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Last active May 23, 2024 15:54
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Bro Words
"Abroha": "A blend of \"Aloha\" and \"bro.\"",
"Ambrodextrous": "A bro that does the shaka sign with both hands.",
"Brah": "The Hawaiian version of bro.",
"Bro-hug": "A hug between two friends or bros.",
"Bro Jackson": "A bro that is good at everything.",
"Bro-am": "An amateur surf or skateboarding contest for bros only.",
"Bro-b-q": "A barbecue for bros only.",
"Bro-brah": "An irritating, stoned surfer, skateboarder, or snowboarder.",
"Bro-bro": "A special friend or super close bro.",
"Bro-dependent": "A bro who constantly relies on other bros.",
"Bro-ho": "A girl who hangs out with bros.",
"Broactive": "To be extremely helpful to another fellow bro.",
"Broasis": "The local bar or café where bros meet and hang out.",
"Broast": "When bros gather to have a drink and toast to their friendship.",
"Brobalization": "The globalization of the bro fraternity.",
"Brobituary": "The announcement of the passing of a fellow bro.",
"Brobot": "An emotionless bro or a bro that is always calling others bro.",
"Broccasion": "The anniversary or a bro's special event.",
"Brocean": "The bro republic or kingdom ruled by Broseidon.",
"Brocrastinator": "A bro who delays or postpones a surf or skateboarding session.",
"Broda": "Usually an older, wiser, and more experienced bro.",
"Broem": "A poem written in the bro's language.",
"Brofessional": "A bro that has achieved professional status in surfing or skateboarding.",
"Brofessor": "A surf or skateboarding instructor or a bro with a doctoral degree in brology.",
"Broffeur": "A bro who doesn't drink and drive and chauffeurs everyone.",
"Brogram": "A special program with bros or a computer programming night.",
"Brohemian": "A person with a strong tendency to enjoy the pleasures of life.",
"Brohibition": "When someone is denied the right to drink an alcoholic beverage.",
"Brojo": "The special and strong connection or vibe between two bros.",
"Brolex": "A fake Rolex that becomes an original one when a bro is with a girl in front of his friends.",
"Brolice": "An officer of the bro community or a police officer that surfs.",
"Brolicious": "Something of bro nature"
"name": "Alex Brovechkin",
"definition": "The bro who dominates the ice rink with protein shake-fueled slap shots."
"name": "Al Brolson",
"definition": "The bro who invented the ultimate protein shake recipe, containing equal parts gains and charisma."
"name": "Amy Broehler",
"definition": "The hilarious bro-comedian who delivers punchlines with impeccable bro-timing."
"name": "Angelina Brolie",
"definition": "The Hollywood actress who adopted a dozen protein shakes and named them all 'Bro.'"
"name": "Apollo Brohno",
"definition": "The bro who serenades the moon with power ballads about bench presses."
"name": "Axl Brose",
"definition": "The rock 'n' roll icon who croons about heartbreak and protein shakes."
"name": "Barack, Michelle, Malia, and Sasha Brobama",
"definition": "The first family of bros, leading the nation in gains and diplomacy."
"name": "Ben Bronanke",
"definition": "The bro who controls the gains supply and interest rates at the Broderal Reserve."
"name": "Boutros Boutros-Gali",
"definition": "The bro-diplomat who brokered peace treaties with protein shakes and high-fives."
"name": "Brad Brohaus",
"definition": "The bro who built a mansion entirely out of protein powder containers."
"name": "Braubert",
"definition": "The bro who composed symphonies using only barbell clanks and grunts."
"name": "Brehard Branson",
"definition": "The bro-preneur who launched Virgin Gains, the world's first intergalactic gym."
"name": "Brelvis Presley",
"definition": "The King of Brock 'n' Roll, swiveling his hips and curling dumbbells."
"name": "Brole Porter",
"definition": "The smooth-talking bro who serenades ladies with renditions of 'Fly Me to the Broon.'"
"name": "Broliver Cromwell",
"definition": "The bro who led the English Civil Bro-war, demanding squats and gains for all."
"name": "Brol Pot",
"definition": "The revolutionary leader who fought for bro-liberation in Cambodia."
"name": "Bronas Salk",
"definition": "The bro-scientist who developed the first protein shake vaccine."
"name": "Broni Mitchell",
"definition": "The folk bro-singer who croons about bro-relationships and leg day."
"name": "Bronus Wagner",
"definition": "The bro-composer who wrote epic symphonies inspired by deadlifts."
"name": "Brony Randall",
"definition": "The bro who collects My Little Protein Shakes and wears a rainbow tank top."
"name": "Brony Seikaly",
"definition": "The bro who combines basketball skills with a love for pastel-colored ponies."
"name": "Brony the Tiger",
"definition": "The bro who prowls the jungle, flexing his stripes and growling 'Gains!'"
"name": "Brose Feliciano",
"definition": "The bro who sings soulful ballads about protein shakes and heartache."
"name": "Brosef Stalin",
"definition": "The authoritarian bro-leader who enforced strict gains distribution policies."
"name": "Brosama bin Laden",
"definition": "The elusive bro-terrorist who hid in caves doing burpees."
"name": "Brosé Feliciano",
"definition": "The bro who sips rosé while bench pressing and discussing Nietzsche."
"name": "Brosie O'Donnell",
"definition": "The bro-talk show host who debates protein shake flavors and politics."
"name": "Brosius",
"definition": "The bro who invented the ultimate protein shake recipe,
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