git clone
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<title> Lambda Student Resources</title> <script src="" integrity="sha256-/xUj+3OJU5yExlq6GSYGSHk7tPXikynS7ogEvDej/m4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="./js/stats.min.js" async defer></script> <script src="./js/index.js" async></script> <script src="" async defer></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function hideLoader() { $( '#loading' ).hide(); } $( window ).ready( hideLoader ); // Strongly recommended: Hide loader after 20 seconds, even if the page hasn't finished loading setTimeout( hideLoader, 10 * 1000 ); $( window ).on( 'beforeunload', function () { $( window ).scrollTop( 0 ); } );</script>
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Drag to Bookmarks to add to Bookmarks!
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<a href="" style="color:black;">Free Hit Counters</a>
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google cloud platform
NEWSAPI 01cfd6d4dd444701b18c095ec5c354d1
<script> $(window).scroll(function() { $(window).scrollTop() > 500 ? $("#rocket").addClass("show") : $("#rocket").removeClass("show"); }); $("#rocket").click(function() { $("#rocket").addClass("launch"); $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 500, function() { $("#rocket").removeClass("show launch"); }); return false; }); </script>
find . -depth -exec rmdir {} ;
find . -empty -type f -print -delete
find . -empty -type d -print -delete
find . ( -name ".git" -o -name ".gitignore" -o -name ".gitmodules" -o -name ".gitattributes" ) -exec rm -rf -- {} + find . ( -name "*SECURITY.txt" -o -name "*RELEASE.txt" -o -name "*CHANGELOG.txt" -o -name "*LICENSE.txt" -o -name "*CONTRIBUTING.txt" -name "*" -o -name "*LICENSE" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" ) -exec rm -rf -- {} +
find . -name "*.xml" -type f -print
find . -name 'node_modules' -type d -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' + find . -name '.vscode' -type d -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' +
Remove duplicate lines from a text file You can use this shell command:
COPY uniq -u input.txt output.txt
httrack --ext-depth=3
httrack -O "./temp" %e5
httrack --ext-depth=4
httrack --ext-depth=4
grab all links from website lynx -dump | awk '/http/{print $2}' > links2.txt
lynx -dump | awk '/http/{print $2}' >
lynx -dump | awk '/http/{print $2}' >
wget -qO- | grep -Eoi '<a [^>]+>' | grep -Eo 'href="[^\"]+"' | grep -Eo '(http|https)://[^/"]+'>
.(?<=<script)(.)(?=</script>).* ../.git. .node_modules.
2.)find and delete all empty directories()===>
3.)Find and delete all empty files()===>
find . -name "*.zip" | while read filename; do unzip -o -d "dirname "$filename"
" "$filename"; done;
find . -name "*desktop.ini" -type f -print -delete
find . -name "*.zip" -type f -print -delete
find . -name "*.gz" -type f -print -delete
add extension to every file in folder
for f in * ; do mv "$f" "$f.html" done
find . -type f -exec mv '{}' '{}'.html ;
delete lines contaning specific string:
sed -i '/normalizerEmpty/d' ./js-in-one-page.html
sed -i '/.git/d' ./index.html 2
find . -type f -a ( -name ".html" -o -name ".js" -o -name ".css" -o -name ".md" ) -a -exec sed -i '/Copyright/d' '{}' + sed -i '/Copyright/d' ./*.html
find . -type f -a ( -name ".html" -o -name ".js" -o -name ".css" -o -name ".md" -o -name "*.php" ) -a -exec sed -i '/MIT/d' '{}' +
Remove lines of file contaning a string
To find a pattern and remove the line containing the pattern below command can be used
print out the path of every file recursivley
ls -R './' | awk ' /:$/&&f{s=$0;f=0} /:$/&&!f{sub(/:$/,"");s=$0;f=1;next} NF&&f{ print s"/"$0 }'>
DO a command once for every file in folder rename 's/.coffee$/.html/' *.coffee for file in *. do rename 's/.coffee$/.html/' *.coffee done
for file in *. do rename 's/.coffee$/.html/' *.coffee done
for file in *. do sed '/Mirrored from/d' "$file" > "$file".new_file.html done
sed -n -e '/<script>/,/</script>/p' getting-there.html >out.js sed -i 's/<script>//g' out.js sed -i 's/</script>//g' out.js
sudo sed -i '/.git/d' ./index.html
Resursivley delete node modules
find . -name 'node_modules' -type d -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' +
5.) Remember Git Credentials:
git config --global credential.helper store
find . ( -name ".git" -o -name ".gitignore" -o -name ".gitmodules" -o -name ".gitattributes" ) -exec rm -rf -- {} +
find . ( -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" ) -exec rm -rf -- {} + find . ( -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" ) -exec rm -rf -- {} + find . ( -name "*SECURITY.txt" -o -name "*RELEASE.txt" -o -name "*CHANGELOG.txt" -o -name "*LICENSE.txt" -o -name "*CONTRIBUTING.txt" -name "*" -o -name "*LICENSE" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" ) -exec rm -rf -- {} +
git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch assets/_website-components/0-DOJO/widgets-master/output/info/stats.json' HEAD
git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch assets/_00-4-all-time/_0-Random-Repo/' HEAD
git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch assets/_Resource-Hub-Mark_II/azagent/vstsagent.tar.gz' HEAD
git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch assets/_Resource-Hub-Mark_II/azagent/vstsagent.tar.gz' HEAD
nano When you're done, hit CTRL+O to save and CTRL+X to exit Nano. You'll just need to restart the SSH server with one of the following commands.
$ systemctl restart sshd $ service sshd restart
Recursivley Create numbered folders:
while [ "$n" -le "$max" ]; do
mkdir "s$n"
n=expr "$n" + 1
Command Line: Rename all files in current directory to a certain file extension: forfiles /S /M * /C "cmd /c rename @file @fname.js" forfiles /S /M * /C "cmd /c rename @file @fname.html"
The following command would rename all *.txt files to *.doc.
$ rename 's/.txt$/.doc/' *.txt
$ rename 's/.example$/.sql/' *.example rename 's/$/.js/' *
find ./ -iname "*.md" -type f -exec sh -c 'pandoc "${0}" -o "${}.html"' {} ;
Recursivley list every single file in the working directory... 1 per line:
ls -R ./ | awk ' /:$/&&f{s=$0;f=0} /:$/&&!f{sub(/:$/,"");s=$0;f=1;next} NF&&f{ print s"/"$0 }'
ls -R ./ | awk ' /:$/&&f{s=$0;f=0} /:$/&&!f{sub(/:$/,"");s=$0;f=1;next} NF&&f{ print s"/"$0 }'
--------for only html-files------------------------------------------------------------------------------
forfiles /S /M *.File /C "cmd /c rename @file @fname.js"
Recreate folder structure with only specific file types
find . -type f -name '*.html' | cpio -p -d -v './../../../'
find . -type f -name '*.png' | cpio -p -d -v './_ext'
find . -name '*' | cpio -pdm './extension-readme'
7.) ()===>
8.) Command Prompt: code --list-extensions for /F "tokens=*" %A in (extensions.list) do code --install-extension %A
10.) sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade git config --global bryan git config --global sudo apt update sudo apt install build-essential curl -o- | bash . ./.bashrc nvm install --lts sudo apt install unzip npm install -g mocha npm audit fix -F npm audit fix -f npm install -g mocha sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install python3
Command Line vscode code --list-extensions code --disable-extension
sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER newgrp docker
killall node
sudo service postgresql stop sudo service postgresql start sudo service postgresql restart
sudo -u postgres psql
sed -e '/.git/ { $!N d }'index.html
--recursive \ # Download the whole site.
--page-requisites \ # Get all assets/elements (CSS/JS/images).
--adjust-extension \ # Save files with .html on the end.
--span-hosts \ # Include necessary assets from offsite as well.
--convert-links \ # Update links to still work in the static version.
--restrict-file-names=windows \ # Modify filenames to work in Windows as well.
--domains \ # Do not follow links outside this domain.
--no-parent \ # Don't follow links outside the directory you pass in.
pandoc *.md> -o _EXTENSIONS.html
Copy file structure without the files:
rsync -a -f"+ */" -f"- *" './'/ './../'/
rsync -a -f"+ */" -f"- *" source/ destination/
cat *.html > node-mod-readme.html
find ./ | sed -E -e 's/([^ ]+[ ]+){8}//' | grep -i ".*$">files listing="files"
html="index.html" out="basename $out.html" html="index.html" cmd() {
echo ' ' echo '' echo ''
echo ' '
echo ' ' echo '' echo ' ' echo ' <script async defer src="./assets/prism.js"></script>'
echo " <title> directory </title>"
echo "" echo '<style>' echo ' a {' echo ' color: black;' echo ' }' echo '' echo ' li {' echo ' border: 1px solid black !important;' echo ' font-size: 20px;' echo ' letter-spacing: 0px;' echo ' font-weight: 700;' echo ' line-height: 16px;' echo ' text-decoration: none !important;' echo ' text-transform: uppercase;' echo ' background: #194ccdaf !important;' echo ' color: black !important;' echo ' border: none;' echo ' cursor: pointer;' echo ' justify-content: center;' echo ' padding: 30px 60px;' echo ' height: 48px;' echo ' text-align: center;' echo ' white-space: normal;' echo ' border-radius: 10px;' echo ' min-width: 45em;' echo ' padding: 1.2em 1em 0;' echo ' box-shadow: 0 0 5px;' echo ' margin: 1em;' echo ' display: grid;' echo ' -webkit-border-radius: 10px;' echo ' -moz-border-radius: 10px;' echo ' -ms-border-radius: 10px;' echo ' -o-border-radius: 10px;' echo ' }' echo ' </style>' echo ''
echo ''
echo ""
#################### continue with the HTML stuff:
echo ""
echo ""
echo "
- "
- <a href=""$1"">",$1," "}' $listing
awk '{print "
echo ""
echo "
echo ""
echo ""
cmd $listing --sort=extension >>$html rm -f files
sudo sed -i '/.png/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/.jpeg/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/.gif/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/.go/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/.vue/d' ./index.html sed -i "" "s/.git/d" index.html sed -i "" "s/.git/d" ./index.html sed -i "" "s/.git/d" './index.html' sed -i "./" "s/.git/d" 'index.html' sed -i "./" "s/.git/d" index.html sed -i "./" "s/.git/d" index.html sed -i "./" "s/.git/d" ./index.html sed '/.git/d' ./index.html sed '/.git/d' ./index.html sed -i '/.git/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/node_modules/d' ./index.html
sudo sed -i '/.git/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/images/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/font/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/fonts/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/.TTF/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/.git/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/.js/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/.php/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/.css/d' ./index.html
link="#insert url here#"
#links were a set of strings with just the index of the video as the variable
#first video was numbered 3 - weird.
while [ $num -le 66 ]
wget $link$num$ext -P ~/Downloads/
print a dummy text file in each folder
for x in "./"//; do (cd "$x" files=() printf '%s\n' "${files[@]}" > deleteme.txt ) done
download all links of given file type
wget -r -A.pdf
for file in *. do
sudo sed -i '/Copyright/d' ./*.html
sudo sed -i '/Support/d' ./.html sudo sed -i '/MIT/d' ./.html sudo sed -i '/License/d' ./.html sudo sed -i '/Contributors/d' ./.html sudo sed -i '/Copyright/d' ./.html sudo sed -i '/copyright/d' ./.html sudo sed -i '/Copyright © /d' ./*.html
sudo sed -i '/.json/d' ./index.html
sudo sed -i '/.gif/d' ./index.html
sudo sed -i '/.png/d' ./index.html
sudo sed -i '/.css/d' ./index.html
sudo sed -i '/.js/d' ./index.html
sudo sed -i '/.php/d' ./index.html
sudo sed -i '/.md/d' ./index.html
Remove any lines not contaning string text or blah
sudo sed -i '/.html/!d'
sudo sed -i '/CODE-MIRROR/d' ./resources.html
sudo sed -i '/.html/d' ./index.html
Delete Files Over certain Size:
find . -size +75M -a -print -a -exec rm -f {} ;
Add text to the first line of every file of a certain extension in a given folder.
for f in *.txt; do printf '%s\n' 0a 'TEXT YOU WISH TO APPEND TO BEGINNING OF EVERY FILE' . x | ex "$f"; done
for d in ./* do ( cd "$d" && find ./ -iname "*.html" -type f -exec 'echo "'" {} ; <title>Document</title>' . x | ex "$f"; done) done
for f in *.html; do printf '%s\n' 0a '
<title>Document</title> ' . x | ex "$f"; donefor f in *.html; do printf '%s\n' 0a '
<title>Document</title> ;' . x | ex "$f"; done------------------------------------------------------How to add to end of file:------------------------------------------------------
echo "" | tee -a *.html
find ./* -type d -exec 'echo "" | tee -a *.html' {} ;
Recursive NPM install:
Usage $ npm-recursive-install
for filename in mesibo; do echo mv "$filename" "${filename//mesibo/zumzi}"; done >
for filename in mesibo; do mv "$filename" "${filename//mesibo/zumzi}"; done
for d in */ ; do echo "$d" done
Input Output error
wsl.exe --shutdown then Get-Service LxssManager | Restart-Service
Replace the string source with target in all files in the current directory and all sub-directories:
find . -type f -exec rename 's/source/target/' {} ; Replace the string source with target in all directories in the current directory and all sub-directories:
find . -type d -exec rename 's/source/target/' {} ;
I use this one-liner to remove invalid characters in subtitle files:
for f in *.srt; do nf=$(echo "$f" |sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9.-]/./g;s/..././g;s/.././g'); test "$f" != "$nf" && mv "$f" "$nf" && echo "$nf"; done Only process *.srt files( * could be used in place of *.srt to process every file) Removes all other characters except for letters A-Za-z, numbers 0-9, periods ".", and dash's "-" Removes possible double or triple periods Checks to see if the file name needs changing If true, it renames the file with the mv command, then outputs the changes it made with the echo command It works to normalize directory names of movies:
for f in /; do nf=$(echo "$f" |sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9.]/./g' -e 's/..././g' -e 's/.././g' -e 's/.$//'); test "$f" != "$nf" && mv "$f" "$nf" && echo "$nf"; done
for f in /; do nf=$(echo "$f" |sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9.]/'-'/g' -e 's/..././g' -e 's/.././g' -e 's/.$//'); test "$f" != "$nf" && mv "$f" "$nf" && echo "$nf"; done
To remove any number of trailing spaces from file names you can use rename (prename) :
rename 's/ *$//' *
This shell script sanitizes a directory recursively, to make files portable between Linux/Windows and FAT/NTFS/exFAT. It removes control characters, /:*?"<>| and some reserved Windows names like COM0.
sanitize() { shopt -s extglob;
filename=$(basename "$1") directory=$(dirname "$1")
filename_clean=$(echo "$filename" | sed -e 's/[\/:*?"<>|\x01-\x1F\x7F]//g' -e 's/^(nul|prn|con|lpt[0-9]|com[0-9]|aux)(.|$)//i' -e 's/^.*$//' -e 's/^$/NONAME/')
if (test "$filename" != "$filename_clean") then mv -v "$1" "$directory/$filename_clean" fi }
export -f sanitize
sanitize_dir() { find "$1" -depth -exec bash -c 'sanitize "$0"' {} ; }
sanitize_dir '/path/to/somewhere'
find some/dir -type f -execdir pwd && #!/bin/sh
find ./ | sed -E -e 's/([^ ]+[ ]+){8}//' | grep -i ".*$">files listing="files"
html="index.html" out="basename $out.html" html="index.html" cmd() {
echo ' ' echo '' echo ''
echo ' '
echo ' ' echo '' echo ' ' echo ' <script async defer src="./assets/prism.js"></script>'
echo " <title> directory </title>"
echo "" echo '<style>' echo ' a {' echo ' color: black;' echo ' }' echo '' echo ' li {' echo ' border: 1px solid black !important;' echo ' font-size: 20px;' echo ' letter-spacing: 0px;' echo ' font-weight: 700;' echo ' line-height: 16px;' echo ' text-decoration: none !important;' echo ' text-transform: uppercase;' echo ' background: #194ccdaf !important;' echo ' color: black !important;' echo ' border: none;' echo ' cursor: pointer;' echo ' justify-content: center;' echo ' padding: 30px 60px;' echo ' height: 48px;' echo ' text-align: center;' echo ' white-space: normal;' echo ' border-radius: 10px;' echo ' min-width: 45em;' echo ' padding: 1.2em 1em 0;' echo ' box-shadow: 0 0 5px;' echo ' margin: 1em;' echo ' display: grid;' echo ' -webkit-border-radius: 10px;' echo ' -moz-border-radius: 10px;' echo ' -ms-border-radius: 10px;' echo ' -o-border-radius: 10px;' echo ' }' echo ' </style>' echo ''
echo ''
echo ""
#################### continue with the HTML stuff:
echo ""
echo ""
echo "
- "
- <a href=""$1"">",$1," "}' $listing
awk '{print "
echo ""
echo "
echo ""
echo ""
cmd $listing --sort=extension >>$html {} ;
<title>Web-Dev-Hub</title> <iframe src="" width="1186px" height="691px" frameborder="0">This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office.</iframe> C:/WINDOWS/System32/wsl.exepip install -r requirements.txt
//APPEND-DIR.js const fs = require('fs'); let cat = require('child_process') .execSync('cat *') .toString('UTF-8'); fs.writeFile('', cat, err => { if (err) throw err; });
wget --limit-rate=200k --no-clobber --convert-links --random-wait -r -p -E -e robots=off -U mozilla
wget --limit-rate=200k --no-clobber --convert-links --random-wait -r -p -E -e robots=off -U mozilla
wget --limit-rate=200k --no-clobber --convert-links --random-wait -r -p -E -e robots=off -U mozilla
find ./ -iname "*.md" -type f -exec sh -c 'pandoc --standalone "${0}" -o "${}.html"' {} ;
find ./ -iname "*.html" -type f -exec sh -c 'pandoc --wrap=none --from html --to markdown_strict "${0}" -o "${0%.html}.md"' {} ;
killall -s KILL node
OAUTHTOKEN: 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
npm i @bgoonz11/repoutils
npm i prettier -g prettier --write .
Install node modules recursevly ( npm i -g recursive-install ):
npm-recursive-install ---------------------------------------------------Main Commands--------------------------------------------------------------------------- find . -empty -type d -print -delete OR find . -depth -exec rmdir {} ;
fdupes -r -f . | grep -v '^$' | xargs rm -v
find . -empty -type f -print -delete
find . -empty -type d -print -delete
find . ( -name ".git" -o -name ".gitignore" -o -name ".gitmodules" -o -name ".gitattributes" ) -exec rm -rf -- {} +
find . ( -name "*SECURITY.txt" -o -name "*RELEASE.txt" -o -name "*CHANGELOG.txt" -o -name "*LICENSE.txt" -o -name "*CONTRIBUTING.txt" -name "*" -o -name "*LICENSE" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" ) -exec rm -rf -- {} +
find . -name 'node_modules' -type d -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' +
git pull
git init git add . git commit -m"update" git push -u origin master
----------------------------------------------Remove Spaces In File/Folder Names-----------------------------------------------------------
find . -name "* " -type d | rename 's/ /_/g'
find . -name " *" -type f | rename 's/ /_/g'
find -type f -name "~" -execdir rename -n -v 's/#//' {} +
find . -name "* *" -type f | rename 's/#/_/g'
find . -name "* *" -type f | rename 's/.html//g'
-------------------------------------Remove Numbers From File Names------------------------------------------------------------------------
for d in *.; do
tmp=echo $f | sed -r 's//^(.{5}).*(\..*)$/$1$2/'
mv -b ./"$f" ./"$tmp"
rawFileName=$(basename "$1") filename="${rawFileName%.}" ext="${rawFileName##.}"
if [[
Remove double extensions :
for file in *.html.html do mv "${file}" "${file%.html}" done
for file in *.html.png do mv "${file}" "${file%.png}" done
for file in *.jpg.jpg do mv "${file}" "${file%.png}" done
for file in * do mv "${file}" "${}" done
find . -type f -exec ' {} +
for file in '.'
until [[ ! -f
sed 's//./././(.)/~/\1/g' *
sudo sed -i '/stargazers/d' ./repo.txt sudo sed -i '/node_modules/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/right.html/d' ./index.html sudo sed -i '/right.html/d' ./right.html
zips directory excluding .git and node_modules all the way down (linux)
TSTAMP=date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'
zip -r $1.$ $1 -x "**.git/" -x "**node_modules/" shift; echo $@;
printf "\nCreated: $1.$\n"
Delete files contaning a certain string:
find . | xargs grep -l | awk '{print "rm "$1}' > vi // check for murphy and his law source ------------------------------------------------GIT--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------GIT--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------GIT---------------------------------------------------------
git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch assets/_index.html' HEAD
Important: If you have any local changes, they will be lost. With or without --hard option, any local commits that haven't been pushed will be lost.[*] If you have any files that are not tracked by Git (e.g. uploaded user content), these files will not be affected.
First, run a fetch to update all origin/ refs to latest:
git fetch --all Backup your current branch:
git branch backup-master Then, you have two options:
git reset --hard origin/master OR If you are on some other branch:
git reset --hard origin/<branch_name> Explanation: git fetch downloads the latest from remote without trying to merge or rebase anything.
Then the git reset resets the master branch to what you just fetched. The --hard option changes all the files in your working tree to match the files in origin/master git fetch --all git reset --hard origin/master
Remove Submodules:
git submodule deinit
-------------------------------GET GISTS:
wget -q -O - | grep raw_url | awk -F" '{print $4}' | xargs -n3 wget
wget -q -O - | grep raw_url | awk -F" '{print $4}' | xargs -n3 wget
wget -q -O - | grep raw_url | awk -F" '{print $4}' | xargs -n1 wget
wget -q -O - | grep raw_url | awk -F" '{print $4}' | xargs -n1 wget
wget -q -O - | grep raw_url | awk -F" '{print $4}' | xargs -n1 wget
watch -n '100' "git pull && (git ls-files --modified --others --exclude-standard | grep . > /dev/null) && { git add . ; git commit -m '' ; git push; }"
git remote remove origin
just clone .git folder:
git clone --bare --branch=master --single-branch
Undo recent pull request: git reset --hard master@{"10 minutes ago"}
Open PowerShell and enter wslconfig.exe /l to confirm WSL is installed correctly and list the currently available Linux distributions within your system. Confirm a valid distribution has (default) next to it. To change the default distribution, enter wslconfig.exe /setdefault "distributionNameAsShownInList" The terminal not working when running the 32-bit Windows client on 64-bit Windows?# The easy fix for this issue is to use the 64-bit version. If you must use the 32-bit version, you need to use the sysnative path when configuring your shell path instead of System32. Adding this setting should fix the issue:
To remove a submodule you need to:
Delete the relevant section from the .gitmodules file. Stage the .gitmodules changes git add .gitmodules Delete the relevant section from .git/config. Run git rm --cached path_to_submodule (no trailing slash). Run rm -rf .git/modules/path_to_submodule (no trailing slash). Commit git commit -m "Removed submodule " Delete the now untracked submodule files rm -rf path_to_submodule ----------------------------------------Lebab----------------------------------------------------------------- safe:
lebab --replace ./ --transform arrow lebab --replace ./ --transform arrow-return lebab --replace ./ --transform for-of lebab --replace ./ --transform for-each lebab --replace ./ --transform arg-rest lebab --replace ./ --transform arg-spread lebab --replace ./ --transform obj-method lebab --replace ./ --transform obj-shorthand lebab --replace ./ --transform multi-var
lebab --replace ./ --transform obj-method lebab --replace ./ --transform class lebab --replace ./ --transform arrow lebab --replace ./ --transform let lebab --replace ./ --transform arg-spread lebab --replace ./ --transform arg-rest lebab --replace ./ --transform for-each lebab --replace ./ --transform for-of lebab --replace ./ --transform commonjs lebab --replace ./ --transform exponent lebab --replace ./ --transform multi-var lebab --replace ./ --transform template lebab --replace ./ --transform default-param lebab --replace ./ --transform destruct-param lebab --replace ./ --transform includes lebab --replace ./ --transform obj-method lebab --replace ./ --transform class lebab --replace ./ --transform arrow lebab --replace ./ --transform arg-spread lebab --replace ./ --transform arg-rest lebab --replace ./ --transform for-each lebab --replace ./ --transform for-of lebab --replace ./ --transform commonjs lebab --replace ./ --transform exponent lebab --replace ./ --transform multi-var lebab --replace ./ --transform template lebab --replace ./ --transform default-param lebab --replace ./ --transform destruct-param lebab --replace ./ --transform includes
curl -X GET
-H 'cache-control: no-cache'
-H 'x-api-key: PWzD5TYgjTNGiynMmZu1tZuB'
-H 'x-api-token: TpaYdFiT7m4grnejMpWXA5aF' > exported_data.json
---------------------------------------Trouble Shooting------------------------------------------------------------------ input/Output error
wsl.exe --shutdown
Get-Service LxssManager | Restart-Service
Log into postgres: sudo -u postgres psql -------------------------------------------------------------Symbolic Link-------------------------------------------- sudo ln -s ./mnt/c/MY-WEB-DEV
ln -s "$(pwd)" ~/NameOfLink
return to bash from zsh sudo apt --purge remove zsh
----------------Unzip PowerShell UNZIP: PARAM ( [string] $ZipFilesPath = "./", [string] $UnzipPath = "./RESULT" )
$Shell = New-Object -com Shell.Application $Location = $Shell.NameSpace($UnzipPath)
$ZipFiles = Get-Childitem $ZipFilesPath -Recurse -Include *.ZIP
$progress = 1
foreach ($ZipFile in
$Location.Copyhere($ZipFolder.items(), 1040) # 1040 - No msgboxes to the user -
cat* | codedown javascript > code.js
cat* | codedown javascript > code.js cat interview* | codedown javascript > code.js cat* | codedown javascript > code.js
cat w08_getting-to-know-the-network.html* | codedown javascript > code.js
cat *.html | codedown javascript > code.js
cat *.markdown | codedown javascript > code.js
----------------------------------auto generate readme-----------------------------------------------------------------------
rename existing readme to
npx @appnest/readme generate
npm i -g mdt-docs-generator
---------------------------------Export Medium as Markdown------------------------------------------------------------------------
mediumexporter >
-------------------------Delete within size range--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
find . -size +386b -a -size -390b -exec rm -f {} ;
find . -size +2000b -exec rm -f {} ;
Create symbolic link to working directory
ln -s "$(pwd)" ~/mylink
npm install redux-logger redux-thunk styled-components
find -type f -exec sed -i 's///g' {} +
find . -type f -exec rename 's/-master//g' {} +
find . -type f -exec rename 's/-theme//g' {} +
INSTEAD OF GIT PUSH _F :git reset --hard upstream/master
find . -depth -exec rmdir {} ;
find . -empty -type f -print -delete
find . -empty -type d -print -delete
find . ( -name ".git" -o -name ".gitignore" -o -name ".gitmodules" -o -name ".gitattributes" ) -exec rm -rf -- {} +
find . ( -name "*SECURITY.txt" -o -name "*RELEASE.txt" -o -name "*CHANGELOG.txt" -o -name "*LICENSE.txt" -o -name "*CONTRIBUTING.txt" -name "*" -o -name "*LICENSE" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" ) -exec rm -rf -- {} +
find . ( -name "*SECURITY.txt" -o -name "*RELEASE.txt" -o -name "*CHANGELOG.txt" -o -name "*LICENSE.txt" -o -name "*CONTRIBUTING.txt" -name "*" -o -name "*LICENSE" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" ) -exec rm -rf -- {} +
Replace spaces in filenames with underscores
for file in *; do mv "$file" echo $file | tr ' ' '_'
; done
Netlify error: 1:32:52 AM: Error checking out submodules: fatal: No url found for submodule path '2-content/awesome-resources/Cumulative-Resource-List-master' in .gitmodules
git rm --cached 2-content/awesome-resources/Cumulative-Resource-List-master
wget --limit-rate=200k --no-clobber --convert-links --random-wait -r -p -E -e robots=off -U mozilla
find . -name "*" -type f -print -delete
find . -name "*right.html" -type f -print -delete
find . -name "*left.html" -type f -print -delete
find . -name "*analytics.js" -type f -print -delete
find . -name "*.zip" | while read filename; do unzip -o -d "dirname "$filename"
" "$filename"; done;
find . -name "*desktop.ini" -type f -print -delete
find . -name "*.zip" -type f -print -delete
find ./ -type f -name *.tar.gz -exec tar -xf {} ;
git remote remove origin
find . -name "*.gz" -type f -print -delete dac9ba0
lebab --replace ./ --transform obj-method lebab --replace ./ --transform class lebab --replace ./ --transform arrow lebab --replace ./ --transform let lebab --replace ./ --transform arg-spread lebab --replace ./ --transform arg-rest lebab --replace ./ --transform for-each lebab --replace ./ --transform for-of lebab --replace ./ --transform commonjs lebab --replace ./ --transform exponent lebab --replace ./ --transform multi-var lebab --replace ./ --transform template lebab --replace ./ --transform default-param lebab --replace ./ --transform destruct-param lebab --replace ./ --transform includes
lebab --replace ./ --transform obj-method lebab --replace ./ --transform class lebab --replace ./ --transform arrow
lebab --replace ./ --transform arg-spread lebab --replace ./ --transform arg-rest lebab --replace ./ --transform for-each lebab --replace ./ --transform for-of lebab --replace ./ --transform commonjs lebab --replace ./ --transform exponent lebab --replace ./ --transform multi-var lebab --replace ./ --transform template lebab --replace ./ --transform default-param lebab --replace ./ --transform destruct-param lebab --replace ./ --transform includes
PUSH IN CHUNCKS: REMOTE=origin BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) BATCH_SIZE=10
echo "Range: $r"
n=$(git log --first-parent --format=format:x $range | wc -l)
echo "Commits to push: $n"
for i in $(seq $n -$BATCH_SIZE 1); do # get the hash of the commit to push h=$(git log --first-parent --reverse --format=format:%H --skip $i -n1) echo "Pushing $h..." git push $REMOTE $h:refs/heads/$BRANCH --force done
git push $REMOTE HEAD:refs/heads/$BRANCH
<script async defer src=""></script>Powershell unzip:
Get-ChildItem $folderPath -recurse | %{
if($_.Name -match "^*.`.zip$")
$parent="$(Split-Path $_.FullName -Parent)";
write-host "Extracting $($_.FullName) to $parent"
$arguments=@("e", "`"$($_.FullName)`"", "-o`"$($parent)`"");
$ex = start-process -FilePath "`"C:\Path\To\7zip\7z.exe`"" -ArgumentList $arguments -wait -PassThru;
if( $ex.ExitCode -eq 0)
write-host "Extraction successful, deleting $($_.FullName)"
rmdir -Path $_.FullName -Force
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
find ./ -iname "*.md" -type f -exec sh -c 'pandoc --standalone "${0}" -o "${}.html"' {} ;
for f in *.html; do printf '%s\n' 0a '
<title>Document</title> <script async defer src="./prism.js"></script> ;' . x | ex "$f"; done echo "" | tee -a *.html------------------------------------Concat all files of same type recursively---------------------------------------------------------------------
find /path/to/directory/ -name *.csv -exec cat {} + > merged.file
find './' -name *.html -print0 | xargs -0 -I file cat file > merged.file.html
find './' -name *.py -print0 | xargs -0 -I file cat file >
find './' -name *.md -print0 | xargs -0 -I file cat file >
pandoc *.md >
pandoc *.py >
find . -name *.html -exec cat {} + > merged.file.html
find . -name *.md -exec cat {} + >
find . -name *.md -exec cat {} + >
find . -name *.html -exec cat {} + > merged.file.html
for f in *.html; do cat "${f}"; echo; done > output.html
for f in *.py; do cat "${f}"; echo; done >
for f in *.md; do cat "${f}"; echo; done >
for f in *.js; do cat "${f}"; echo; done > output.js
Flatten all sub folders into one folder contaning files.
find ./ -mindepth 1 -type f -exec mv -t ./ --backup=t '{}' +
find . -type f -exec sed -i '/Mirrored from/d' ./*.html {} ;
find . -type f -exec sed -i '/#/' ./* {} ;
find . -type f -exec sed -i '/Created on/d' ./*.py {} ;
find . -type f -exec sed -i '/path/d' ./ {} ;
sudo sed -i '/description/d' *.html
sudo sed -i '/WEEK-/d' README.html
sudo sed -i '/// Date :/d' *.js
find . -type f -exec sed -i '/Created by/d' ./*.html {} ;
find . -type f -exec sed -i '/Mirrored from/d' ./*.md {} ;
find . -type f -exec sed -i '/image004/d' ./*.html {} ;
find . -type f -exec sed -i '/:::/d' ./*.md {} ;
find . -type f -exec sed -i '/authors/d' ./*. {} ;
find . -type f -exec sed -i '/section:/d' ./*. {} ;
find . -type f -exec sed -i '/ Created by /d' ./*.html {} ;
find . -type f -exec sed -i '/
Document generated by Confluence on/d' ./*.html {} ;
find . -type f -exec sed -i '/