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Last active May 10, 2019 05:23
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graphql-ruby class-based Relay connections + edges, with totalCount field on all connections. Adapted from
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Types
class BaseConnection < BaseObject
# For some reason these are needed, they call through to the underlying connection wrapper.
extend Forwardable
def_delegators :@object, :cursor_from_node, :parent
# When this class is extended, add the default connection behaviors.
# This adds a new `graphql_name` and description, and searches
# for a corresponding edge type.
# See `.edge_type` for how the fields are added.
def self.inherited(child_class)
# super was not called in the example code from the blog post, but it is required
# to be called in an `inherited` method:
# I simplified this section a bit because I didn't follow the same naming convention
# as GitHub. I also converted all of my connections and edges in the same PR because
# I couldn't get an incremental upgrade to work reliably. I'm on Ruby 2.5 so I also got
# rid of the `require_dependency` calls, and this could probably be simplified even
# further. YMMV!
# The child_class will be named like `Types::UserConnection`. Strip off the `Connection`
# part of it and then look for `Types::UserEdge` for the edge class and `Types::User`
# for the node class.
type_name ="::").last.sub("Connection", "")
# Look for a custom edge whose name matches this connection's name
wrapped_edge_class = Types.const_get("#{type_name}Edge", false)
wrapped_node_class = wrapped_edge_class.fields["node"].type
rescue NameError
# If the custom edge file doesn't exist, look for an object
wrapped_node_class = Types.const_get(type_name, false)
wrapped_edge_class = wrapped_node_class.edge_type
rescue NameError
# Assume that `edge_type` will be called later
wrapped_edge_class = wrapped_node_class = nil
# If a default could be found using constant lookups, generate the fields for it.
if wrapped_edge_class
if wrapped_edge_class.is_a?(GraphQL::ObjectType) || (
wrapped_edge_class.is_a?(Class) && wrapped_edge_class < Types::BaseEdge
child_class.edge_type(wrapped_edge_class, node_type: wrapped_node_class)
raise TypeError,
"Missed edge type lookup, didn't find a type definition: #{type_name.inspect} "\
"=> #{wrapped_edge_class.inspect}"
# Configure this connection to return `edges` and `nodes` based on `edge_type_class`.
# This method will use the inputs to create:
# - `edges` field
# - `nodes` field
# - description
# It's called when you subclass this base connection, trying to use the
# class name to set defaults. You can call it again in the class definition
# to override the default (or provide a value, if the default lookup failed).
def self.edge_type(edge_type_class, edge_class: GraphQL::Relay::Edge, node_type: nil)
# Add the edges field, can be overridden later
field :edges, [edge_type_class, null: true],
null: true,
description: "A list of edges.",
method: :edge_nodes,
edge_class: edge_class
# Try to figure out what the node type is, if it wasn't provided:
if node_type.nil?
if edge_type_class.is_a?(Class)
node_type = edge_type_class.fields["node"].type
elsif edge_type_class.is_a?(GraphQL::ObjectType)
# This was created with `.edge_type`
node_type = Types.const_get("Edge", ""), false)
raise ArgumentError, "Can't get node type from edge type: #{edge_type_class}"
# If it's a non-null type, remove the wrapper
node_type = node_type.of_type if node_type.respond_to?(:of_type)
# Make the `nodes` shortcut field, which can be overridden later
field :nodes, [node_type, null: true],
null: true,
description: "A list of nodes."
# Make a nice description
description("The connection type for #{node_type.graphql_name}.")
field :page_info, GraphQL::Relay::PageInfo, "Information to aid in pagination.",
null: false
# Add the total_count field to all connections:
field :total_count, Integer, "The total count of edges in this connection", null: false
def total_count
# This implementation works in my own Sequel StableRelationConnection and should work
# in the regular one. The key is to make sure you call count on the dataset/relation,
# not the list of nodes for this particular page of results.
# My relation connection:
# By default this calls through to the ConnectionWrapper's edge nodes method,
# but sometimes you need to override it to support the `nodes` field
def nodes
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Types
class BaseEdge < BaseObject
extend Forwardable
def_delegators :@object, :node
def_delegator :node, :id
# A description which is inherited and may be overridden
description "An edge in a connection."
def self.inherited(child_class)
# super was not called in the example code from the blog post, but it is required
# to be called in an `inherited` method:
wrapped_type_name ="::").last.sub("Edge", "")
wrapped_type_class = Types.const_get(wrapped_type_name, false)
# Add a default `node` field, assuming the object type name matches.
# If it doesn't match, you can override this in subclasses
child_class.field :node, wrapped_type_class,
null: true, description: "The item at the end of the edge."
rescue NameError
# expect the :node field to be set up in the subclass
# A cursor field which is inherited
field :cursor, String,
null: false,
description: "A cursor for use in pagination."
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Types
class User < BaseObject
description "A user"
field :id, Integer, null: false
field :email, String, null: false
field :name, String, null: false
field :created_at, Types::TimeType, null: false
field :updated_at, Types::TimeType, null: false
field :org, Types::Org, null: false
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Types
class UserConnection < BaseConnection; end
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Types
class UserEdge < BaseEdge; end
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