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Last active April 22, 2020 22:23
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SignalR RPC wrapper for server calls
hubConnection.invoke('Call', 'JoinLobby', {LobbyToken: this.lobbyToken});
public class ExampleHub : Hub
private readonly IServiceProvider provider;
public Dictionary<string, Type> RpcMethods = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
private Dictionary<Type, IWebSocketRpc> RpcInstances = new Dictionary<Type, IWebSocketRpc>();
public ExampleHub(IServiceProvider provider)
this.provider = provider;
//could probably search for all types that implement IWebSocketRpc interfance
RpcMethods.Add("JoinLobby", typeof(JoinLobbyRpc));
public async Task Call(string rpc, JsonElement data)
if (!RpcMethods.ContainsKey(rpc))
throw new Exception("Unknown rpc type: " + rpc);
var type = RpcMethods[rpc];
if (!RpcInstances.ContainsKey(type))
//allows DI
RpcInstances[type] = (IWebSocketRpc)ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(provider, type);
await RpcInstances[type].Call(data, Context, Clients);
public interface IWebSocketRpc
public string RpcName { get; }
public Task Call(JsonElement data, HubCallerContext context, IHubCallerClients clients);
//this is just an example usage
public class JoinLobbyData
public string LobbyToken { get; set; }
public class JoinLobbyRpc : RpcBase<JoinLobbyData>
private readonly DbContext db;
public override string RpcName => "JoinLobby";
public JoinLobbyRpc(DbContext db)
this.db = db;
public override Task Call(JoinLobbyData data, HubCallerContext context, IHubCallerClients clients)
//example DB call
var lobby = db.Lobbys.Where(x => x.Token == data.LobbyToken).FirstOrDefault();
//return clients.Client(context.ConnectionId).SendAsync("SendChat", "Joined Lobby.");
return Task.CompletedTask;
public abstract class RpcBase<T> : IWebSocketRpc
public abstract string RpcName { get; }
public virtual Task Call(JsonElement data, HubCallerContext context, IHubCallerClients clients)
var json = data.GetRawText();
return Call(JsonSerializer.Deserialize<T>(json), context, clients);
public abstract Task Call(T data, HubCallerContext context, IHubCallerClients clients);
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