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Created May 17, 2012 01:37
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aojのsample inputとoutputをローカルのファイルに保存する。
# -*- coding=utf8 -*-
import sys
import codecs
from urlparse import urlunparse
from urllib import urlencode, urlopen
from lxml import etree
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf_8')(sys.stdout)
def get(problem_id):
q = urlencode({"id":problem_id})
parts = ("http", "", "onlinejudge/description.jsp", "", q, "")
url = urlunparse(parts)
print 'getting:', url
h = urlopen(url)
g = codecs.getreader('shift_jis')(h)
def parse_and_save(problem_id, got):
t = etree.HTML(got)
find_h2= etree.XPath('''//div[@class="description"]/h2''')
for h2 in find_h2(t):
if h2.text == "Sample Input":
"<H2>Sample Input</H2>"
candi = h2.getnext()
if candi.tag == 'pre':
with open(problem_id+".input", 'w') as f:
print 'wrote %s.input'%(problem_id,)
if h2.text == "Output for the Sample Input":
"<H2>Output for the Sample Input</H2>"
candi = h2.getnext()
if candi.tag == 'pre':
with open(problem_id+".output", 'w') as f:
print 'wrote %s.output'%(problem_id,)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if not len(sys.argv) == 2:
print "please specify problem id"
x = int(sys.argv[1])
problem_id = "%04d"%(x,)
print 'working on "%s"'%(problem_id,)
got = get(problem_id)
print "received", len(got), "bytes"
parse_and_save(problem_id, got)
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