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Created October 30, 2012 15:44
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AngualarJS Flexible Dialogbox
app.directive 'dialogbox', ->
transclude : true
template : "<div data-ng-transclude></div>"
restrict : "A"
replace : true
scope : false
link : (scope, elem, attrs) ->
$elem = $(elem).addClass('dialog')
dur = 250
opts =
duration: dur
queue: false
# Watch width and adjust
watchDimensions = (dims) ->
# Set margin property type
margin = if dims is 'width' then 'marginLeft' else 'marginTop'
# Set measurement function
measure = if dims is 'width' then 'outerWidth' else 'outerHeight'
scope.$watch ->
# Dirty check to see if element is hidden
hidden = if $elem[0].style.display is 'none' then true else false
last = @last # Cache for minification
# If last is a function, return false. This will be true
# exactly once, as after first construction, this turns
# to the 'last value'
return false if angular.isFunction(last)
# Return last (break - don't run the change callback)
# unless the element is visible
return last if hidden
# Get dimensions (equiv. $elem.outerHeight(), etc.)
dim = $elem[measure].call($elem)
# There is an odd bug where the dimensions can change by
# a small (<2px) amount. I'm not sure what causes this,
# however, we can do a quick check for this variance
# and not fire the change evt if it's within limits
dim = if Math.abs(dim - last) > 2 then dim else last
, (dim) ->
props = {}
props[margin] = -(dim/2)
$elem.animate props, opts
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