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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Convert JSGF grammars to Alexa examples using Ruby
require 'jsgf'
module JSGF
class Grammar
# Convert a {Grammar} into a set of sample utterances for Alexa
# @option slots [Array] The rule names that should be used as slot names
# @return [Array<String>] An array of the example strings
def to_examples(slots:[])
raise StandardError, "The grammar must have at least one root rule" unless roots
raise StandardError, "The grammar must contain at least one public rule" if roots.empty?
roots.flat_map {|name, rule| expand_atom(rule, ["#{name}Intent"], slots:slots) }
# Expand an {Atom} into an array of strings
# @return [Array]
def expand_atom(atom, prefix=[], slots:[], slot_name:nil)
case atom
when JSGF::Alternation {|a| expand_atom(a, prefix, slots:slots, slot_name:slot_name) }
when JSGF::Atom
if prefix.first.is_a?(Array) {|pref| expand_atom(atom, pref, slots:slots, slot_name:slot_name) }
atom_name = atom.to_s
atom_name = "{#{atom_name}|#{slot_name}}" if slot_name && !atom_name.empty?
atom_name = nil if atom_name.empty?
[[*prefix, atom_name].compact.join(' ')]
when JSGF::Rule, Array
atom.reduce(prefix) {|memo, a| expand_atom(a, memo, slots:slots, slot_name:slot_name)}
when Hash
reference_name = atom[:name]
slot_name = slots.include?(reference_name) ? reference_name : nil
expand_atom(rules[atom[:name]], prefix, slots:slots, slot_name:slot_name)
raise "Unknown atom #{atom}"
# Example grammar. Replace this with your actual grammar.
grammar = JSGF.grammar 'ColorExpert' do
rule MyColorIs: 'my favorite color is :Color'
rule Color: %w{green red blue orange gold silver yellow black white}
File.write('utterances.txt', grammar.to_examples(slots:['Color']))
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