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Created April 18, 2014 18:30
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replace string in C
// fork from
char* str_replace(char* string, const char* substr, const char* replacement) {
char* tok = NULL;
char* newstr = NULL;
char* oldstr = NULL;
int oldstr_len = 0;
int substr_len = 0;
int replacement_len = 0;
newstr = strdup(string);
substr_len = strlen(substr);
replacement_len = strlen(replacement);
if (substr == NULL || replacement == NULL) {
return newstr;
while ((tok = strstr(newstr, substr))) {
oldstr = newstr;
oldstr_len = strlen(oldstr);
newstr = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (oldstr_len - substr_len + replacement_len + 1));
if (newstr == NULL) {
return NULL;
memcpy(newstr, oldstr, tok - oldstr);
memcpy(newstr + (tok - oldstr), replacement, replacement_len);
memcpy(newstr + (tok - oldstr) + replacement_len, tok + substr_len, oldstr_len - substr_len - (tok - oldstr));
memset(newstr + oldstr_len - substr_len + replacement_len, 0, 1);
return newstr;
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solsticedhiver commented Apr 26, 2020

There is an infinite loop if you try to double a char:

str_replace("test_test", "_" "__");

expected output "test__test", result is infinite loop because you try to replace from the start of the newly created string at each step

The outcome is the same if you try to replace the subtring with the same string, meaning:

str_replace("test", "e", "e"); // infinite looop

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kwakd commented Nov 17, 2020

i love u

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