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Created August 12, 2015 11:34
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Hides sections of data points in a data table and returns a modified copy
private function setExclusionFilter(table as DataTable) as DataTable
dim unit = cbxSelectUnit.text
dim xAxisName = table.columns(0).columnName
dim yAxisName = table.columns(1).columnName
dim unitExclusionRegions = from row in exclusionRegions
where row.field(Of String)("UnitID") = unit and row.field(Of Boolean)("Active") = true
select axis = row.field(Of Char)("Axis"), low = row.field(Of Double)("Low"), high = row.field(Of Double)("High")
dim query as String = ""
if(unitExclusionRegions.count <> 0)
for i=0 to unitExclusionRegions.count-1
if(unitExclusionRegions(i).axis = "x")
query &= "( `" & xAxisName & "` < " & unitExclusionRegions(i).low & " OR `" & xAxisName & "` > " & unitExclusionRegions(i).high & ")"
elseif(unitExclusionRegions(i).axis = "y")
query &= "( `" & yAxisName & "` < " & unitExclusionRegions(i).low & " OR `" & yAxisName & "` > " & unitExclusionRegions(i).high & ")"
end if
if(i <> unitExclusionRegions.count-1)
query &= " AND "
end if
end if
query = query.Replace(",", ".")
dim result = table.Select(query)
if(result.length() = 0)
return table
end if
dim dataTableResult = result.CopyToDataTable()
return dataTableResult
end function
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