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Created June 23, 2012 17:33
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Turing machine
-- Turing machine
-- Author: Ben Gamari
import Graphics.Gloss
import Data.List
import Data.Function
type Symbol = Int
type Position = Int
type Tape = [(Position, Symbol)]
data Direction = DLeft | DRight deriving (Show, Eq)
data Machine state = Machine { state :: state
, tape :: Tape
, position :: Position
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Action = Move Direction
| Write Symbol
| Erase
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Program state = state -> Maybe Symbol -> ([Action], state)
readTape :: Tape -> Position -> Maybe Symbol
readTape tape pos = lookup pos tape
writeTape :: Position -> Maybe Symbol -> Tape -> Tape
writeTape pos Nothing tape = deleteBy ((==) `on` fst) (pos, undefined) tape
writeTape pos (Just sym) tape =
(pos, sym) : writeTape pos Nothing tape
doAction :: Machine state -> Action -> Machine state
doAction m (Move DRight) = m { position = position m + 1 }
doAction m (Move DLeft) = m { position = position m - 1 }
doAction m (Write s) = m { tape = writeTape (position m) (Just s) (tape m) }
doAction m (Erase) = m { tape = writeTape (position m) Nothing (tape m) }
evolve :: Program state -> Machine state -> Machine state
evolve program m =
let sym = readTape (tape m) (position m)
(actions, state') = program (state m) sym
in (foldl' doAction m actions) {state = state'}
turingsFirst :: Program Char
turingsFirst 'b' Nothing = ([Write 0, Move DRight], 'c')
turingsFirst 'c' Nothing = ([Move DRight], 'e')
turingsFirst 'e' Nothing = ([Write 1, Move DRight], 'f')
turingsFirst 'f' Nothing = ([Move DRight], 'b')
turingsFirst _ _ = error "Uh oh. We shouldn't be here"
reducedTuringsFirst :: Program ()
reducedTuringsFirst _ Nothing = ([Write 0], ())
reducedTuringsFirst _ (Just 0) = ([Move DRight, Move DRight, Write 1], ())
reducedTuringsFirst _ (Just 1) = ([Move DRight, Move DRight, Write 0], ())
reducedTuringsFirst _ _ = error "Uh oh. We shouldn't be here"
initialMachine :: state -> Machine state
initialMachine state = Machine { state = state
, tape = []
, position = 0
main = do
let s = head $ drop 50 $ iterate (evolve turingsFirst) $ initialMachine 'b'
print s
--display (InWindow "Turing" (500,500) (500,500)) white $ drawMachine (0,50) s
simulate (InWindow "Turing" (500,500) (500,500))
(initialMachine 'b')
(drawMachine (0,50))
(\_ _->evolve turingsFirst)
cellSize = 20 :: Float
drawMachine :: (Position,Position) -> Machine state -> Picture
drawMachine (start,end) m =
let drawCell i =
case readTape (tape m) i of
Nothing -> rectangleSolid cellSize cellSize
Just v -> pictures [ rectangleWire cellSize cellSize
, translate (-cellSize/3) (-cellSize/3)
$ scale 0.1 0.1 $ text $ show v
cells = map (\i->translate (cellSize*realToFrac i) 0 $ drawCell i)
$ [start..end]
pos = translate (cellSize * realToFrac (position m)) cellSize
$ circle (cellSize/2)
in pictures $ cells++[ pos ]
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