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Forked from gistwebdev/vhost
Last active April 8, 2018 01:51
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Save bgallagh3r/9927800 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fix for Apache 2.4 (required adding .conf extensions)
# Display usage info
vhost-usage() {
cat <<"USAGE"
Usage: vhost [OPTIONS] <name>
-h|--help this screen
-pub to create the webhost root in ~/www/name/public/
-url to specify a local address, default is http://name.local
-rm to remove a previously created vhost, see examples
-d to specify the webroot directory location, default is in ~/www (NO TRAILING SLASH)
-email to specify the email of the administrator in the virtual host file
-l to list the current virtual hosts
1- You need git setup to grab the template file if you do not have it already.
2- You need to make sure you do not have a vhost called 'template' or that it is the one from this gist:
3- Check your version of sed, you need to make sure -i works. GNU sed is suggested.
vhost mysite this will create a new apache2 vhost named mysite with a webroot of ~/www/mysite/ reachable at http://mysite.local
vhost -pub mysite this will create a new apache2 vhost named mysite with a webroot of ~/www/mysite/public/ reachable at http://mysite.local
vhost -d ~/sites/mysite/myroot -url mysite this will create a new apache2 vhost named mysite with a webroot of ~/sites/mysite/myroot reachable at
vhost -rm mysite.local mysite this will remove the apache2 vhost named mysite and remove the mysite.local entry from the /etc/hosts file. Be sure to specify boths
exit 0
# Delete a virtual host file and it's entry in /etc/hosts
vhost-remove() {
sudo -v
echo "Removing $url from /etc/hosts."
sudo sed -i '/'$url'/d' /etc/hosts
echo "Disabling and deleting the $name virtual host."
sudo a2dissite $name
sudo rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/$name
sudo service apache2 reload
exit 0
vhost-list() {
echo "Available virtual hosts:"
ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-available/
echo "Enabled virtual hosts:"
ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
exit 0
# Define and create default values
# Check if git is installed
if ! hash git 2>/dev/null; then
echo -e "Git is not installed! You will need it at some point anyways..."
echo -e "Exiting, install git first."
exit 0
# Loop to read options and arguments
while [ $1 ]; do
case "$1" in
'-l') vhost-list;;
'-h'|'--help') vhost-usage;;
'-rm') url="$2"
'-pub') webroot="$HOME/www/$name/public";;
'-d') webroot="$2";;
'-url') url="$2";;
'-email') email="$2";;
sudo -v
# Check if the webroot exists
if [ ! -d "$webroot" ]; then
echo "Creating $webroot directory"
mkdir -p $webroot
echo "Checking for the virtual host template file..."
if [ ! -f /etc/apache2/sites-available/template ]; then
echo "Downloading template file with Git..."
sudo git clone /etc/apache2/sites-available/temp
sudo mv /etc/apache2/sites-available/temp/template /etc/apache2/sites-available/template
sudo rm -Rf /etc/apache2/sites-available/temp
echo "Creating the new $name virtual host file that has a webroot of: $webroot"
sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/template /etc/apache2/sites-available/$url.conf
sudo sed -i 's/'$email'/g' /etc/apache2/sites-available/$url.conf
sudo sed -i 's/template.url/'$url'/g' /etc/apache2/sites-available/$url.conf
sudo sed -i 's#template.webroot#'$webroot'#g' /etc/apache2/sites-available/$url.conf
echo "Adding $url to the /etc/hosts file..."
sudo sed -i '1s/^/ '$url'\n/' /etc/hosts
sudo a2ensite "$url.conf"
sudo service apache2 reload
echo "Virtual host $name created with a webroot at $webroot reachable from http://$url"
exit 0
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