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Created February 17, 2021 23:00
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// 1. Selectors
// Selectors in jQuery are used to select an element
var page = $(window); // Selects the whole viewport
// Selectors can also be CSS selector
var paragraph = $('p'); // Selects all paragraph elements
var table1 = $('#table1'); // Selects element with id 'table1'
var squares = $('.square'); // Selects all elements with the class 'square'
var square_p = $('p.square') // Selects paragraphs with the 'square' class
// 2. Events and Effects
// jQuery is very good at handling what happens when an event is triggered
// A very common event used is the ready event on the document
// You can use the 'ready' method to wait until the element has finished loading
// Code won't execute until the document is loaded
// You can also use defined functions
function onAction() {
// This is executed when the event is triggered
$('#btn').click(onAction); // Invokes onAction on click
// Some other common events are:
$('#btn').dblclick(onAction); // Double click
$('#btn').hover(onAction); // Hovering over
$('#btn').focus(onAction); // On focus
$('#btn').blur(onAction); // Losses focus
$('#btn').submit(onAction); // On submit
$('#btn').select(onAction); // When an element is selected
$('#btn').keydown(onAction); // When a key is pushed down
$('#btn').keyup(onAction); // When a key is released
$('#btn').keypress(onAction); // When a key is pressed
$('#btn').mousemove(onAction); // When the mouse is moved
$('#btn').mouseenter(onAction); // Mouse enters the element
$('#btn').mouseleave(onAction); // Mouse leaves the element
// These can all also trigger the event instead of handling it
// by simply not giving any parameters
$('#btn').dblclick(); // Fires double click on the element
// You can handle multiple events while only using the selector once
{dblclick: myFunction1} // Triggered on double click
{blur: myFunction1} // Triggered on blur
// You can move and hide elements with some effect methods
$('.table').hide(); // Hides the element(s)
// Note: calling a function in these methods will still hide the element
// Element hidden then function executed
// You can store selectors in variables
var tables = $('.table');
// Some basic document manipulation methods are:
tables.hide(); // Hides element(s); // Shows (un-hides) element(s)
tables.toggle(); // Changes the hide/show state
tables.fadeOut(); // Fades out
tables.fadeIn(); // Fades in
tables.fadeToggle(); // Fades in or out
tables.fadeTo(0.5); // Fades to an opacity (between 0 and 1)
tables.slideUp(); // Slides up
tables.slideDown(); // Slides down
tables.slideToggle(); // Slides up or down
// All of the above take a speed (milliseconds) and callback function
tables.hide(1000, myFunction); // 1 second hide animation then function
// fadeTo has a required opacity as its second parameter
tables.fadeTo(2000, 0.1, myFunction); // 2 sec. fade to 0.1 opacity then function
// You can get slightly more advanced with the animate method
tables.animate({margin-top:"+=50", height: "100px"}, 500, myFunction);
// The animate method takes an object of css and values to end with,
// optional options parameter to tune the animation,
// and of course the callback function
// 3. Manipulation
// These are similar to effects but can do more
$('div').addClass('taming-slim-20'); // Adds class taming-slim-20 to all div
// Common manipulation methods
$('p').append('Hello world'); // Adds to end of element
$('p').attr('class'); // Gets attribute
$('p').attr('class', 'content'); // Sets attribute
$('p').hasClass('taming-slim-20'); // Returns true if it has the class
$('p').height(); // Gets height of element or sets height
// For many manipulation methods, getting info on an element
// will ONLY get the first matching element
$('p').height(); // Gets only the first 'p' tag's height
// You can use each to loop through all the elements
var heights = [];
$('p').each(function() {
heights.push($(this).height()); // Adds all 'p' tag heights to array
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