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Created October 31, 2016 15:52
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(ns clue.core
(:require [clj-http.client :as http]
[clojure.spec :as s]))
(def client-key (System/getProperty "HUE_CLIENT_KEY"))
(def hue-api (System/getProperty "HUE_SERVER_ADDRESS"))
(def base-url (str "http://" hue-api "/api/" client-key))
(s/def :light/name (s/nilable string?))
(s/def :light/swconfigid string?)
(s/def :light/type #{"Extended color light"})
(s/def :light/swversion string?)
(s/def :light/modelid #(re-matches #"LCT\d\d\d" %))
(s/def :light/manufacturername #{"Philips"})
(s/def :light/id pos-int?)
(s/def :light/productid string?)
(s/def :light/uniqueid string?)
(s/def :state/hue (s/and int? #(>= 0) #(< % 65536)))
(s/def :state/reachable boolean?)
(s/def :state/xy (s/tuple double? double?))
(s/def :state/sat (s/and int? #(>= 0) #(< % 256)))
(s/def :state/alert #{"none" "select" "lselect"})
(s/def :state/colormode #{"hs" "xy" "ct"})
(s/def :state/on boolean?)
(s/def :state/effect #{"none" "colorloop"})
(s/def :state/bri (s/and int? #(>= 0) #(< % 256)))
(s/def :state/ct (s/and int? #(> % 152) #(< % 501)))
(s/def :light/state
:opt-un [:state/hue
;(s/def :light/transition)
(s/def ::light
:req-un [:light/name
:opt-un [:light/swconfigid
(defn all-lights []
(let [resp (-> (str base-url "/lights")
(http/get {:as :auto})
(->> resp
(mapv (fn [[id light]]
(assoc light :id (Long/valueOf (name id))))))))
;(s/fdef lights
; :ret (s/coll-of ::light))
(defn light-named [ls light-name]
(->> ls
(filter #(= light-name (:name %)))
(s/fdef light-named
:args (s/cat :ls (s/coll-of ::light) :light-name (s/nilable string?))
:ret (s/nilable ::light))
(defn lights-named [names ls]
(let [nameset (set names)]
(filterv #(nameset (:name %)) ls)))
(defn rename [light light-name]
(-> (str base-url "/lights/" (:id light))
(http/post {:form-params {:name light-name :content-type :json :as :json}})
(defn transition
([light state]
(transition light state 4))
([light state transitiontime]
(-> (str base-url "/lights/" (:id light) "/state")
(http/put {:form-params (assoc state :transitiontime transitiontime)
:content-type :json
:as :json})
(defn transition-all [state lights]
(map #(transition % state) lights))
(defn reload-light [light]
(-> (str base-url "/lights/" (:id light))
(http/get {:as :json})
(assoc :id (:id light))))
(s/fdef transition
:args (s/cat :light ::light :state :light/state))
(defn hsb->hue-hsb [hue sat bri]
{:hue (-> hue (/ 360) (float) (* 65535) (long))
:sat (-> sat (/ 100) (float) (* 255) (long))
:bri (-> bri (/ 100) (float) (* 255) (long))})
(def orange
(hsb->hue-hsb 32 85 18))
(def burnt-orange
(hsb->hue-hsb 17 86 23))
(def blood-red
(hsb->hue-hsb 0 89 32))
(def burgundy
(hsb->hue-hsb 338 87 30))
(def brown
(hsb->hue-hsb 31 90 16))
(def grey-pink
(hsb->hue-hsb 41 32 20))
(def bright-white
(hsb->hue-hsb 0 0 100))
(def cycle-colors
{:blood-red blood-red
:brown brown
:burgundy burgundy
:burnt-orange burnt-orange
:grey-pink grey-pink
:orange orange}))
(defn everything-off []
(->> (all-lights)
(transition-all {:on false})))
(defn everything-on []
(->> (all-lights)
(transition-all {:on true})))
(def cycling?
(atom true))
(defn rand-color []
(-> @cycle-colors (vals) (vec) (rand-nth)))
(def sleep-time
(atom 800))
(def lights
(atom ["Living Room 1" "Living Room 2" "Nook 1" "Nook 2"]))
(def cycler (atom nil))
(defn color-cycle []
(reset! cycling? true)
(loop [idx 0]
(if-not @cycling?
(println "stopped cycling; exiting loop")
(let [the-lights (->> (all-lights))
;(lights-named @lights))
light (get the-lights idx)
color (rand-color)
sleep-time @sleep-time]
(println "setting" (:name light) "to" color ", then sleeping" sleep-time)
(transition light color 10)
(Thread/sleep sleep-time)
(recur (-> idx (+ 1) (mod (count the-lights)))))))))
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