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Created June 8, 2015 17:18
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TWG Log so far
<rekth> hello
<mataharimhairi> hello rekth and arushi
<rekth> mataharimhairi: hi :)
<arushi> Hello everyone !
<dodobas> hi arushi
<arushi> hi !
<brianohare> hi all..
<dodobas> we might as well start
<dodobas> i might drop out, internet connection is not to stable
<dodobas> so we got some items on the agenda
<dodobas> i will start with my report
<dodobas> as we rmoved most of the locked tiles checks for the tasking manager, it has not crashed
<pierregiraud> but it’s a temporary change, right?
<dodobas> there was a missing maps mapathon that gotus up to 20req/s that produces no significant load on the server
<dodobas> pierregiraud: zyes, until you create a better way, or we figure something out
<mataharimhairi> hello everyone
<dodobas> i saw you got some PR on the ay, did not look at it ...
<pierregiraud> request has already been pulled in github
<pierregiraud> OK
<dodobas> ah.. good
<dodobas> anyway thish is just a temporar change, that will be overwritten on the next release with much better solution
<dodobas> moving on to the next item
<dodobas> we need to move DNS registration/hosting for domain
<dodobas> it's currently on the Kate's private DNS account
<dodobas> do you maybe have a preferred DNS provider ?
<pierregiraud> in France we use gandi a lot
<pierregiraud> don’t know if it’s used elsewhere
<dodobas> i ado know that amazon has its Route 53, but like with any cloud provider pricing might be a problem
<xamanu_> Not preferred, but worked well for me: Amazon Web Services This is the only one I have used, besides having an own dns server running
<brianohare> I'm using Route 53..
<xamanu_> yes, AWS=Route 53
<brianohare> works well..
<dodobas> yeah, running our own it's not an option... :) we could but ...
<dodobas> we do run our own for *
<xamanu_> yeah, better getting a service. i agree
<dodobas> so route 53 might be worth checking out...
<dodobas> that is actuall my taks, i just wanted to gather some viable options...
<dodobas> as there are way to many to rndomly choose
<cristiano> +1 on route53, since we're already using other AWS services anyway
<dodobas> my last item is update
<dodobas> it was recently moved to a newer hardware
<dodobas> which is still managed by geofabrik
<dodobas> it has a bit more space and more memory
<dodobas> *more free disk space
<dodobas> that's my report if you don't have any questions
<brianohare> but the aim is to move to HOT server, is that right?
<dodobas> brianohare: yes,the plan is to shut the old instance down
<dodobas> once we have something working
<dodobas> xamanu_: do you want to continue?
<brianohare> would be interested in knowing what the spec of that machine is?
<xamanu_> ok
<dodobas> brianohare: will get back to you
<brianohare> ok thanks
<xamanu_> One of our main approaches is: We want to make it easier, more understandable for visitors to the website to get envolved in HOT's activities. As one of the first steps, we restructred the content of the website:
<xamanu_> This restructuring included as well:
<xamanu_> This restructuring included as well:
<xamanu_> * New second level menu bar (grey)
<xamanu_> * Project seperated by ongoing and types of projects: btw, there are now the technical projects online!! :)
<xamanu_> * Better texts "Get Involved", new "Emergency mapping" introduction page
<xamanu_> * Updates (news) page nicer (with pictures at least)
<xamanu_> * There is now a functionality to post jobs
<pierzen> hi all, Is there log of the discussion?
<xamanu_> Users:
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