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Last active September 1, 2018 15:52
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Wripte up for BITBITBIT - MeePwnCTF Quals 2018

The source code of the server code was given.
It just generates an RSA key and sends us some information:

    N, delta, gamma = gen_key()

    m = int(FLAG.encode('hex'), 16)
    c = powmod(m, 0x10001, N)

    print introduction
    print 'N = {}'.format(N)
    print 'delta = {}'.format(delta)
    print 'gamma = {}'.format(gamma)
    print 'ciphertext = {}'.format(c)

Here is the function gen_key:

def gen_key():
    t1 = randint(768, 928)
    t2 = 1024 - t1

    if t1 > t2:
        t1, t2 = t2, t1
    assert t1 < t2

    p2 = pad(getrandbits(1024 - t2) << t2, 1024)
    p0 = pad(getrandbits(t1), t1)

    q2 = pad(getrandbits(1024 - t2) << t2, 1024)
    q0 = pad(getrandbits(t1), t1)

    r = pad(getrandbits(t2 - t1) << t1, t2)

    p = next_prime((p2 ^ r ^ p0))
    q = next_prime((q2 ^ r ^ q0))

    N = p * q

    return N, t2 - t1, p0 - q0 

So, we are given N and (p0-q0). Knowing p and q share the same middle bits r,
we can deduce this relation:

Equations 1


gamma is different from (p-q) mod 2**t2 because of the calls to next_prime.
We need to brute force a small offset.
Here I chose the offset to have a maximum of 1000.

Next, we use this identity to get a square modulo power of two:

Equations 2

You can read about the problem of "square root modulo power of two" in section 2.3 of this document: LSBSRSA.pdf

I found a C++ implement for the more general problem "square root modulo N": Square-Root-Modulo-N

Then, I translated the part where it does power of two to python: power_of_two

def sqrt_mod_power_of_two(a, k):
    if a % min(2**k, 8) == 1:
        if k == 1:
            return [1]
        elif k == 2:
            return [1, 3]
        elif k == 3:
            return [1, 3, 5, 7]
            # Small optimization for the case of a == 1.
            if a == 1:
                return [1, 2**(k-1) - 1, 2**(k-1) + 1, 2**k - 1]
                roots = []
                for x in sqrt_mod_power_of_two(a, k-1):
                    i = 1 if ((x*x - a) >> (k - 1)) % 2 == 1 else 0
                    r = x + i*(1 << (k - 2))
                    roots.append(2**k - r)
                return list(set(roots))
    return []

The quantity N+((p+q)/2)**2 is not always congruent to 1 modulo 8.
But we are sure to get a nice problem in less than 10 tries.

Now, after solving the "square root modulo power of 2" problem, we have (p+q)/2 and (p-q)/2 mod 2**t2.
We take the sum and get the value of p mod 2**t2.
We are left with only t1 bits missing from p.
Knowing that t2 is at least 768 and t1 is at most 1024-768=256,
we can simply use Coppersmith's method (the function small_roots in SageMath):

def solve_problem(N, delta, gamma):
    t2 = (delta + 1024)/2
    t1 = 1024-t2
    tt2 = 2**t2
    F.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(N), implementation='NTL')

    for i in xrange(-512, 512):
        diff = gamma//2 + i
        d = (N+diff**2)%tt2
        for r in sqrt_mod_power_of_two(d, t2):
            p0 = r + diff

            # Coppersmith
            pol = x*tt2 + p0
            for root in pol.monic().small_roots(X=2**t1, beta=0.5):
                p = int(root)*tt2 + p0
                q = N // p
                if p<N and q<N and p*q == N:
                    return p, q
    return 0, 0

When the problem fits the criteria for solving the "square root modulo power of two" part,
we get p and q in less than a minute.
The flag for this task was:

#!/usr/bin/env python2
from flag import FLAG
from gmpy2 import next_prime, powmod
from random import randint, getrandbits
from hashlib import sha512, sha256
from os import urandom
introduction = """
.--. .-------------------------------.
| _| | |
| O O < Hey man, wanna mid some bit ? |
| | | | |
|| | / `-------------------------------'
Whoever says live is simple, is the one never actually live. :))
def pad(num, length):
result = bin(num).lstrip('0b').strip('L')
result = result + '0' * (length - len(result))
return int(result, 2)
def xor(a, b):
return ''.join(chr(ord(i) ^ ord(j)) for i, j in zip(a, b))
def gen_key():
t1 = randint(768, 928)
t2 = 1024 - t1
if t1 > t2:
t1, t2 = t2, t1
assert t1 < t2
p2 = pad(getrandbits(1024 - t2) << t2, 1024)
p0 = pad(getrandbits(t1), t1)
q2 = pad(getrandbits(1024 - t2) << t2, 1024)
q0 = pad(getrandbits(t1), t1)
r = pad(getrandbits(t2 - t1) << t1, t2)
p = next_prime((p2 ^ r ^ p0))
q = next_prime((q2 ^ r ^ q0))
N = p * q
return N, t2 - t1, p0 - q0
def proof_of_shit():
This function has very special purpose
:)) Simply to screw you up
raw = urandom(6)
print 'prefix = {}'.format(raw.encode('hex'))
challenge = raw_input('Challenge: ')
temp = sha256(raw + challenge).hexdigest()
if temp.startswith('25455'):
return True
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert proof_of_shit() == True
N, delta, gamma = gen_key()
m = int(FLAG.encode('hex'), 16)
c = powmod(m, 0x10001, N)
print introduction
print 'N = {}'.format(N)
print 'delta = {}'.format(delta)
print 'gamma = {}'.format(gamma)
print 'ciphertext = {}'.format(c)
except AssertionError:
print "Take your time and think of the inputs."
import sys, time, socket, itertools, string
from hashlib import sha256
def wait4string(s, p1, p2=None, verbose=True):
line = ""
while line.find(p1) == -1 and (p2==None or line.find(p2) == -1):
c = s.recv(1)
return False
line += c
if verbose:
return line
def receive_value(s, prompt, delimiter='\n'):
wait4string(s, prompt)
return wait4string(s, delimiter)[:-len(delimiter)]
def send_value(s, prompt, value):
wait4string(s, prompt)
s.send(value + '\n')
def sqrt_mod_power_of_two(a, k):
if a % min(2**k, 8) == 1:
if k == 1:
return [1]
elif k == 2:
return [1, 3]
elif k == 3:
return [1, 3, 5, 7]
# Small optimization for the case of a == 1.
if a == 1:
return [1, 2**(k-1) - 1, 2**(k-1) + 1, 2**k - 1]
roots = []
for x in sqrt_mod_power_of_two(a, k-1):
i = 1 if ((x*x - a) >> (k - 1)) % 2 == 1 else 0
r = x + i*(1 << (k - 2))
roots.append(2**k - r)
return list(set(roots))
return []
def solve_problem(N, delta, gamma):
t2 = (delta + 1024)/2
t1 = 1024-t2
tt2 = 2**t2
F.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(N), implementation='NTL')
for i in xrange(-512, 512):
diff = gamma//2 + i
d = (N+diff**2)%tt2
for r in sqrt_mod_power_of_two(d, t2):
p0 = r + diff
# Coppersmith
pol = x*tt2 + p0
for root in pol.monic().small_roots(X=2**t1, beta=0.5):
p = int(root)*tt2 + p0
q = N // p
if p<N and q<N and p*q == N:
return p, q
return 0, 0
def proof_of_shit(prefix):
raw = prefix.decode('hex')
for i in itertools.product(string.letters+string.digits, repeat=4):
challenge = ''.join(i)
temp = sha256(raw + challenge).hexdigest()
if temp.startswith('25455'):
return challenge
def get_problem():
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 54321))
prefix = receive_value(s, 'prefix = ')
send_value(s, 'Challenge: ', proof_of_shit(prefix))
N = int(receive_value(s, 'N = '))
delta = int(receive_value(s, 'delta = '))
gamma = int(receive_value(s, 'gamma = '))
ciphertext = int(receive_value(s, 'ciphertext = '))
return N, delta, gamma, ciphertext
sample_problems = [
# N, delta, gamma, ciphertext = sample_problems[0]
N, delta, gamma, ciphertext = get_problem()
p, q = solve_problem(N, delta, gamma)
if p*q == N:
d = int(inverse_mod(0x10001, (p-1)*(q-1)))
m = pow(ciphertext, d, N)
print ('%x'%m).decode('hex')
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