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Last active April 1, 2023 07:46
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Redirect the output of ":verbose {cmd}" to a quickfix list
" ==============================================================================
" Redirect the output of ':verbose {cmd}' to a quickfix list
" Commands:
" :Verbose {cmd}
" Add items to new quickfix list
" :VerboseAdd {cmd}
" Append items to current quickfix list
" Examples:
" :Verbose map <leader>
" Populate a new quickfix list with the locations of all <leader> mappings
" :VerboseAdd map ]
" Append locations of all mappings starting with ] to current quickfix list
" ==============================================================================
function s:verbose_to_qf(cmd, append) abort
let items = []
let items = execute('verbose ' .. a:cmd)
\ ->substitute('^\n*', '', '')
\ ->substitute('^\%( Name Args Address Complete Definition\|--- Autocommands ---\)\n', '', '')
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg matchstr(v:exception, '^Vim:\zs.*')
echohl None
if empty(items)
let qflist = split(items, 'Last set from .\{-}\n\zs')
\ ->map({_,i -> matchlist(i, '^\(.\{-}\)\n\tLast set from \(\f\+\) line \(\d\+\)')[1:3]})
\ ->filter('!empty(v:val)')
\ ->map({_,i -> {'text': i[0], 'filename': expand(i[1]), 'lnum': i[2]}})
if empty(qflist)
let title = (a:append ? getqflist({'title': 0}).title .. ' + ' .. a:cmd : ':verbose ' .. a:cmd)
call setqflist([], (a:append ? 'a' : ' '), {'title': title, 'items': qflist})
if exists('#QuickFixCmdPost#grep')
doautocmd <nomodeline> QuickFixCmdPost grep
command -nargs=+ -complete=command Verbose call s:verbose_to_qf(<q-args>, v:false)
command -nargs=+ -complete=command VerboseAdd call s:verbose_to_qf(<q-args>, v:true)
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chrisbra commented Jul 2, 2020

that is nice, but it needs an english locale and a recent vim 8.2

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