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Last active February 5, 2020 18:39
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Social Desirability can produce incorrect inferences about the sign of an effect
# Show that social desirability not only produces biased
# "descriptive statistics" (e.g. group means), but can
# produce treatment effects of the opposite sign of
# the true effect. You cannot simply ignore social
# desirability under the assumption that it does
# not affect estimates of causal parameters since
# measures pre-treatment and post-treatment are
# both subject to social desirability.
# Note that this arises due to social desirability
# pushing people toward the maximum and minimum of
# the theoretical range of the outcome variable, such
# as when people state the probability they vote is very
# high. Because the range of the outcome truncates treatment
# effects for which the treatment would push an observation's
# outcome value outside of the range, social desirability
# that pushes outcome values toward the ceiling or floor of
# the measure increases the risk that a treatment effect is
# truncated. In the extreme case, it could cause all positive
# treatment effects to be truncated at a positive value close
# to zero and none of the negative treatment effects to be
# truncated. The consequence is that nearly all of our
# treatment effects are negative and large treatment effects
# are only found in the negative effects, so the ATE is negative.
# This does not happen when the measure is unbounded.
# There are at least two ways of conceptualizing social
# desirability bias and the below looks at both:
# - Additive SBD: true response + constant
# - Multiplicative SDB: t9rue response)*(constant)
# Set-up
# Load packages
# Randomization seed
# Parameters
# Number of participants completing study
N <- 5000
# Average treatment effect ~ Normal(mu,sigma^2)
mu <- 0.10 # positive!
sigma <- 0.10
sdb_add <- 0.9
sdb_multi <- .8
# Generate data
# Initialize "empty" data frame to store data
# with dplyr. No good way to do this with
# dplyr.
df <- data.frame(y_t0_true = rep(NA_real_, N))
# Generate control data
df %<>% dplyr::mutate(
# Draw "true" vote probability for each
# participant from Unif(0,1)
y_t0_true = runif(n = N, min = 0, max = 1),
# Assume there is some social desirability
# where everyone reports a higher probability
# of voting than they would otherwise. We can
# think of 2 different types of SDB: additive
# effects and multiplicative effects.
# Additive effect: true probability + sdb,
# where sdb in [0,1]
y_t0_observed_add = ifelse(y_t0_true + sdb_add > 1,
y_t0_true + sdb_add),
# Multiplicative effect: true probability*(1+sdb),
# where sdb > 0
y_t0_observed_multi = ifelse((y_t0_true * (1 + sdb_multi)) > 1,
y_t0_true * (1 + sdb_multi))
# Generate treated data
# Get treatment effects
df %<>% rnorm(n = N, mean = mu, sd = sigma)
# Treated outcome, no social desirability,
# round to [0,1] interval
df %<>% dplyr::mutate(
y_t1_true = y_t0_true + fx,
y_t1_true = dplyr::case_when(y_t1_true < 0 ~ 0,
y_t1_true > 1 ~ 1,
TRUE ~ y_t1_true)
# Treated outcome, social desirability
# round to [0,1] interval, additive
df %<>% dplyr::mutate(
y_t1_observed_add = y_t0_observed_add + fx,
y_t1_observed_add = dplyr::case_when(
y_t1_observed_add < 0 ~ 0,
y_t1_observed_add > 1 ~ 1,
TRUE ~ y_t1_observed_add
# Treated outcome, social desirability
# round to [0,1] interval, multiplicative
df %<>% dplyr::mutate(
y_t1_observed_multi = y_t0_observed_multi + fx*(1 + sdb_multi),
y_t1_observed_multi = dplyr::case_when(
y_t1_observed_multi < 0 ~ 0,
y_t1_observed_multi > 1 ~ 1,
TRUE ~ y_t1_observed_multi
# Calculate ATE for different measures
mean(df$y_t1_true - df$y_t0_true) # true
mean(df$y_t1_observed_add - df$y_t0_observed_add) # additive
mean(df$y_t1_observed_multi - df$y_t0_observed_multi) # multiplicative
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