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Last active July 15, 2024 03:36
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Different methods for getting World Normal from Depth Texture, without any external script dependencies.
Shader "WorldNormalFromDepthTexture"
Properties {
[KeywordEnum(3 Tap, 4 Tap, Improved, Accurate)] _ReconstructionMethod ("Normal Reconstruction Method", Float) = 0
Tags { "RenderType"="Transparent" "Queue"="Transparent" }
LOD 100
Cull Off
ZWrite Off
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct appdata
float4 vertex : POSITION;
struct v2f
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert (appdata v)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
return o;
float4 _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize;
float getRawDepth(float2 uv) { return SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE_LOD(_CameraDepthTexture, float4(uv, 0.0, 0.0)); }
// inspired by keijiro's depth inverse projection
// constructs view space ray at the far clip plane from the screen uv
// then multiplies that ray by the linear 01 depth
float3 viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(float2 uv)
float3 viewSpaceRay = mul(unity_CameraInvProjection, float4(uv * 2.0 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) * _ProjectionParams.z);
float rawDepth = getRawDepth(uv);
return viewSpaceRay * Linear01Depth(rawDepth);
float3 viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(float2 vpos)
float2 uv = vpos * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy;
return viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(uv);
// naive 3 tap normal reconstruction
// accurate mid triangle normals, slightly diagonally offset on edges
// artifacts on depth disparities
// unity's compiled fragment shader stats: 41 math, 3 tex
half3 viewNormalAtPixelPosition(float2 vpos)
// get current pixel's view space position
half3 viewSpacePos_c = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0, 0.0));
// get view space position at 1 pixel offsets in each major direction
half3 viewSpacePos_r = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 1.0, 0.0));
half3 viewSpacePos_u = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0, 1.0));
// get the difference between the current and each offset position
half3 hDeriv = viewSpacePos_r - viewSpacePos_c;
half3 vDeriv = viewSpacePos_u - viewSpacePos_c;
// get view space normal from the cross product of the diffs
half3 viewNormal = normalize(cross(hDeriv, vDeriv));
return viewNormal;
// naive 4 tap normal reconstruction
// accurate mid triangle normals compared to 3 tap
// no diagonal offset on edges, but sharp details are softened
// worse artifacts on depth disparities than 3 tap
// probably little reason to use this over the 3 tap approach
// unity's compiled fragment shader stats: 50 math, 4 tex
half3 viewNormalAtPixelPosition(float2 vpos)
// get view space position at 1 pixel offsets in each major direction
half3 viewSpacePos_l = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2(-1.0, 0.0));
half3 viewSpacePos_r = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 1.0, 0.0));
half3 viewSpacePos_d = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0,-1.0));
half3 viewSpacePos_u = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0, 1.0));
// get the difference between the current and each offset position
half3 hDeriv = viewSpacePos_r - viewSpacePos_l;
half3 vDeriv = viewSpacePos_u - viewSpacePos_d;
// get view space normal from the cross product of the diffs
half3 viewNormal = normalize(cross(hDeriv, vDeriv));
return viewNormal;
// base on János Turánszki's Improved Normal Reconstruction
// this is a minor optimization over the original, using only 2 comparisons instead of 8
// at the cost of two additional vector subtractions
// sharpness of 3 tap with better handling of depth disparities
// worse artifacts on convex edges than either 3 tap or 4 tap
// unity's compiled fragment shader stats: 62 math, 5 tex
half3 viewNormalAtPixelPosition(float2 vpos)
// get current pixel's view space position
half3 viewSpacePos_c = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0, 0.0));
// get view space position at 1 pixel offsets in each major direction
half3 viewSpacePos_l = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2(-1.0, 0.0));
half3 viewSpacePos_r = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 1.0, 0.0));
half3 viewSpacePos_d = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0,-1.0));
half3 viewSpacePos_u = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0, 1.0));
// get the difference between the current and each offset position
half3 l = viewSpacePos_c - viewSpacePos_l;
half3 r = viewSpacePos_r - viewSpacePos_c;
half3 d = viewSpacePos_c - viewSpacePos_d;
half3 u = viewSpacePos_u - viewSpacePos_c;
// pick horizontal and vertical diff with the smallest z difference
half3 hDeriv = abs(l.z) < abs(r.z) ? l : r;
half3 vDeriv = abs(d.z) < abs(u.z) ? d : u;
// get view space normal from the cross product of the two smallest offsets
half3 viewNormal = normalize(cross(hDeriv, vDeriv));
return viewNormal;
// based on Yuwen Wu's Accurate Normal Reconstruction
// basically as accurate as you can get!
// no artifacts on depth disparities
// no artifacts on edges
// artifacts on triangles that are <3 pixels across
// unity's compiled fragment shader stats: 66 math, 9 tex
half3 viewNormalAtPixelPosition(float2 vpos)
// screen uv from vpos
float2 uv = vpos * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy;
// current pixel's depth
float c = getRawDepth(uv);
// get current pixel's view space position
half3 viewSpacePos_c = viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(uv);
// get view space position at 1 pixel offsets in each major direction
half3 viewSpacePos_l = viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(uv + float2(-1.0, 0.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy);
half3 viewSpacePos_r = viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(uv + float2( 1.0, 0.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy);
half3 viewSpacePos_d = viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(uv + float2( 0.0,-1.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy);
half3 viewSpacePos_u = viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(uv + float2( 0.0, 1.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy);
// get the difference between the current and each offset position
half3 l = viewSpacePos_c - viewSpacePos_l;
half3 r = viewSpacePos_r - viewSpacePos_c;
half3 d = viewSpacePos_c - viewSpacePos_d;
half3 u = viewSpacePos_u - viewSpacePos_c;
// get depth values at 1 & 2 pixels offsets from current along the horizontal axis
half4 H = half4(
getRawDepth(uv + float2(-1.0, 0.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy),
getRawDepth(uv + float2( 1.0, 0.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy),
getRawDepth(uv + float2(-2.0, 0.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy),
getRawDepth(uv + float2( 2.0, 0.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy)
// get depth values at 1 & 2 pixels offsets from current along the vertical axis
half4 V = half4(
getRawDepth(uv + float2(0.0,-1.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy),
getRawDepth(uv + float2(0.0, 1.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy),
getRawDepth(uv + float2(0.0,-2.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy),
getRawDepth(uv + float2(0.0, 2.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy)
// current pixel's depth difference from slope of offset depth samples
// differs from original article because we're using non-linear depth values
// see article's comments
half2 he = abs((2 * H.xy - - c);
half2 ve = abs((2 * V.xy - - c);
// pick horizontal and vertical diff with the smallest depth difference from slopes
half3 hDeriv = he.x < he.y ? l : r;
half3 vDeriv = ve.x < ve.y ? d : u;
// get view space normal from the cross product of the best derivatives
half3 viewNormal = normalize(cross(hDeriv, vDeriv));
return viewNormal;
half4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
// get view space normal at the current pixel position
half3 viewNormal = viewNormalAtPixelPosition(i.pos.xy);
// transform normal from view space to world space
half3 WorldNormal = mul((float3x3)unity_MatrixInvV, viewNormal);
// alternative that should work when using this for post processing
// we have to invert the view normal z because Unity's view space z is flipped
// thus the above code using unity_MatrixInvV is doing this flip, but the
// unity_CameraToWorld does not flip the z, so we have to do it manually
// half3 WorldNormal = mul((float3x3)unity_CameraToWorld, viewNormal * half3(1.0, 1.0, -1.0));
// visualize normal (assumes you're using linear space rendering)
return half4(GammaToLinearSpace( * 0.5 + 0.5), 1.0);
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pajama commented Mar 24, 2022

I think I'm close. This looks correct when the camera is at 0,0,0. It would make sense that I need to somehow translate this by worldpos.


Shader "WorldNormalFromDepthTexture"
    Properties {
        [KeywordEnum(3 Tap, 4 Tap, Improved, Accurate)] _ReconstructionMethod ("Normal Reconstruction Method", Float) = 0

        Tags { "RenderType"="Transparent" "Queue"="Transparent" }
        LOD 100

            Cull Off
            ZWrite Off

            #pragma vertex vert
            #pragma fragment frag


            #include "UnityCG.cginc"

            struct appdata
                float4 vertex : POSITION;

            struct v2f
                float4 pos : SV_POSITION;

            v2f vert (appdata v)
                v2f o;
                //o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
                o.pos = float4(, 1.0);
                return o;

            float4 _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize;

            float getRawDepth(float2 uv) { return SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE_LOD(_CameraDepthTexture, float4(uv, 0.0, 0.0)); }

            // inspired by keijiro's depth inverse projection
            // constructs view space ray at the far clip plane from the screen uv
            // then multiplies that ray by the linear 01 depth
            float3 viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(float2 uv)
                float3 viewSpaceRay = mul(unity_CameraInvProjection, float4(uv * 2.0 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) * _ProjectionParams.z);
                float rawDepth = getRawDepth(uv);
                return viewSpaceRay * Linear01Depth(rawDepth);
            float3 viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(float2 vpos)
                float2 uv = vpos * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy;
                return viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(uv);

        #if defined(_RECONSTRUCTIONMETHOD_3_TAP)

            // naive 3 tap normal reconstruction
            // accurate mid triangle normals, slightly diagonally offset on edges
            // artifacts on depth disparities

            // unity's compiled fragment shader stats: 41 math, 3 tex
            half3 viewNormalAtPixelPosition(float2 vpos)
                // get current pixel's view space position
                half3 viewSpacePos_c = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0, 0.0));

                // get view space position at 1 pixel offsets in each major direction
                half3 viewSpacePos_r = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 1.0, 0.0));
                half3 viewSpacePos_u = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0, 1.0));

                // get the difference between the current and each offset position
                half3 hDeriv = viewSpacePos_r - viewSpacePos_c;
                half3 vDeriv = viewSpacePos_u - viewSpacePos_c;

                // get view space normal from the cross product of the diffs
                half3 viewNormal = normalize(cross(hDeriv, vDeriv));

                return viewNormal;

        #elif defined(_RECONSTRUCTIONMETHOD_4_TAP)

            // naive 4 tap normal reconstruction
            // accurate mid triangle normals compared to 3 tap
            // no diagonal offset on edges, but sharp details are softened
            // worse artifacts on depth disparities than 3 tap
            // probably little reason to use this over the 3 tap approach

            // unity's compiled fragment shader stats: 50 math, 4 tex
            half3 viewNormalAtPixelPosition(float2 vpos)
                // get view space position at 1 pixel offsets in each major direction
                half3 viewSpacePos_l = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2(-1.0, 0.0));
                half3 viewSpacePos_r = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 1.0, 0.0));
                half3 viewSpacePos_d = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0,-1.0));
                half3 viewSpacePos_u = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0, 1.0));

                // get the difference between the current and each offset position
                half3 hDeriv = viewSpacePos_r - viewSpacePos_l;
                half3 vDeriv = viewSpacePos_u - viewSpacePos_d;

                // get view space normal from the cross product of the diffs
                half3 viewNormal = normalize(cross(hDeriv, vDeriv));

                return viewNormal;


            // base on János Turánszki's Improved Normal Reconstruction
            // this is a minor optimization over the original, using only 2 comparisons instead of 8
            // at the cost of two additional vector subtractions
            // sharpness of 3 tap with better handling of depth disparities
            // worse artifacts on convex edges than either 3 tap or 4 tap

            // unity's compiled fragment shader stats: 62 math, 5 tex
            half3 viewNormalAtPixelPosition(float2 vpos)
                // get current pixel's view space position
                half3 viewSpacePos_c = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0, 0.0));

                // get view space position at 1 pixel offsets in each major direction
                half3 viewSpacePos_l = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2(-1.0, 0.0));
                half3 viewSpacePos_r = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 1.0, 0.0));
                half3 viewSpacePos_d = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0,-1.0));
                half3 viewSpacePos_u = viewSpacePosAtPixelPosition(vpos + float2( 0.0, 1.0));

                // get the difference between the current and each offset position
                half3 l = viewSpacePos_c - viewSpacePos_l;
                half3 r = viewSpacePos_r - viewSpacePos_c;
                half3 d = viewSpacePos_c - viewSpacePos_d;
                half3 u = viewSpacePos_u - viewSpacePos_c;

                // pick horizontal and vertical diff with the smallest z difference
                half3 hDeriv = abs(l.z) < abs(r.z) ? l : r;
                half3 vDeriv = abs(d.z) < abs(u.z) ? d : u;

                // get view space normal from the cross product of the two smallest offsets
                half3 viewNormal = normalize(cross(hDeriv, vDeriv));

                return viewNormal;


            // based on Yuwen Wu's Accurate Normal Reconstruction 
            // basically as accurate as you can get!
            // no artifacts on depth disparities
            // no artifacts on edges
            // artifacts on triangles that are <3 pixels across

            // unity's compiled fragment shader stats: 66 math, 9 tex
            half3 viewNormalAtPixelPosition(float2 vpos)
                // screen uv from vpos
                float2 uv = vpos * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy;

                // current pixel's depth
                float c = getRawDepth(uv);

                // get current pixel's view space position
                half3 viewSpacePos_c = viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(uv);

                // get view space position at 1 pixel offsets in each major direction
                half3 viewSpacePos_l = viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(uv + float2(-1.0, 0.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy);
                half3 viewSpacePos_r = viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(uv + float2( 1.0, 0.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy);
                half3 viewSpacePos_d = viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(uv + float2( 0.0,-1.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy);
                half3 viewSpacePos_u = viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(uv + float2( 0.0, 1.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy);

                // get the difference between the current and each offset position
                half3 l = viewSpacePos_c - viewSpacePos_l;
                half3 r = viewSpacePos_r - viewSpacePos_c;
                half3 d = viewSpacePos_c - viewSpacePos_d;
                half3 u = viewSpacePos_u - viewSpacePos_c;

                // get depth values at 1 & 2 pixels offsets from current along the horizontal axis
                half4 H = half4(
                    getRawDepth(uv + float2(-1.0, 0.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy),
                    getRawDepth(uv + float2( 1.0, 0.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy),
                    getRawDepth(uv + float2(-2.0, 0.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy),
                    getRawDepth(uv + float2( 2.0, 0.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy)

                // get depth values at 1 & 2 pixels offsets from current along the vertical axis
                half4 V = half4(
                    getRawDepth(uv + float2(0.0,-1.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy),
                    getRawDepth(uv + float2(0.0, 1.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy),
                    getRawDepth(uv + float2(0.0,-2.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy),
                    getRawDepth(uv + float2(0.0, 2.0) * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy)

                // current pixel's depth difference from slope of offset depth samples
                // differs from original article because we're using non-linear depth values
                // see article's comments
                half2 he = abs((2 * H.xy - - c);
                half2 ve = abs((2 * V.xy - - c);

                // pick horizontal and vertical diff with the smallest depth difference from slopes
                half3 hDeriv = he.x < he.y ? l : r;
                half3 vDeriv = ve.x < ve.y ? d : u;

                // get view space normal from the cross product of the best derivatives
                half3 viewNormal = normalize(cross(hDeriv, vDeriv));

                return viewNormal;


            half4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
                // get view space normal at the current pixel position
                half3 viewNormal = viewNormalAtPixelPosition(i.pos.xy);

                // transform normal from view space to world space
                half3 WorldNormal = mul((float3x3)unity_MatrixInvV, viewNormal);

                float2 vpos = i.pos.xy;
                float2 uv = vpos * _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy;
                float3 viewSpacePos = viewSpacePosAtScreenUV(uv);
                half3 worldPos = mul((float3x3)unity_MatrixInvV, viewSpacePos);
                return half4(worldPos,1);
                //float3 viewSpaceRay = mul(unity_CameraInvProjection, float4(uv * 2.0 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) * _ProjectionParams.z);

                // alternative that should work when using this for post processing
                // we have to invert the view normal z because Unity's view space z is flipped
                // thus the above code using unity_MatrixInvV is doing this flip, but the 
                // unity_CameraToWorld does not flip the z, so we have to do it manually
                 //half3 WorldNormal = mul((float3x3)unity_CameraToWorld, viewNormal * half3(1.0, 1.0, -1.0));

                // visualize normal (assumes you're using linear space rendering)
                return half4(GammaToLinearSpace( * 0.5 + 0.5), 1.0);

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pajama commented Mar 24, 2022

Sorry for the onslaught, but I think I got it!
half3 worldPos = mul((float3x3)unity_MatrixInvV, viewSpacePos) + _WorldSpaceCameraPos;

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@bgolus Thanks for this writeup!

Do you happen to know how things change for projection matrices that are off center? In ARKit land the projection matrix of the camera has slightly offset left/right and top/bottom frustum, and it causes the normals to change slightly as the device rotates.

Thinking it has something to do with
float3 viewSpaceRay = mul(unity_CameraInvProjection, float4(uv * 2.0 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) * _ProjectionParams.z);


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