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Created March 13, 2021 03:41
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// 1. Creating Arrays
let firstArray = [ "a", "b", "c" ];
let secondArray = [ "d", "e", "f" ];
// 2. Access an Array Item
console.log( firstArray[ 0 ] ); // Results: "a"
// 3. Loop over an Array
firstArray.forEach( (item, index, array) => {
console.log( item, index );
} );
// Results:
// a 0
// b 1
// c 2
// 4. Add new item to END of array
secondArray.push( 'g' );
console.log( secondArray );
// Results: ["d","e","f", "g"]
// 5. Remove item from END of array
console.log( secondArray );
// Results: ["d","e","f"]
// 6. Remove item from FRONT of array
console.log( secondArray );
// Results: ["e","f"]
// 7. Add item to FRONT of array
secondArray.unshift( "d" );
console.log( secondArray );
// Results: ["d","e","f"]
// 8. Find INDEX of an item in array
let position = secondArray.indexOf( 'f' );
// Results: 2
// 9. Remove Item by Index Position
secondArray.splice( position, 1 );
console.log( secondArray );
// Note, the second argument, in this case "1",
// represent the number of array elements to be removed
// Results: ["d","e"]
// 10. Copy an Array
let shallowCopy = secondArray.slice();
console.log( secondArray );
console.log( shallowCopy );
// Results: ShallowCopy === ["d","e"]
// 11. JavaScript properties that BEGIN with a digit MUST be accessed using bracket notation
renderer ['.3d'].setTexture( model, 'character.png' ); // a syntax error
renderer[ '3d' ].setTexture( model, 'character.png' ); // works properly
// 12. Combine two Arrays
let thirdArray = firstArray.concat( secondArray );
console.log( thirdArray );
// ["a","b","c", "d", "e"];
// 13. Combine all Array elements into a string
console.log( thirdArray.join() ); // Results: a,b,c,d,e
console.log( thirdArray.join( '' ) ); // Results: abcde
console.log( thirdArray.join( '-' ) ); // Results: a-b-c-d-e
// 14. Reversing an Array (in place, i.e. destructive)
console.log( thirdArray.reverse() ); // ["e", "d", "c", "b", "a"]
// 15. sort
let unsortedArray = [ "Alphabet", "Zoo", "Products", "Computer Science", "Computer" ];
console.log( unsortedArray.sort() );
// Results: ["Alphabet", "Computer", "Computer Science", "Products", "Zoo" ]
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