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Resolve Merge Conflicts On GitHub

1. Start on the pull request "conversation" tab.

pull request conversation tab

2. Scroll down to the message that says "This branch has conflicts that must be resolved" or "Cannot automatically merge".

Week 12 Learning Objectives

Interview Prep - Strategies

  • Follow a planned series of steps when answering in-person technical interview questions.
  • Explain technical thinking to another person while coding or whiteboarding.
  • Follow a planned series of steps when working on take-home technical challenges.
  • Identify interviewing areas of strength and areas to focus on and improve.

Interview Prep - Topics

WDI 34 Learning Objectives

Developers will be able to...

Week 1

###Command Line

  • Navigate the file system from the command line.
  • Create, move, copy, and delete files or directories from the command line.

Week 11 Learning Objectives


  • Explain the history of ECMAScript and JavaScript.
  • List features of JavaScript added with ES6.
  • Write and read JavaScript code that uses new ES6 features:
    • Explain block scope and when to use var, let, and const.
    • Interpolate strings with template literals.
  • Write shorter function declarations with arrow functions.

Week 11 Learning Objectives

Debugging and Publify

  • Navigate a large, mature project.
  • Submit pull requests to contribute code changes to projects you do not own.

ES6 and React

Week 10 Learning Objectives

Breadth First Search

  • Describe and draw breadth-first tree traversal.
  • Pseudocode breadth-first search.
  • Identify use cases for breadth-first search.

Depth First Search

  • Describe and draw depth-first tree traversal.

Week 9 Learning Objectives

Linked Lists

  • Describe the low-level structure of arrays and linked lists.
  • Manipulate linked lists.


  • Describe a stack by its methods and last in, first out (LIFO) behavior.
  • Build stack methods using linked list methods.

Week 8 Learning Objectives

Asset Pipeline

  • Explain benefits of using the Rails asset pipeline.
  • Require custom and third-party assets in Rails.

Rspec with Rails

  • Identify aspects of Rails apps that we might want to test.

Week 7 Learning Objectives

###Active Record

  • Create a model that inherits from ActiveRecord class
  • CRUD data in the database using our model
  • Write a migration to define a database schema
  • Update our database schema with another migration

###Rails Views

  • Describe how layouts, view templates, and partial templates work together.

Week 6 Learning Objectives

Ruby Intro

  • List Ruby data types.
  • Articulate strategies to learn new programming languages and frameworks.
  • Run Ruby code in an interactive Command Line Interface or from a file.

Ruby Methods

  • Write conditionals, loops, and methods in Ruby.
  • Apply methods in ruby to solve problems.