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C++ implementation of a fast Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir - Integer and Floating point version
// Copyright (C) 2017 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
//! \file blur.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2017
//! \brief The software is a C++ implementation of a fast
//! Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir. For further details
//! please refer to :
//! Floating point version
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>
//! \fn void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into dimensions of boxes for box blur. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes boxes dimensions
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of boxes
void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = std::floor(wi);
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = std::round(mi);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \fn void horizontal_blur(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the horizontal blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void horizontal_blur(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w, li = ti, ri = ti+r;
float fv = in[ti], lv = in[ti+w-1], val = (r+1)*fv;
for(int j=0; j<r; j++) val += in[ti+j];
for(int j=0 ; j<=r ; j++) { val += in[ri++] - fv ; out[ti++] = val*iarr; }
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++) { val += in[ri++] - in[li++]; out[ti++] = val*iarr; }
for(int j=w-r; j<w ; j++) { val += lv - in[li++]; out[ti++] = val*iarr; }
//! \fn void total_blur(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the total blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void total_blur(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
int ti = i, li = ti, ri = ti+r*w;
float fv = in[ti], lv = in[ti+w*(h-1)], val = (r+1)*fv;
for(int j=0; j<r; j++) val += in[ti+j*w];
for(int j=0 ; j<=r ; j++) { val += in[ri] - fv ; out[ti] = val*iarr; ri+=w; ti+=w; }
for(int j=r+1; j<h-r; j++) { val += in[ri] - in[li]; out[ti] = val*iarr; li+=w; ri+=w; ti+=w; }
for(int j=h-r; j<h ; j++) { val += lv - in[li]; out[ti] = val*iarr; li+=w; ti+=w; }
//! \fn void box_blur(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int r)
//! \brief this function performs a box blur pass.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void box_blur(float *& in, float *& out, int w, int h, int r)
std::swap(in, out);
horizontal_blur(out, in, w, h, r);
total_blur(in, out, w, h, r);
// Note to myself :
// here we could go anisotropic with different radiis rx,ry in HBlur and TBlur
//! \fn void fast_gaussian_blur(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, float sigma)
//! \brief this function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. For further details please refer to :
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void fast_gaussian_blur(float *& in, float *& out, int w, int h, float sigma)
// sigma conversion to box dimensions
int boxes[3];
std_to_box(boxes, sigma, 3);
box_blur(in, out, w, h, boxes[0]);
box_blur(out, in, w, h, boxes[1]);
box_blur(in, out, w, h, boxes[2]);
//! \code{.cpp}
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if( argc < 2 ) exit(1);
const char * image_file = argv[1];
const float sigma = argc > 2 ? std::atof(argv[2]) : 3.;
const char * output_file = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "blur.png";
// Image loading
int width, height, channels;
unsigned char * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
if(channels < 3)
std::cout<< "Input images must be RGB images."<<std::endl;
// copy data
int size = width * height;
// output channels r,g,b
float * newb = new float[size];
float * newg = new float[size];
float * newr = new float[size];
// input channels r,g,b
float * oldb = new float[size];
float * oldg = new float[size];
float * oldr = new float[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
oldb[i] = image_data[channels * i + 0] / 255.f;
oldg[i] = image_data[channels * i + 1] / 255.f;
oldr[i] = image_data[channels * i + 2] / 255.f;
// per channel filter
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
fast_gaussian_blur(oldb, newb, width, height, sigma);
fast_gaussian_blur(oldg, newg, width, height, sigma);
fast_gaussian_blur(oldr, newr, width, height, sigma);
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// stats
float elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end-start).count();
std::cout << "time " << elapsed << "ms" << std::endl;
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[channels * i + 0] = (unsigned char) std::min(255.f, std::max(0.f, 255.f * newb[i]));
image_data[channels * i + 1] = (unsigned char) std::min(255.f, std::max(0.f, 255.f * newg[i]));
image_data[channels * i + 2] = (unsigned char) std::min(255.f, std::max(0.f, 255.f * newr[i]));
// save
std::string file(output_file);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] newr;
delete[] newb;
delete[] newg;
delete[] oldr;
delete[] oldb;
delete[] oldg;
image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
return 0;
//! \endcode
// Copyright (C) 2017 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
//! \file blur.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2017
//! \brief The software is a C++ implementation of a fast
//! Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir. For further details
//! please refer to :
//! Floating point single precision version
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>
//! \fn void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into dimensions of boxes for box blur. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes boxes dimensions
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of boxes
void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = std::floor(wi);
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = std::round(mi);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \fn void horizontal_blur_rgb(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the horizontal blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void horizontal_blur_rgb(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r;
float fv[3] = { in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
float lv[3] = { in[(ti+w-1)*c+0], in[(ti+w-1)*c+1], in[(ti+w-1)*c+2] };
float val[3] = { (r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri++, ti++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++, ri++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=w-r; j<w; j++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
//! \fn void total_blur_rgb(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the total blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void total_blur_rgb(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
// radius range on either side of a pixel + the pixel itself
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
int ti = i;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r*w;
float fv[3] = {in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
float lv[3] = {in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+0], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+1], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+2] };
float val[3] = {(r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=r+1; j<h-r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=h-r; j<h; j++, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
//! \fn void box_blur_rgb(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs a box blur pass.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void box_blur_rgb(float *& in, float *& out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
std::swap(in, out);
horizontal_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, r);
total_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, r);
// Note to myself :
// here we could go anisotropic with different radiis rx,ry in HBlur and TBlur
//! \fn void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
//! \brief this function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. For further details please refer to :
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] sigma gaussian std dev
void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(float *& in, float *& out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
// sigma conversion to box dimensions
int boxes[3];
std_to_box(boxes, sigma, 3);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[0]);
box_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, boxes[1]);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[2]);
//! \code{.cpp}
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if( argc < 2 ) exit(1);
const char * image_file = argv[1];
const float sigma = argc > 2 ? std::atof(argv[2]) : 3.;
const char * output_file = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "blur.png";
// image loading
int width, height, channels;
unsigned char * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
if(channels < 3)
std::cout<< "Input images must be RGB images."<<std::endl;
// copy data
int size = width * height * channels;
// output channels r,g,b
float * new_image = new float[size];
float * old_image = new float[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
old_image[i] = image_data[i] / 255.f;
// per channel filter
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(old_image, new_image, width, height, channels, sigma);
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// stats
float elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end-start).count();
std::cout << "time " << elapsed << "ms" << std::endl;
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[i] = (unsigned char) std::min(255.f, std::max(0.f, 255.f * new_image[i]));
// save
std::string file(output_file);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] new_image;
delete[] old_image;
return 0;
//! \endcode
// Copyright (C) 2017 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
//! \file blur.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2017
//! \brief The software is a C++ implementation of a fast
//! Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir. For further details
//! please refer to :
//! Integer version
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>
//! \fn void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into dimensions of boxes for box blur. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes boxes dimensions
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of boxes
void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = std::floor(wi);
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = std::round(mi);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \fn void horizontal_blur(int * in, int * out, int w,int h, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the horizontal blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void horizontal_blur(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w, li = ti, ri = ti+r, fv = in[ti], lv = in[ti+w-1], val = (r+1)*fv;
for(int j=0; j<r; j++) { val += in[ti+j]; }
for(int j=0 ; j<=r ; j++) { val += in[ri++] - fv ; out[ti++] = std::round(val*iarr); }
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++) { val += in[ri++] - in[li++]; out[ti++] = std::round(val*iarr); }
for(int j=w-r; j<w ; j++) { val += lv - in[li++]; out[ti++] = std::round(val*iarr); }
//! \fn void total_blur(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the total blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void total_blur(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
int ti = i, li = ti, ri = ti+r*w, fv = in[ti], lv = in[ti+w*(h-1)], val = (r+1)*fv;
for(int j=0; j<r; j++) { val += in[ti+j*w]; }
for(int j=0 ; j<=r ; j++) { val += in[ri] - fv ; out[ti] = std::round(val*iarr); ri+=w; ti+=w; }
for(int j=r+1; j<h-r; j++) { val += in[ri] - in[li]; out[ti] = std::round(val*iarr); li+=w; ri+=w; ti+=w; }
for(int j=h-r; j<h ; j++) { val += lv - in[li]; out[ti] = std::round(val*iarr); li+=w; ti+=w; }
//! \fn void box_blur(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int r)
//! \brief this function performs a box blur pass.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void box_blur(int *& in, int *& out, int w, int h, int r)
std::swap(in, out);
horizontal_blur(out, in, w, h, r);
total_blur(in, out, w, h, r);
// Note to myself :
// here we could go anisotropic with different radiis rx,ry in HBlur and TBlur
//! \fn void fast_gaussian_blur(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, float sigma)
//! \brief this function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. For further details please refer to :
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] sigma gaussian std dev
void fast_gaussian_blur(int *& in, int *& out, int w, int h, float sigma)
// sigma conversion to box dimensions
int boxes[3];
std_to_box(boxes, sigma, 3);
box_blur(in, out, w, h, boxes[0]);
box_blur(out, in, w, h, boxes[1]);
box_blur(in, out, w, h, boxes[2]);
//! \code{.cpp}
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if( argc < 2 ) exit(1);
const char * image_file = argv[1];
const float sigma = argc > 2 ? std::atof(argv[2]) : 3.;
const char * output_file = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "blur.png";
// image loading
int width, height, channels;
unsigned char * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
if(channels < 3)
std::cout<< "Input images must be RGB images."<<std::endl;
// copy data
int size = width * height;
// output channels r,g,b
int * newb = new int[size];
int * newg = new int[size];
int * newr = new int[size];
// input channels r,g,b
int * oldb = new int[size];
int * oldg = new int[size];
int * oldr = new int[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
oldb[i] = image_data[channels * i + 0];
oldg[i] = image_data[channels * i + 1];
oldr[i] = image_data[channels * i + 2];
// per channel filter
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
fast_gaussian_blur(oldb, newb, width, height, sigma);
fast_gaussian_blur(oldg, newg, width, height, sigma);
fast_gaussian_blur(oldr, newr, width, height, sigma);
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// stats
float elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end-start).count();
std::cout << "time " << elapsed << "ms" << std::endl;
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[channels * i + 0] = (unsigned char) std::min(255, std::max(0, newb[i]));
image_data[channels * i + 1] = (unsigned char) std::min(255, std::max(0, newg[i]));
image_data[channels * i + 2] = (unsigned char) std::min(255, std::max(0, newr[i]));
// save
std::string file(output_file);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] newr;
delete[] newb;
delete[] newg;
delete[] oldr;
delete[] oldb;
delete[] oldg;
return 0;
//! \endcode
// Copyright (C) 2017 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
//! \file blur.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2017
//! \brief The software is a C++ implementation of a fast
//! Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir. For further details
//! please refer to :
//! Integer version
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>
//! \fn void std_to_box(float boxes[], float sigma, int n)
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into dimensions of boxes for box blur. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes boxes dimensions
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of boxes
void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = std::floor(wi);
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = std::round(mi);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \fn void horizontal_blur_rgb(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the horizontal blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void horizontal_blur_rgb(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r;
int fv[3] = { in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
int lv[3] = { in[(ti+w-1)*c+0], in[(ti+w-1)*c+1], in[(ti+w-1)*c+2] };
int val[3] = { (r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri++, ti++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++, ri++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=w-r; j<w; j++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
//! \fn void total_blur_rgb(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the total blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void total_blur_rgb(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
// radius range on either side of a pixel + the pixel itself
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
int ti = i;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r*w;
int fv[3] = {in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
int lv[3] = {in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+0], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+1], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+2] };
int val[3] = {(r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=r+1; j<h-r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=h-r; j<h; j++, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
//! \fn void box_blur_rgb(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs a box blur pass.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void box_blur_rgb(int *& in, int *& out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
std::swap(in, out);
horizontal_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, r);
total_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, r);
// Note to myself :
// here we could go anisotropic with different radiis rx,ry in HBlur and TBlur
//! \fn void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
//! \brief this function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. For further details please refer to :
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] sigma gaussian std dev
void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(int *& in, int *& out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
// sigma conversion to box dimensions
int boxes[3];
std_to_box(boxes, sigma, 3);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[0]);
box_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, boxes[1]);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[2]);
//! \code{.cpp}
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if( argc < 2 ) exit(1);
const char * image_file = argv[1];
const float sigma = argc > 2 ? std::atof(argv[2]) : 3.;
const char * output_file = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "blur.png";
// image loading
int width, height, channels;
unsigned char * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
if(channels < 3)
std::cout<< "Input images must be RGB images."<<std::endl;
// copy data
int size = width * height * channels;
// output channels r,g,b
int * new_image = new int[size];
int * old_image = new int[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
old_image[i] = image_data[i];
// per channel filter
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(old_image, new_image, width, height, channels, sigma);
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// stats
float elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end-start).count();
std::cout << "time " << elapsed << "ms" << std::endl;
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[i] = (unsigned char) std::min(255, std::max(0, new_image[i]));
// save
std::string file(output_file);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] new_image;
delete[] old_image;
return 0;
//! \endcode
// Copyright (C) 2017 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
//! \file blur.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2017
//! \brief The software is a C++ implementation of a fast
//! Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir. For further details
//! please refer to :
//! Unsigned char version
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <chrono>
typedef unsigned char uchar;
//! \fn void std_to_box(float boxes[], float sigma, int n)
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into dimensions of boxes for box blur. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes boxes dimensions
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of boxes
void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = std::floor(wi);
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = std::round(mi);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \fn void horizontal_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the horizontal blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void horizontal_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r;
int fv[3] = { in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
int lv[3] = { in[(ti+w-1)*c+0], in[(ti+w-1)*c+1], in[(ti+w-1)*c+2] };
int val[3] = { (r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri++, ti++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++, ri++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=w-r; j<w; j++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
//! \fn void total_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the total blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void total_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
// radius range on either side of a pixel + the pixel itself
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
int ti = i;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r*w;
int fv[3] = {in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
int lv[3] = {in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+0], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+1], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+2] };
int val[3] = {(r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=r+1; j<h-r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=h-r; j<h; j++, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
//! \fn void box_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs a box blur pass.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void box_blur_rgb(uchar *& in, uchar *& out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
std::swap(in, out);
horizontal_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, r);
total_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, r);
// Note to myself :
// here we could go anisotropic with different radiis rx,ry in HBlur and TBlur
//! \fn void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
//! \brief this function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. For further details please refer to :
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] sigma gaussian std dev
void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(uchar *& in, uchar *& out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
// sigma conversion to box dimensions
int boxes[3];
std_to_box(boxes, sigma, 3);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[0]);
box_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, boxes[1]);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[2]);
//! \code{.cpp}
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if( argc < 2 ) exit(1);
const char * image_file = argv[1];
const float sigma = argc > 2 ? std::atof(argv[2]) : 3.;
const char * output_file = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "blur.png";
// image loading
int width, height, channels;
uchar * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
if(channels < 3)
std::cout<< "Input images must be RGB images."<<std::endl;
// copy data
int size = width * height * channels;
// output channels r,g,b
uchar * new_image = new uchar[size];
uchar * old_image = new uchar[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
old_image[i] = image_data[i];
// per channel filter
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(old_image, new_image, width, height, channels, sigma);
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// stats
float elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end-start).count();
std::cout << "time " << elapsed << "ms" << std::endl;
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[i] = (uchar) std::min((uchar)255, std::max((uchar)0, new_image[i]));
// save
std::string file(output_file);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] new_image;
delete[] old_image;
return 0;
//! \endcode
// Copyright (C) 2017 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
//! \file blur.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2017
//! \brief The software is a C++ implementation of a fast
//! Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir. For further details
//! please refer to :
//! Unsigned char version
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <chrono>
typedef unsigned char uchar;
//! \fn void std_to_box(float boxes[], float sigma, int n)
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into dimensions of boxes for box blur. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes boxes dimensions
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of boxes
void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = std::floor(wi);
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = std::round(mi);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \fn void horizontal_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the horizontal blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void horizontal_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r;
int fv[3] = { in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
int lv[3] = { in[(ti+w-1)*c+0], in[(ti+w-1)*c+1], in[(ti+w-1)*c+2] };
int val[3] = { (r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri++, ti++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++, ri++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=w-r; j<w; j++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
//! \fn void total_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the total blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void total_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
// radius range on either side of a pixel + the pixel itself
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
int ti = i;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r*w;
int fv[3] = {in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
int lv[3] = {in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+0], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+1], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+2] };
int val[3] = {(r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=r+1; j<h-r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=h-r; j<h; j++, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
//! \fn void box_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs a box blur pass.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void box_blur_rgb(uchar *& in, uchar *& out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
std::swap(in, out);
horizontal_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, r);
total_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, r);
// Note to myself :
// here we could go anisotropic with different radiis rx,ry in HBlur and TBlur
//! \fn void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
//! \brief this function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. For further details please refer to :
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] sigma gaussian std dev
void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(uchar *& in, uchar *& out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
// sigma conversion to box dimensions
int boxes[3];
std_to_box(boxes, sigma, 3);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[0]);
box_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, boxes[1]);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[2]);
//! \code{.cpp}
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if( argc < 2 ) exit(1);
const char * image_file = argv[1];
const float sigma = argc > 2 ? std::atof(argv[2]) : 3.;
const char * output_file = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "blur.png";
// image loading
int width, height, channels;
uchar * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
if(channels < 3)
std::cout<< "Input images must be RGB images."<<std::endl;
// copy data
int size = width * height * channels;
// output channels r,g,b
uchar * new_image = new uchar[size];
uchar * old_image = new uchar[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
old_image[i] = image_data[i];
// per channel filter
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(old_image, new_image, width, height, channels, sigma);
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// stats
float elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end-start).count();
std::cout << "time " << elapsed << "ms" << std::endl;
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[i] = (uchar) std::min((uchar)255, std::max((uchar)0, new_image[i]));
// save
std::string file(output_file);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] new_image;
delete[] old_image;
return 0;
//! \endcode
// Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir (for the original fast blur implmentation)
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <chrono>
#include <type_traits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
//! \file fast_gaussian_blur_template.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2021
//! \brief This contains a C++ implementation of a fast Gaussian blur algorithm in linear time.
//! The image buffer is supposed to be of size w * h * c, with w its width, h its height, and c its number of channels.
//! The default implementation only supports up to 4 channels images, but one can easily add support for any number of channels
//! using either specific template cases or a generic function that takes the number of channels as an explicit parameter.
//! This implementation is focused on learning and readability more than on performance.
//! The fast blur algorithm is performed with several box blur passes over an image.
//! The filter converges towards a true Gaussian blur after several passes. In practice,
//! three passes are sufficient for good quality results.
//! For further details please refer to:
//! \brief This function performs a single separable horizontal pass for box blur.
//! To complete a box blur pass we need to do this operation two times, one horizontally
//! and one vertically. Templated by buffer data type T, buffer number of channels C, and border policy P.
//! For a detailed description of border policies please refer to:
//! \param[in] in source buffer
//! \param[in,out] out target buffer
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
enum Policy {EXTEND, KERNEL_CROP};
template<typename T, int C, Policy P = KERNEL_CROP>
void horizontal_blur(const T * in, T * out, const int w, const int h, const int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w, li = ti, ri = ti+r;
float fv[C], lv[C], val[C];
for(int ch = 0; ch < C; ++ch)
fv[ch] = P == EXTEND ? in[ti*C+ch] : 0; // unused with kcrop policy
lv[ch] = P == EXTEND ? in[(ti+w-1)*C+ch] : 0; // unused with kcrop policy
val[ch] = P == EXTEND ? (r+1)*fv[ch] : 0;
// initial acucmulation
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
for(int ch = 0; ch < C; ++ch)
val[ch] += in[(ti+j)*C+ch];
// left border - filter kernel is incomplete
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri++, ti++)
for(int ch = 0; ch < C; ++ch)
val[ch] += P == EXTEND ? in[ri*C+ch] - fv[ch] : in[ri*C+ch];
out[ti*C+ch] = P == EXTEND ? val[ch]*iarr : val[ch]/(r+j+1);
// center of the image - filter kernel is complete
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++, ri++, ti++, li++)
for(int ch = 0; ch < C; ++ch)
val[ch] += in[ri*C+ch] - in[li*C+ch];
out[ti*C+ch] = val[ch]*iarr;
// right border - filter kernel is incomplete
for(int j=w-r; j<w; j++, ti++, li++)
for(int ch = 0; ch < C; ++ch)
val[ch] += P == EXTEND ? lv[ch] - in[li*C+ch] : -in[li*C+ch];
out[ti*C+ch] = P == EXTEND ? val[ch]*iarr : val[ch]/(r+w-j);
//! \brief Utility template dispatcher function for horizontal_blur. Templated by buffer data type T.
//! \param[in] in source buffer
//! \param[in,out] out target buffer
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
template<typename T>
void horizontal_blur(const T * in, T * out, const int w, const int h, const int c, const int r)
case 1: horizontal_blur<T,1>(in, out, w, h, r); break;
case 2: horizontal_blur<T,2>(in, out, w, h, r); break;
case 3: horizontal_blur<T,3>(in, out, w, h, r); break;
case 4: horizontal_blur<T,4>(in, out, w, h, r); break;
default: printf("%d channels is not supported yet. Add a specific case if possible or fall back to the generic version.", c); break;
// default: horizontal_blur<T>(in, out, w, h, c, r); break;
//! \brief This function performs a 2D tranposition of an image. The transposition is done per
//! block to reduce the number of cache misses and improve cache coherency for large image buffers.
//! Templated by buffer data type T and buffer number of channels C.
//! \param[in] in source buffer
//! \param[in,out] out target buffer
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
template<typename T, int C>
void flip_block(const T * in, T * out, const int w, const int h)
constexpr int block = 256/C;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int x= 0; x < w; x+= block)
for(int y= 0; y < h; y+= block)
const T * p = in + y*w*C + x*C;
T * q = out + y*C + x*h*C;
const int blockx= std::min(w, x+block) - x;
const int blocky= std::min(h, y+block) - y;
for(int xx= 0; xx < blockx; xx++)
for(int yy= 0; yy < blocky; yy++)
for(int k= 0; k < C; k++)
q[k]= p[k];
p+= w*C;
q+= C;
p+= -blocky*w*C + C;
q+= -blocky*C + h*C;
//! \brief Utility template dispatcher function for flip_block. Templated by buffer data type T.
//! \param[in] in source buffer
//! \param[in,out] out target buffer
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
template<typename T>
void flip_block(const T * in, T * out, const int w, const int h, const int c)
case 1: flip_block<T,1>(in, out, w, h); break;
case 2: flip_block<T,2>(in, out, w, h); break;
case 3: flip_block<T,3>(in, out, w, h); break;
case 4: flip_block<T,4>(in, out, w, h); break;
default: printf("%d channels is not supported yet. Add a specific case if possible or fall back to the generic version.", c); break;
// default: flip_block<T>(in, out, w, h, c); break;
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into a box radius for each box blur pass. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes box radiis for kernel sizes of 2*boxes[i]+1
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of box blur pass
void sigma_to_box_radius(int boxes[], const float sigma, const int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = wi; // no need std::floor
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = mi+0.5f; // avoid std::round by adding 0.5f and cast to integer type
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \brief This function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. Templated by buffer data type T. The input buffer is also used
//! as temporary and modified during the process hence it can not be constant.
//! Normally the process should alternate between horizontal and vertical passes
//! as much times as we want box blur passes. However thanks to box blur properties
//! the separable passes can be performed in any order without changing the result.
//! Hence for performance purposes the algorithm is:
//! - apply N times horizontal blur (-> horizontal passes)
//! - flip the image buffer (transposition)
//! - apply N times horizontal blur (-> vertical passes)
//! - flip the image buffer (transposition)
//! We provide two version of the function:
//! - 3 passes only
//! - N passes (in which more std:swaps are used)
//! \param[in,out] in source buffer
//! \param[in,out] out target buffer
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
template<typename T>
void fast_gaussian_blur_3(T *& in, T *& out, const int w, const int h, const int c, const float sigma)
// compute box kernel sizes
int n = 3;
int boxes[3];
sigma_to_box_radius(boxes, sigma, n);
// perform 3 horizontal blur passes
horizontal_blur(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[0]);
horizontal_blur(out, in, w, h, c, boxes[1]);
horizontal_blur(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[2]);
// flip buffer
flip_block(out, in, w, h, c);
// perform 3 horizontal blur passes
horizontal_blur(in, out, h, w, c, boxes[0]);
horizontal_blur(out, in, h, w, c, boxes[1]);
horizontal_blur(in, out, h, w, c, boxes[2]);
// flip buffer
flip_block(out, in, h, w, c);
// swap pointers to get result in the ouput buffer
std::swap(in, out);
template<typename T>
void fast_gaussian_blur_N(T *& in, T *& out, const int w, const int h, const int c, const float sigma, const int n)
// compute box kernel sizes
std::vector<int> boxes(n);
sigma_to_box_radius(, sigma, n);
// perform N horizontal blur passes
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
horizontal_blur(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[i]);
std::swap(in, out);
// flip buffer
flip_block(in, out, w, h, c);
std::swap(in, out);
// perform N horizontal blur passes
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
horizontal_blur(in, out, h, w, c, boxes[i]);
std::swap(in, out);
// flip buffer
flip_block(in, out, h, w, c);
typedef unsigned char uchar;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
// helper
if( argc < 4 )
printf("%s [input] [output] [sigma] [passes - optional]\n", argv[0]);
// load image
int width, height, channels;
uchar * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
// temporary data
std::size_t size = width * height * channels;
float * new_image = new float[size];
float * old_image = new float[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
old_image[i] = (float)image_data[i] / 255.f;
// perform gaussian blur
float sigma = std::atof(argv[3]);
if( argc > 4 )
fast_gaussian_blur_N(old_image, new_image, width, height, channels, sigma, std::atoi(argv[4]));
fast_gaussian_blur_3(old_image, new_image, width, height, channels, sigma);
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[i] = (uchar)(new_image[i] * 255.f);
// save image
std::string file(argv[2]);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(argv[2], width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(argv[2], width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] new_image;
delete[] old_image;
return 0;
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zsln commented Mar 3, 2021

Hey, thanks for the fast reply.

This makes sense, I think I was expecting some sort of cropping behavior. Consequently it was quite the surprise to see ratios between values change after blurring, especially if some small border value would suddenly dominate all other previously largest values.

For my purpose I would require a version with a kernel crop, because it is quite important that largest values from the input would remain so after blurring. I would like to take upon and thank you for your offer. Feel free to take your time, as it is not an urgent matter.

Thank you very much!

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bfraboni commented Mar 4, 2021

I would like to take upon and thank you for your offer. Feel free to take your time, as it is not an urgent matter.

Did it, please check the new template version I uploaded (which also should be faster than any other) :

I've added a template parameter on the horizontal_blur function that changes the border policy and defaulted as kernel crop.
See the example below for an idea of the difference between kernel crop and extend policy:

Kernel Crop

Difference 10 times magnified

Please give it a try with your example data and let me know if its ok now.


Edit: I tried with HDR data and bright pixels as in your example and it looks ok now:

Kernel Crop

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zsln commented Mar 9, 2021

Hey B,

excuse the late reply. So I've played around with the old code and the new one.
I've took the old example, padded a black pixel border around it, blurred it, and clipped again in the hope to have a workaround. This managed to avoid the issues, however the blurring pattern was not very round as I would expect.

Tried the same with the new templated version. I've noticed the blurring pattern improved, it looks very round now.
I've attached some images which shows this very well:


Old Example using 1px padding

New Example without padding

Currently the ratio of the maxima changes after blurring, but I think this is unavoidable as long as I don't pad with 50% of Sigma to avoid this completely. This however is very specific to my application so I think this should be fine.

Thanks alot!

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bfraboni commented Mar 9, 2021

Indeed there is an issue in the blur passes (H or V I do not know) in your first example, I should look at the code...

For your second example with the new code (template version) this should not happen with the kernel crop policy.
Both pixels should have the same brightness, as in my example in the precedent comment.
I can send you the full example with bright pixels, or you can send me your main.cpp so I check where this comes from.


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zsln commented Mar 9, 2021


Here is the example snippet I use:

constexpr auto x_res = 50;
constexpr auto y_res = 50;
constexpr auto channels = 1;
constexpr auto sigma = 4;
constexpr auto iterations = 3;

std::vector<float> img;
img.resize(x_res * y_res);

img[0] = 1.f;
img[1275] = 1.f;

std::vector<float> copy(img.size());

float* in =;
float* out =;
fast_gaussian_blur_N(in, out, x_res, y_res, channels, sigma, iterations);

printf("%f\n", out[0]); // or copy[...] for that matter...
printf("%f\n", out[1275]);

For me it prints


Thanks for the quick response

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bfraboni commented Mar 12, 2021

Ok I was wrong, indeed without the explicit padding the diffusion to the adjacent pixels is not taken into account in the next iteration. Hence this should be fine with padding, but half the kernel support is not enough for perfect accuracy, it should be the sum of half the kernel support at each iteration:

For N passes just sum up the content of the array boxes that is filled by the function sigma_to_box_radius to get the correct value.

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zsln commented Mar 12, 2021

I would consider putting a comment at the top of the files. I suppose not everyone might check the comments and will not be aware of this.

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Yes, I may add a comment on this indeed, this is something important considering that a multi-pass algorithm progressively diffuses signal rather going to the desired diffusion step in one pass (e.g. true Gaussian blur), and that the fix is to use an adequate padding for the diffusion process.
Thanks for your feedback.

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Hello @Youana-Joseph ,

The latest version of this code is here:
So please check to one out instead, it should be faster.

The blur code itself should be pretty fast already without the allocations, make sure you compile with OpenMP linked, to get the best out of it.
Also I have no idea what your use case is, so it is difficult to be of any help..

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