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Last active February 9, 2023 22:00
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Show bias in covariate adjustment and linear combination "issue"
# Wrap data simulation in a function
sim_data <- function(N) {
# parameters
ages <- 16:30
control_mean <- 0
control_sd <- 1
teffect_mean_mean <- 1
teffect_mean_sd <- 1
teffect_sd_rate <- 1
# Simulate data
# Age, individual treatment effects, and row identifiers
dat <- tibble(
age = sample(ages, size = N, replace = T),
age_cat = cut(
breaks = 3,
labels = c("low", "med", "high")
het_teffect_mean = rnorm(n = N, mean = teffect_mean_mean, sd = teffect_mean_sd),
het_teffect_sd = rexp(n = N, rate = teffect_sd_rate),
ids = 1:N
# Ensure we have obs in every age value (better example)
stopifnot(dat$age %>% unique() %>% length() == length(ages))
# Block randomized treatment and outcome draws
treated <- dat %>%
group_by(age_cat) %>%
slice_sample(prop = 0.5) %>%
dat <- dat %>%
treat = if_else(ids %in% treated$ids, 1, 0),
y = rnorm(
n = N,
control_mean + treat * het_teffect_mean,
sd = control_sd + treat * het_teffect_sd
# Example simulation
# Simulate N = 100
dat <- sim_data(100)
table(dat$treat, dat$age_cat) # check blocking
# Linear combination?
# Regression: w/ constant
lm(y ~ treat + age + age_cat, data = dat) # factor level term drops
# Regression: no constant
lm(y ~ -1 + treat + age + age_cat, data = dat) # no dropped term
# Show bias in adjusted ATE
# Throw some of above code into function
get_bias <- function(data){
# unadjusted estimate
unadj <- lm(y ~ treat, data = data)
# adjusted estimate
adj <- lm(y ~ treat + age + age_cat, data = data)
# bias
unadj$coefficients["treat"] - adj$coefficients["treat"]
# Show bias for varying N
# Expected bias magnitude declines with N (better balance)
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