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Python vs Fortran performance on trapezoidal numerical integration

Python numerical integration performance

Out of the box performance of python numerical integration is poor. Here we present three python versions of the trapezoidal rule.

Python code (naive version)

import math
import time

import numpy as np

# pip3 install numba
from numba import float64, int32, int64, jit, njit, prange

def f(x):
    """function to integrate"""
    return np.sin(x)

def exact(a, b):
    """exact integral value"""
    return -np.cos(b) + np.cos(a)

def trap_naive(a, b, n):
    """naive trapezoidal rule implementation"""
    h = (b - a) / n
    s = 0.5 * (f(a) + f(b))
    for i in range(1, n):
        xi = a + i * h
        s += f(xi)
    return h * s

def trap_vec(a, b, n):
    """vectorized trapezoidal rule"""
    xi = np.linspace(a, b, n + 1)
    h = xi[1] - xi[0]
    s = 0.5 * (f(a) + f(b)) + np.sum(f(xi[1:-1]))
    return h * s

@njit(float64(float64, float64, int64), parallel=True)
def trap_numba(a, b, n):
    """trapezoidal rule via numba"""
    h = (b - a) / n
    s = 0.5 * (f(a) + f(b))
    for i in prange(1, n):
        xi = a + i * h
        s += f(xi)
    return h * s

def measure(func, a, b, n):
    start = time.time()
    result = func(a, b, n)
    duration = 1000 * (time.time() - start)
    error = abs(result - exact(a, b))
    print(f"{func.__name__} =", result)
    print("error =", error)
    print(f"took = {duration:.4f} ms\n")

# integration interval
a = 0
b = 100

# number of subintervals
n = int(40e6)

# measure naive version (poorly coded python)
measure(trap_naive, a, b, n)

# measure vectorized version (pure python)
measure(trap_vec, a, b, n)

# measure numba version (non-python code)
measure(trap_numba, a, b, n)

Fortran 2018 source

module integration
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: real64
   implicit none
   public :: trap, f, exata
   integer, public, parameter :: rp = real64
   real(rp), public, parameter :: pi = &
   real(rp), public, parameter :: e = &


   function trap(a, b, n) result(res)
      real(rp), intent(in) :: a, b
      integer, intent(in) :: n
      real(rp) :: h, soma, xi, res
      integer :: i

      h = (b - a)/n
      soma = 0.5_rp*(f(a) + f(b))
      do i = 1, n - 1
         xi = a + i*h
         soma = soma + f(xi)
      end do
      res = h*soma

   end function trap

   function f(x) result(res)
      real(rp), intent(in) :: x
      real(rp) :: res

      res = sin(x)

   end function f

   function exata(a, b) result(res)
      real(rp), intent(in) :: a, b
      real(rp) :: res

      res = -cos(b) + cos(a)

   end function exata

end module integration

program trapezoidal
   use integration
   implicit none

   real(rp) :: a, b, res, error
   integer :: n, i, start_time, end_time, rate

   a = 0
   b = 100
   n = 40000000

   call system_clock(count_rate=rate)

   call system_clock(count=start_time)
   res = trap(a, b, n)
   call system_clock(count=end_time)

   error = abs(res - exata(a, b))

   write (*, "(a,e0.14)") "result = ", res
   write (*, "(a,e0.14)") "error = ", error
   write (*, "(a,f8.4,a)") "took = ", real(end_time - start_time, kind=rp)/real(rate, kind=rp)*1000, " ms"

end program trapezoidal

Results (Timings)


result = 0.13768112771239
error = 0.69028116556069E-13
took = 199.0000 ms

command line: gfortran -O3  ./integration.f90 -o integration && ./integration
version:  GNU Fortran (GCC) 12.2.1 20221121 (Red Hat 12.2.1-4)

result = .13768112771243+00
error = .11673995103934-12
took =  17.2000 ms

command line: ifort -O3 -parallel ./integration.f90 -o integration && ./integration
version: ifort (IFORT) 2021.8.0 20221119

machine: intel i5 12600


trap_naive = 0.13768112771238514
error = 6.902811655606911e-14
took = 5349.7036 ms

trap_vec = 0.137681127712245
error = 7.110978472724128e-14
took = 365.8445 ms

trap_numba = 0.13768112771236396
error = 4.785061236134425e-14
took = 34.9724 ms

command line: python3 ./
version: Python 3.10.8 (miniconda)
machine: intel i5 12600


➠ Python numba is 5x faster than gfortran.

➠ Intel fortran (in parallel mode) is more than 2x faster than Python numba.

➠ Python numba with CUDA target (with GTX 1080 Ti) is 8x faster than Intel fortran (in parallel mode).

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