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Last active August 10, 2020 20:55
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  • Save bfrg/2311124ed4511f69e94903b3e1986f04 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Vanilla git-blame
" Vanilla git-blame
" git-blame current line:
" :GB
" git-blame selected lines:
" :'<,'>GB
" git-blame entire buffer:
" :%GB
function s:git_blame(line1, line2) abort
let cmd = printf('git -C %s blame -L %d,%d %s', expand('%:p:h')->shellescape(), a:line1, a:line2, expand('%:t'))
let git = systemlist(cmd)
call map(git, {_, i -> printf('git -C %s log -1 --date=relative --pretty=format:"%%an, %%cd • %%s" %s',
\ expand('%:p:h'),
\ matchstr(i, '^\^\=\zs[a-z0-9]\+')
\ )->systemlist()[0]
\ })
echo join(git, "\n")
command -range GB call s:git_blame(<line1>, <line2>)
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