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Last active January 14, 2020 22:29
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Data Tech Blog Club FAQ

Data Tech Blog Club FAQ

What is Data Tech Blog Club?

Blog Club is a weekly meeting where we discuss an article or short paper on a topic at least vaguely adjacent to our work.

Can I Come to Blog Club?

Yes! The more the merrier! You don't have to be in the Data Tech org. Meetings are Monday at 11:30a Eastern in A-511. Hit up @brad to get an invite.

Do I Have to Read the Article?

Well, no, but you'll get more out of it if you do. The articles we pick usually don't require more than fifteen minutes or so to read. You can do it! But, if you totally spaced and it's five minutes before the meeting and what was the article worries, come anyway. Someone will give a summary and we always end up having an interesting discussion.

How are the Articles Chosen?

We have an Emcee (aliased to go/datatechblogclub) that we use to submit and vote on articles ("Ask a Question" to submit an article). We just take the article at the top of the queue every week. The article will be listed in the meeting invite as well as in the topic of the #data-tech-blog-club Slack channel.

How do I Submit an Article Again?

Go to the Blog Club Emcee (aliased to go/datatechblogclub), click on "Ask a Question", and paste in the title of the article, its link, and ideally a short summary (often the first paragraph works) to make it easier for people to vote on them.

I Saw an Interesting Article, but I'm Not Sure It's Relevant to Data Tech. Should I Submit It?

Yes! We're not sticklers. If people are interested in it, they'll vote it up. And chances are if you found it interesting, someone else will too.

Who Facilitates the Discussions?

Usually the person who submitted the article gets the honor of facilitating, but if you don't want to, just ask in #data-tech-blog-club for a volunteer. Similarly, if you really want to facilitate the discussion for an article you didn't submit, just ask the person who submitted it if you can. Facilitating is a great way to work on your Communication competency. ;)

What Do I Have to Do as a Facilitator?

Summarize the article as best you can, and ideally have a few discussion prompts in your pocket. We usually have enough opinionated people that discussion flows naturally.

What If I Have Another Question?

Ask in #data-tech-blog-club!

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