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Created November 12, 2013 22:41
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Save bgamari/7440151 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Template Haskell splices to generate operations for Free monads
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Control.Monad.Free.TH
( makeFree
, showType
) where
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Language.Haskell.TH
trace :: Show a => a -> Q ()
trace a = reportWarning (show a)
showType :: Name -> Q [Dec]
showType name = do
a <- reify name
reportWarning $ show a
return []
failMaybe :: Monad m => String -> m (Maybe a) -> m a
failMaybe error m = m >>= maybe (fail error) return
data Arg = Arg Type -- ^ Capture an argument of the given type
| Ret [Type] -- ^ Return a tuple of the given type
deriving (Show)
unSigT :: Type -> Type
unSigT = gmapT
appArgs :: Type -> Maybe -> [Type]
appArgs (AppT (AppT ArrowT a) rest) = do
rest' <- appArgs rest
return $ Just $ a : rest'
appArgs (AppT
arg :: Name -> Type -> Q Arg
arg next (ConT t) = return $ Capture (ConT t)
arg next (AppT ListT t) = return $ Capture (AppT ListT t)
arg next (AppT (AppT ArrowT _) (VarT t))
| t == next = do x <- newName "x"
let idE = LamE [VarP x] (VarE x)
return $ Literal idE (ConT t)
arg next (VarT t)
| t == next = return $ Literal (TupE []) (TupleT 0)
arg _ a = fail $ "arg: Unsupported field type: "++show a
operationName :: String -> String
operationName (c:rest) = toLower c : rest
-- | Lift a data constructor into a free monad
liftCon' :: Type -> Name -> Name -> [Type] -> Q [Dec]
liftCon' functor nextTyName conName fieldTys = do
let liftedName = mkName (operationName (nameBase conName))
m <- newName "m"
monadFree <- failMaybe "MonadFree not in scope" $ lookupTypeName "MonadFree"
liftF <- failMaybe "liftF not in scope" $ lookupValueName "liftF"
tys <- mapM (arg nextTyName) fieldTys
let returnTy = case tys
liftedTy = foldr f (AppT (VarT m) (VarT nextTyName)) tys
f (Capture t') t = AppT (AppT ArrowT t') t
f _ t = t
pat = undefined
body = undefined
trace liftedTy
return $ [ SigD liftedName (ForallT [PlainTV m] [ClassP monadFree [functor, VarT m]] liftedTy)
--, FunD liftedName [Clause pat body []]
tyVarBndrName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tyVarBndrName (PlainTV name) = name
tyVarBndrName (KindedTV name _) = name
liftCon :: Type -> Name -> Con -> Q [Dec]
liftCon functor nextTyName (NormalC conName fieldTys) =
liftCon' functor nextTyName conName (map snd fieldTys)
liftCon functor nextTyName (RecC conName fieldTys) =
liftCon' functor nextTyName conName (map (\(_,_,ty)->ty) fieldTys)
liftCon _ _ con = fail $ "liftCon: Don't know how to lift "++show con
liftDec :: Dec -> Q [Dec]
liftDec (DataD _ tyName tyVarBndrs cons _)
| null tyVarBndrs = fail $ "Type "++show tyName++" needs at least one free variable"
| otherwise = do
let nextTyName = tyVarBndrName (last tyVarBndrs)
concat <$> mapM (liftCon (ConT tyName) nextTyName) cons
liftDec dec = fail $ "liftDec: Don't know how to lift "++show dec
-- | @$(makeFree ''Type)@ provides free monadic actions for the
-- constructors of the given type
makeFree :: Name -> Q [Dec]
makeFree typCon = do
typInfo <- reify typCon
case typInfo of
TyConI dec -> liftDec dec
otherwise -> fail "makeFree expects a type constructor"
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