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Created June 11, 2024 13:37
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Multichain Gas Relayer Manual Interactions

Based on the instructions in Near Docs Here:

and related to resolution of the following issue:


  1. Registration / Storage Deposit:
near contract call-function as-transaction v2.nft.kagi.testnet \
  storage_deposit json-args {} \
  prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' \
  attached-deposit '1 NEAR' \
  sign-as neareth-dev.testnet \
  network-config testnet \
  sign-with-keychain send
  1. Mint NFT
near contract call-function as-transaction v2.nft.kagi.testnet \
  mint json-args {} \
  prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' \
  attached-deposit '0 NEAR' \
  sign-as neareth-dev.testnet \
  network-config testnet \
  sign-with-keychain send
  1. Approve the Gas Station for this Token
near contract call-function as-transaction v2.nft.kagi.testnet \
  ckt_approve_call json-args '{"token_id":"32","account_id":"canhazgas.testnet","msg":""}' \
  prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' \
  attached-deposit '1 yoctoNEAR' \
  sign-as neareth-dev.testnet \
  network-config testnet \
  sign-with-keychain send

APPARENTLY (according to their test suite) we are suposed to use ckt_approve_call instead:

  1. Get Paymasters
near contract call-function as-transaction canhazgas.testnet \
  get_paymasters json-args '{"chain_id": "97"}' \
  prepaid-gas '100.000 Tgas' \
  attached-deposit '0 NEAR' \
  sign-as neareth-dev.testnet \
  network-config testnet \
  sign-with-keychain send

Result looks like this: This can be called by anyone (not sure why its not a view method)

    "foreign_address": "0x98c6C99176911AD4E7fc7413eDF09956B2D7F0F8",
    "minimum_available_balance": "99890799999948172000",
    "nonce": 27,
    "token_id": "1"

You may need to manually set the nonce:

near contract call-function as-transaction canhazgas.testnet \
  set_paymaster_nonce json-args '{"chain_id": "97","token_id": "1","nonce": 0}' \
  prepaid-gas '100.000 TeraGas' \
  attached-deposit '0 NEAR'
  1. Create Transaction
near contract call-function as-transaction canhazgas.testnet \
  create_transaction json-args '{"transaction_rlp_hex":"ea6180847735940085174876e800825208947f01d9b227593e033bf8d6fc86e634d27aa8556882045780c0","use_paymaster":true, "token_id": "32"}' \
  prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' \
  attached-deposit '2.9 NEAR' \
  sign-as neareth-dev.testnet \
  network-config testnet \
  sign-with-keychain send
--- Result -------------------------
  "id": "29",
  "pending_signature_count": 2

Sample Tx:

  1. Sign Next

Using the ID from the previous result call the following twice:

near contract call-function as-transaction canhazgas.testnet \
  sign_next json-args '{"id":"29"}' \
  prepaid-gas '300.0 Tgas' \
  attached-deposit '0 NEAR' \
  sign-as neareth-dev.testnet \
  network-config testnet \
  sign-with-keychain send

The second will emit an event with two signed transactions:


They can be decoded here:

and broadcast to the appropriate network here:





# Send the raw transaction using cURL
RESPONSE_A=$(curl -s -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"eth_sendRawTransaction\",\"params\":[\"${TX_A}\"],\"id\":1}" \

echo "Response: ${RESPONSE_A}"

Check the block exporer for the first to be mined and then run for TX_B:

You can also run it yourself as

curl -s -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"eth_sendRawTransaction\",\"params\":[\"${TX_A}\"],\"id\":1}" \
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