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Last active April 21, 2020 02:13
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More intelligent :help that automatically splits vertically when it makes more sense
" in file ~/.vim/autoload/vim.vim
function! vim#help(arg)
let cmd = winwidth(0) * 2 < winheight(0) * 5 ? '' : 'vertical'
" Vim escapes special characters, therefore we need to remove backslash,
" otherwise it will jump to the wrong help tag, for example, :h | and :h \|
" Make sure characters inside [] are in correct order, see E944
let arg = substitute(a:arg, '\\\ze[ !#$%''*+-<[`{|]', '', 'g')
execute cmd 'help' arg
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E149:/
" Need to redraw or the echo'd message is not visible when the function
" is called from visual mode, see :help :echo-redraw
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg 'E149: Sorry, no help for ' .. arg
echohl None
" in file ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/vim.vim
setlocal keywordprg=:Vimhelp
command! -buffer -nargs=? -complete=help Vimhelp call vim#help(<q-args>)
let b:undo_ftplugin = get(b:, 'undo_ftplugin', 'execute') .. ' | setlocal keywordprg< | delcommand Vimhelp'
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