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Last active September 7, 2018 07:17
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Tidal install script for MacOS
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# --------------------------------------------
# created by Ben Gold at 09:35 Sat Oct 28 2017
# --------------------------------------------
use strict;
my(%pageURL) = (
atom => "",
haskell => "",
supercollider => "",
sc3plugins => ""
# xcode utils, needed for some later steps
$exists = `xcode-select -p 2>&1` !~ /error/;
if (not $exists) {
system("xcode-select --install") == 0
or die "ERROR: could not install developer tools\n";
print "Opening Xcode installer, click \"Install\", and when XCode tools\n";
print "have finished come back here and press return to continue\n";
# supercollider
# glob function is only Linux/Mac, this directory is Mac-specific
my($scconfig) = glob('~/Library/Application\ Support/SuperCollider');
my($modify_scconfig) = 0;
$exists = -d $scconfig;
if (not $exists) {
$url = findURLinHTML("", $pageURL{supercollider});
$url = "" . $url;
print "Installing SuperCollider\n";
print "Downloading $url\n";
system("curl -LO $url") == 0 or die "ERROR: download failed for $url\n";
system("unzip -q SuperCollider*.zip -d /Applications") == 0
or die "ERROR: unzipping SuperCollider failed\n";
} else {
print "SuperCollider found, skipping...\n";
# sc3-plugins
my($scextdir) = $scconfig . '/Extensions';
$exists = -d ($scextdir . "/SC3plugins");
if (not $exists) {
$url = findURLinHTML("OSX", $pageURL{sc3plugins});
$url = "" . $url;
print "Installing sc3-plugins for SuperCollider\n";
print "Downloading $url\n";
system("curl -LO $url") == 0 or die "ERROR: download failed for $url\n";
system("mkdir -p '$scextdir'");
system("unzip -q sc3-plugins*.zip -d '$scextdir'") == 0
or die "ERROR: unzipping sc3-plugins failed\n";
} else {
print "sc3-plugins found, skipping...\n";
# SuperDirt
my($scconfigfile) = $scconfig . "/sclang_conf.yaml";
$exists = (-e $scconfigfile) && (`grep SuperDirt '$scconfigfile'` =~ /SuperDirt/);
if (not $exists) {
print "Installing SuperDirt\n";
system("mkdir -p '$scconfig/downloaded-quarks'");
system("git clone '$scconfig/downloaded-quarks/SuperDirt'");
$modify_scconfig = 1;
} else {
print "SuperDirt already installed, skipping...\n";
# SuperDirt samples
$exists = (-e $scconfigfile) && (-d "$scconfig/downloaded-quarks/Dirt-Samples");
if (not $exists) {
print "Installing SuperDirt samples\n";
system("mkdir -p '$scconfig/downloaded-quarks'");
system("git clone '$scconfig/downloaded-quarks/Dirt-Samples'");
} else {
print "SuperDirt samples already installed, skipping...\n";
# vowel quark
$exists = (-e $scconfigfile) && (`grep Vowel '$scconfigfile'` =~ /Vowel/);
if (not $exists) {
print "Installing Vowel quark for SuperCollider\n";
system("mkdir -p '$scconfig/downloaded-quarks'");
system("git clone '$scconfig/downloaded-quarks/Vowel'");
$modify_scconfig = 1;
} else {
printf "Vowel quark already installed, skipping...\n";
# edit sclang_conf.yaml by hand
$exists = -e $scconfigfile;
if (not $exists) {
open(OUT, ">", $scconfigfile) or die "Can't create $scconfigfile\n";
print OUT
- $scconfig/downloaded-quarks/Vowel
- $scconfig/downloaded-quarks/SuperDirt
postInlineWarnings: false};
close OUT;
} elsif ($modify_scconfig) {
print "Adding new quarks to your $scconfigfile\n";
system("cp '$scconfigfile' '$scconfigfile.bak'") == 0
or die "ERROR: unable to back up $scconfigfile, stopping now to be cautious\n";
my(@lines) = `cat '$scconfigfile'`;
my($addvowel) = `grep Vowel '$scconfigfile'` !~ /Vowel/;
my($addsd) = `grep SuperDirt '$scconfigfile'` !~ /SuperDirt/;
open(OUT, ">", $scconfigfile) or die "Can't edit $scconfigfile\n";
print OUT $lines[0];
print OUT " - $scconfig/downloaded-quarks/Vowel\n" if $addvowel;
print OUT " - $scconfig/downloaded-quarks/SuperDirt\n" if $addsd;
for $i (1..$#lines) {
print OUT $lines[$i];
close OUT;
# atom
$exists = (`which atom` =~ /atom/)
|| (-d glob('~/Library/Application\ Support/Atom'));
if (not $exists) {
$url = findURLinHTML("", $pageURL{atom});
$url = "" . $url;
print "Installing Atom\n";
print "Downloading $url\n";
system("curl -LO $url") == 0 or die "ERROR: download failed for $url\n";
system("unzip -q -d /Applications") == 0
or die "ERROR: unzipping Atom failed\n";
} else {
print "Atom already installed, skipping...\n";
# atom-tidalcycles
# If you already have Atom installed but not in /Applications, this may
# fail and leave the atom tidalcycles package uninstalled. You can install
# it from within Atom using the interface there.
chomp($apm = `which apm`);
$apm =
unless $apm =~ /apm/;
print "Checking atom tidalcycles package\n";
$exists = `$apm list` =~ /tidalcycles/;
`$apm install tidalcycles` unless $exists;
print "Atom tidalcycles package already installed\n" if $exists;
# haskell platform
$exists = `which ghci` =~ /ghci/;
if (not $exists) {
$url = findURLinHTML("Full", $pageURL{haskell});
$url = "https:" . $url;
print "Installing Haskell Platform\n";
print "Downloading $url\n";
system("curl -LO $url") == 0 or die "ERROR: download failed for $url\n";
print "Starting Haskell Platform installer\n";
print "We'll continue the installation automatically when it is done\n";
system("open -W Haskell*.pkg") == 0
or die "ERROR: could not open Haskell package\n";
} else {
print "GHCi found, skipping...\n";
# cabal and tidal
$exists = `which cabal` =~ /cabal/;
if (not $exists) {
die "ERROR: ghci installed but cabal not found, I don't know how this could have happened\n";
} else {
my($cfile) = "~/.cabal/packages/";
if (-e glob($cfile) and (-M glob($cfile) < 7)) {
print "cabal package list is up-to-date\n";
} else {
system("cabal update") == 0 or die "ERROR: cabal update failed\n";
print "Installing Tidal\n";
print "This will print a lot of output and may take a little while,\n";
print "but thanks for being patient, we're almost done...\n";
system("cabal install tidal") == 0 or die "ERROR: cabal could not install tidal\n";
# clean up
print "Cleaning up...\n";
system("rm -f *.zip *.pkg");
print "Installation complete!\n";
### END
sub findURLinHTML {
my($find, $page) = @_;
@_ = `curl -sL $page`;
foreach $_ (@_) {
if (/$find/) {
return $1;
die "ERROR: Could not find URL with $find in $page\n";
return "";
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