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Last active March 2, 2017 00:07
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Week 11 Learning Objectives

Debugging and Publify

  • Navigate a large, mature project.
  • Submit pull requests to contribute code changes to projects you do not own.

ES6 and React

  • Explain the meaning of const, let, and arrow function (=>) in ES6
  • Build a basic React component

MEN/MEAN stack review

  • Explain the role of each technology within the MEN/MEAN stack.
  • Give detailed account of the purpose of the different files and folders that make up a MEN/MEAN app.
  • Explain basic Angular setup and write examples of important built-in directives.
  • Identify key Angular concepts: directives, controllers, templates, services, client-side routing.

Take-Home Coding Challenges

  • Communicate with potential employers using appropriate technical terms.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of software construction patterns and best practices.
  • Consider design and implementation alternatives, and make decisions based on relevant characteristics of the problem and available tools.
  • Demonstrate awareness of (1) real-world technical development practices and (2) concerns related to the target company, including testing and security.

Local Auth with Express

  • Explain key steps of a framework-independent local authentication strategy.
  • Authenticate users in Express.
  • Restrict access to data based on whether a user is authenticated.
  • Describe alternate authentication or authorization strategies.
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