assert records[1]['mission_id'] == "place"
assert not records[1]['pick_failure']
assert not records[1]['pick_failure_reason']
assert not records[1]['pick_success']
assert records[1]['place_failure'] == 1
assert records[1]['place_failure_reason'] == "The placement has failed"
assert records[1]['request_id'] == place_request_id
assert records[1]['robot'] == "failed_place"
assert get_dt_microseconds(records[1]['timestamp']) == place_timestamp.ToMicroseconds()
def test_place_pick(database, event_emitter):
pick_request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
pick_timestamp = event_emitter.send_event('pick', pick_request_id, "pick", "failed_pick", False, "The pick has failed")
records = database.get_results(1)
assert records[0]['mission_id'] == "pick"
assert records[0]['pick_failure'] == 1
assert records[0]['pick_failure_reason'] == "The pick has failed"
assert records[0]['pick_success'] == 0
assert not records[0]['place_failure']
assert not records[0]['place_failure_reason']
assert records[0]['request_id'] == pick_request_id
assert records[0]['robot'] == "failed_pick"
assert get_dt_microseconds(records[0]['timestamp']) == pick_timestamp.ToMicroseconds()
def test_burst(database, event_emitter):
count = 2
for i in range(count):
pick_request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
pick_timestamp = event_emitter.send_event('pick', pick_request_id, "pick", "failed_pick", False, "The pick has failed")
records = database.get_results(count)
assert len(records) == count
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