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Week 11 Learning Objectives


  • Explain the history of ECMAScript and JavaScript.
  • List features of JavaScript added with ES6.
  • Write and read JavaScript code that uses new ES6 features:
    • Explain block scope and when to use var, let, and const.
    • Interpolate strings with template literals.
  • Write shorter function declarations with arrow functions.

Week 11 Learning Objectives

Debugging and Publify

  • Navigate a large, mature project.
  • Submit pull requests to contribute code changes to projects you do not own.

ES6 and React

Week 5 Learning Objectives

###Angular Client-side Routing

  • Compare and contrast client-side and server-side routing.
  • Add a module to an Angular project.
  • Implement client-side routing with the ngRoute module.
  • Display view template files with the ng-view directive.

Week 3 Learning Objectives


  • Draw a diagram of the request-response cycle with Node.js and Express included and labeled
  • Describe the roles that Node.js and Express play in building a server
  • Use npm to initialize a Node.js project
  • Write a local web server to serve JSON and static assets with Express

###Express Routes & Parameters

Week 2 Learning Objectives

Iterator Methods & Callbacks

  • Use appropriate iterator methods to declaratively loop through collections
  • Follow the order of execution in a program that uses callbacks
  • Write a higher-order function that calls a custom callback


bgveenstra /
Created November 3, 2016 16:35
Week 1 Learning Objectives

Week 1 Learning Objectives

###The Internet

  • Explain at a high level how the Internet transmits data.
  • Distinguish between the Internet and the World Wide Web.
  • Understand why HTML CSS and JavaScript work together so well.
  • Articulate what an API is.


bgveenstra /
Created October 4, 2016 06:39 — forked from eerwitt/
Simple Authentication in Rail 4 Using Bcrypt

#Simple Authentication with Bcrypt

This tutorial is for adding authentication to a vanilla Ruby on Rails app using Bcrypt and has_secure_password.

The steps below are based on Ryan Bates's approach from Railscast #250 Authentication from Scratch (revised).

You can see the final source code here: repo. I began with a stock rails app using rails new gif_vault


Week 4B Learning Objectives

Big O

  • Articulate a set of steps to determine Big O complexity.
  • List the Big O complexities of some commonly-used patterns and algorithms.
  • Estimate the time or space efficiency of an algorithm using Big O notation.

Binary Search

Classroom Culture

WDI Day 1 - Reflection Scenarios

  1. You're sitting with your classmates in the common area, working on homework. You're stuck on the very first step, and you really want to figure it out yourself. Everyone else seems to be getting it, though, and there's still more to do.

  2. It was difficult to stay focused this morning. A personal problem is on your mind. Plus, one of your classmates came in late and asked you to tell them the workshop instructions. Then, two people at your table were talking to each other while the instructor tried to explain something to the whole group.

  3. Someone in the GA community used language or imagery that you think is inappropriate, insensitive, or even offensive. You're not sure whether GA staff knows it happened, or if the person who brought it up even realizes it was an issue.

  4. You are working on a group project, and your team can't seem to agree on what's important. Morale is suffering, and you feel like the team isn't making enough progress.

#Simple Authentication with Bcrypt

This tutorial is for adding authentication to a vanilla Ruby on Rails app using Bcrypt and has_secure_password.

The steps below are based on Ryan Bates's approach from Railscast #250 Authentication from Scratch (revised).

You can see the final source code here: repo. I began with a stock rails app using rails new gif_vault
