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Created April 13, 2020 16:24
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Display the output of :highlight in a popup window
" ==============================================================================
" Display the output of :highlight in a popup window
" Command:
" :Highlight [{args}...]
" {args} is an optional list of highlight groups (partial names are supported)
" Examples:
" Display all highlight groups (this is like running :hi):
" :Highlight
" Display only specific highlight groups (this is like running :hi Pmenu |
" hi Visual | hi StatusLine | hi StatusLineNC):
" :Highlight Pmenu Visual StatusLine StatusLineNC
" Display all highlight groups containing 'diff' (&wildignorecase applies):
" :Highlight diff
" Popup Mappings:
" j/k - scroll down/up one line
" d/u - scroll down/up one half page
" f/b - scroll down/up one full page
" g/G - scroll to top/bottom
" q - close popup window
" ==============================================================================
function! s:popup_filter(winid, key) abort
if a:key ==# 'j'
call win_execute(a:winid, "normal! \<c-e>")
elseif a:key ==# 'k'
call win_execute(a:winid, "normal! \<c-y>")
elseif a:key ==# 'g'
call win_execute(a:winid, 'normal! gg')
elseif a:key ==# 'G'
call win_execute(a:winid, 'normal! G')
elseif a:key ==# 'd'
call win_execute(a:winid, "normal! \<c-d>")
elseif a:key ==# 'u'
call win_execute(a:winid, "normal! \<c-u>")
elseif a:key ==# 'f'
call win_execute(a:winid, "normal! \<c-f>")
elseif a:key ==# 'b'
call win_execute(a:winid, "normal! \<c-b>")
elseif a:key ==# 'q'
call popup_close(a:winid)
return v:false
return v:true
function! s:popup_highlight(args) abort
if empty(a:args)
let output = execute('hi')->split('\n')
let grouplist = []
call split(a:args)->map({_,i -> extend(grouplist, getcompletion(i, 'highlight'))})
let output = execute('hi ' .. join(grouplist, ' | hi '))->split('\n')
let winid = popup_create(output, {
\ 'pos': 'botleft',
\ 'line': &lines - &cmdheight,
\ 'pos2': 'topleft',
\ 'line2': 1,
\ 'minheight': 2,
\ 'maxheight': 20,
\ 'minwidth': &columns - 2,
\ 'maxwidth': &columns - 1,
\ 'padding': [],
\ 'scrollbar': v:true,
\ 'wrap': v:true,
\ 'mapping': v:false,
\ 'filtermode': 'n',
\ 'filter': funcref('s:popup_filter')
\ })
call matchadd('Directory', 'links to', 10, -1, {'window': winid})
call matchadd('Directory', '\s\zs\%(term\|cterm\|ctermfg\|ctermbg\|gui\|guifg\|guibg\|guisp\)=', 10, -1, {'window': winid})
let i = 0
for line in winbufnr(winid)->getbufline(1, '$')
let i += 1
let group = matchstr(line, '^\w\+')
if !empty(group)
call matchadd(group, printf('\%%%dl\<xxx\>', i), 10, -1, {'window': winid})
return winid
command! -nargs=* -complete=highlight Highlight call s:popup_highlight(<q-args>)
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